Chapter 668: Shocking

What Zhihan said made Yunhai finally understand why Qi Fei became so crazy.
It is understandable that a person who grew up in a single-parent family can imagine how painful and angry he should be after his only relative was brutally burned.
But he was doomed to despair, no matter the temple or the resistance army, Qi Fei didn't even have the qualifications to be their enemy.
The extreme despair turned into madness.
If the same thing is changed to Yunhai, he doesn't know how he should choose.
The temple, or the resistance army.
In order to take revenge, even at the expense of a civilization.
At that point, Yun Hai wondered if he could make the same choice.
"What about you? What story do you have?"
Putting Qi Fei's matter aside for the time being, Yun Hai asked Zhi Han again.
He really wanted to know what made a girl who was more beautiful than the fairy in the ancient myths and legends of the earth possess such a peculiar aesthetic.
Perhaps the peculiarity is not enough to describe, and it is not an exaggeration to replace it with perversion.
What is Alien?
Natural fighters, that ugly and hideous body, when ten people saw them, all five pairs would have to frighten and have nightmares.
As for Zhihan, looking at her performance, she can't wait to sleep with a strange shape when she sleeps.
From the earth to the Moyun River System, this is the first time Yunhai has seen that in addition to himself and Yunyue, there are people who like aliens.
Clouds won’t work.
She naturally doesn't hate aliens, but she can't say how much she likes it.
Yunhai believes that Yunduo's favor with aliens is also due to his connection with them.
There is nothing to say, after all, aliens are not meant to be liked.
They are all violent and cruel factors in their bones, and they are born to fear people or other intelligent creatures.
"In our civilization, there is an old saying."
"A person's character is doomed at a very young age."
"And my childhood was full of darkness and dirt for a while."
Speaking of this, a faint sadness appeared on Zhi Han's face.
Pure and beautiful, she seemed to become weak in an instant.
Even if it was a sea of ​​clouds with a rocky heart, there was an urge to hug her and regret her in an instant.
"I don't want to say too much. You only need to know that I have had a unique experience, and if there was not a ferocious animal that was even uglier than an alien, I would not stand in front of you again. "
A layer of mist floated on the eyes that were brighter than the stars, and Zhi Han's eyes turned soft when he looked at the sea of ​​clouds, his expression became infatuated.
If it is a human figure, Yun Hai guesses that he has developed a prickly heat.
Even with the alien form, he couldn't stand Zhihan's gaze a little.
The huge skull was slightly deflected, and Yun Hai moved his attention away from Zhi Han, looking at the Cerebral Worm Alien not far away.
The fat and cumbersome Cerebrate Alien obviously felt the master's attention, and there was a low neighing in his hard-to-see mouth, and the huge body covered with folds trembled slightly.
Simply bent down on the skull, Yunhai's tentacles curled up under the skull came out.
Stretched out slowly, as if it were endlessly long.
When the soft tentacles reached the huge head of the Cerebral Alien, the latter stopped shaking and stood still.
With a slight shrinkage, the tentacles suddenly stabbed, directly breaking open the skin of the Cerebral Alien which was not hard enough but also tough enough, and pierced into its brain.
It was faintly visible that there was a mass of things in the tentacles wandering in the hollow pipe, and finally disappeared.
The motionless Cerebral Worm alien, when the sea of ​​clouds tentacles suddenly pulled back, it did not seem to have any discomfort, but the folds all over the head seemed to be deeper.
"how about it?"
Naturally, I know what Yun Hai is doing. In fact, he now possesses the ability to "mimesis", which is also obtained in this way, Yun Yue can't wait to ask.
But Zhi Han didn't care what Yun Hai was doing at all. He just looked at it infatuatedly, the obsessive eyes and the smile on the thin lips, how strange it looked.
He didn't respond to Yunyue, and didn't pay attention to Zhihan's attitude, otherwise Yunhai, who had to be abhorrent, was just immersed in that strange feeling.
The ability of the Cerebral worm to be alien is derived from its unique genes.
At this time, the evolved sea of ​​clouds, the bulge at the end of the tentacles, is like a high-end precision instrument derived from the most advanced civilization, which is being stripped and analyzed from the biological specimens drawn from the sea of ​​clouds to analyze the genes of the brainworm alien.
It is impossible to describe this process accurately, but Yunhai clearly feels that this genetic analysis or ability analysis is faster and more accurate than his previous several times.
Soon, various genes representing different abilities were perfectly stripped off and appeared in Yunhai's mind.
Without considering the genetic structure fragments of the alien itself, Yun Hai did not hesitate to eliminate genetic fragments related to power, speed, response, etc.
Yunhai doesn't need other abilities of Cerebral Alien.
Its power is far inferior to the Alien Bear.
Its speed and agility are even inferior to an ordinary messenger alien.
What Yunhai needs is its ability to freely control all aliens on a planet.
The gene fragment about this ability was perfectly presented in Yunhai's spiritual world at this time.
An exceptionally perfect gene fragment. It is not like the human gene fragment structure that Yunhai has seen from various ways when he was on Earth, but it is like a spider web.
The links are tightly linked and inseparable.
After confirming what he wanted, Yun Hai hesitated and turned his attention to Zhi Han.
According to my own judgment and past experience, when the genes of other organisms are fused, it may produce unusually violent changes in response, and may even lead to gene collapse and death.
But the fusion of a certain gene fragment stripped from the alien gene chain is almost a 99.9% success rate.
However, it is still 0.1% that there may be an abnormality. If it is placed elsewhere, Yunhai will definitely try to fuse this gene fragment without hesitation.
It is different now. A Qi Fei relying on his powerful mental power and the almost omnipotent "artificial intelligence super brain" can instantly kill the aliens and retreat all over.
Zhihan said that she was not smart enough or comprehensive, but Qi Fei was far from her opponent when it came to personal combat power.
With such a person by his side, how could the sea of ​​clouds merge with confidence?
Perhaps it was because of the fluctuations in Yunhai's mental power that Zhihan woke up from the state of "nymphomaniac" and said a word with a smile.
Yunyue showed a horrified expression. It was already difficult for her to be shocked by something in this world. She couldn't believe what she had heard. With a distorted expression, she asked instead.
"what did you say?"
Almost at the same time, Yun Hai asked in amazement.
That is to say, the alien cannot have an expression, otherwise his expression at this time will probably not be too different from Yun Yue.
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