Chapter 729: Been tricked

"Who will tell me, how long will we get to the speed of light?"
The more he thought about it, the more fear he became. Although he tried his best to control himself not to show the emotion he had always insulated, Li Daogu's angry roar was still a little trembling.
"Now there are only six energy furnaces supplying energy, and three of them are still very unstable. If you force them to the speed of light, they might...very likely they will explode."
A lieutenant with sweat on his forehead seemed to have heard the question from His Royal Highness, and ran over to answer.
"Repair them immediately. We may be able to withstand the loss of the entire Blackwing Fleet, but we cannot afford to lose this mothership, even if we are ready to sacrifice at any time."
In comparison, King Roco was calmer and shouted in a deep voice.
"Yes, General!"
The lieutenant gave a military salute before turning around and rushing away.
"What about the alien beasts in the other directions? Why didn't I hear anyone report their situation?"
King Roco shouted sharply again.
"The detectors scattered in this space were all damaged in the energy storm. We can only use the detection equipment on the mother ship, and at least 80% of the detection equipment has been damaged in the energy storm..."
A staff member stood up and explained.
"I want to see the real-time images immediately. I want to know how far they are from us now?"
Li Daogu's voice was like a blade soaked in ice water, cold.
The aliens that appeared first on the front have the largest number and the closest distance.
They used death in exchange for the destruction of an entire Blackwing Fleet.
Li Daogu didn't dare to imagine what would happen if the remaining alien shapes in several directions kept hitting at the speed of light the main ship whose energy shield had been minimized.
"Disappeared, they all disappeared!"
When Li Daogu's words fell, a staff member trembled out.
His voice obviously contained surprises that could not be concealed.
Immediately afterwards, the largest virtual light screen of the main console showed pictures of the main ship in different directions.
The emptiness of the universe was empty except for the stars not far away and the light spots of stars farther away.
There were no fragments from the explosion of the battleship, no meteorites.
Some are just colorful blurred light and shadow nebulae produced by various elements and radiation.
After a long sigh of relief, Li Daogu only felt that his back was soaked.
The wrong estimate has caused serious losses.
But the main ship has finally withstood the test of terror, at least for now, in the number of the fleet or the most critical main ship, the humans and the crocodile have maintained a delicate balance.
"Where is the Raiden Fleet now?"
The trembling hand had calmed down, and Li Daogu, who could only accept the facts frankly or not, also calmed down completely.
"Report to Your Excellency Commander, the Thunder Fleet is right in front of us, and it is expected that it will take 26 minutes before we can contact."
A staff member stood up and responded quickly.
He hesitated, but before Li Daogu could speak, King Roco applauded and issued the order.
"Order the Raiden fleet to slow down and change direction, and when we catch up later, we will go to the ruins and join the storm fleet together."
"Order the two fleets of Fury Flame and Morton to act, and the destination is still the ruins."
Upon hearing King Roco's words, the communications officer couldn't help being stunned.
He subconsciously looked at Li Daogu. When His Royal Highness responded with an indifferent gaze, the communications officer couldn't help but fought a cold war, and quickly turned around to pass on King Roco's order.
"We mistakenly estimated the alien beasts, which led to the destruction of the Blackwing Fleet. We can't make the same mistake again. From now on, we must integrate all the forces."
"If we were not a fleet before, let alone say, even if the storm or thunder and lightning fleet were with us, those alien beasts suicide charge attacks would be meaningless, because they would not be able to safely break through the firepower net of the two fleets."
Although the order had been passed, King Roco didn't care whether Li Daogu understood it or not, so he explained to him in a low voice.
"I know."
Li Daogu nodded.
King Roco chose to take the ruins as his next goal, and Li Daogu also understood why he made this decision.
Whether it was the time when the army of alien beasts finally invaded the Orr galaxy, or the war that just broke out.
The aliens that can fight in space all come from the direction of the ruins.
Combining the images observed by the high-power radio telescope during this period of time, there are often cruiser-sized shadows moving between the Orr Galaxy and the ruins, and Li Daogu can fully understand the whole situation.
The reason why the Orr galaxy was blocked first was also the battle plan proposed by the Moge clan at the beginning of the negotiations.
Block the Orr galaxy, then send a fleet to see the ruins.
In this process, the alien beast army is not given the opportunity to shuttle between two different galaxies.
At first, Li Daogu and King Roco had objections to the battle plan proposed by the Moge tribe, but they finally agreed, and they also sent the Storm Fleet to cooperate with the Crocodile's Skywing Fleet to the ruins.
Only after a battle was fought, Li Daogu and King Roco realized that they were wrong after paying a heavy price.
"The Crocodile Man..."
As soon as Li Daogu spoke, he clearly knew what he wanted to say, but King Roco shook his head and interrupted his voice.
"If I'm not mistaken, the fleet led by General Gucci did not directly fight the alien beasts."
When Li Daogu heard this, his face that had just calmed down suddenly became a little twisted.
"Actually, you don’t need to be angry. This is war. If you change your position, if the enemy’s estimation is wrong, I don’t mind making mistakes. I take a certain posture to cooperate with them, because my purpose is to inflict heavy damage on the enemy. important."
King Roco said with a long sigh.
"There is a picture of whether there is a detector. Just when we and the alien beast army started fighting, did the detector take a picture of the crocodile fleet."
Believing King Roco's judgment, but Li Daogu still didn't believe this fact, but couldn't help asking the staff at the console.
Several staff members hurriedly checked, and soon after a staff member raised his hand to indicate, he zoomed in on the virtual light screen projection.
Seeing the picture clearly, Li Daogu hit the metal workbench in front of him with a punch, and the hard composite metal tabletop immediately sank into a clear punch pit.
Although the picture is not clear enough, it is enough for everyone to see the details clearly.
In the distant starry sky, a large number of warships of different sizes dragged a long tail flame and began to move quickly.
Normal maximum speed, until entering the speed of light.
That fleet quickly flew to the edge of the Orr galaxy in the screen.
Obviously, after the alien beast army began to appear, the crocodile man who had no plans to fight directly chose the speed of light to retreat.
His chest was almost exploded with anger, but he didn't give Li Daogu too much to digest the fact that made him angry.
The sharp sirens from the main ship Zhinao sounded again.
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