Chapter 810: Do you want it

Countless corpses hung on the conveyor belt, just like livestock waiting to be cut after processing.
At the end of the conveyor belt is a huge instrument.
Countless human corpses were continuously sent by the conveyor belt into the equipment sprayed with water mist.
The instrument is very tall and big, and the different mechanical sounds have hardly stopped.
On the other side of the instrument, there is still a conveyor belt.
The conveyor belt is full of squares that have been wrapped in similar plastic products.
It is about the size of a human adult's palm and about half a finger thick.
The densely packed squares filled the conveyor belt, and finally flowed along the conveyor belt from the hole in the wall into another "factory".
What it is is already self-evident.
The instrument swallows people, and it creates food.
Alien civilizations don't need captives, and they don't even need slaves before they plan to "large construction".
Humans, in their eyes, are food.
Just like humans catching and raising livestock in captivity, only this time, humans are no longer at the top of the food chain, but have become food on the table of aliens.
It can kill people, and it can even kill people like hemp, but Qi Fei was still stimulated by the scene before him, and he bent down and retched violently.
Perhaps it was too long since he had eaten anything, and he retched for a long while, except for bile, Qi Fei did not vomit anything.
The nose is full of the strange smell of the hot mist from the instrument, and Qi Fei can even smell the faint smell of meat.
He was about to collapse, and ran towards the door not far away.
In the peripheries of his sight, more crocodile men who had been cleaned and opened up had replaced human beings and were transported along the conveyor belt from another "factory".
Obviously, humans and crocodiles taste differently.
Regardless of the extraterrestrial creatures, which is more delicious, at least they are produced separately.
In a few steps, he ran to the door. Qi Fei only felt a gust of wind. Before he could figure out what was happening, his body flew up.
A mechanical monster's tentacles wrapped around his body and flew quickly.
No fear, no fear anymore.
Having seen the most terrifying picture, Qi Fei's nerves, which were not tough enough, were already numb.
So when he saw the cabins in front of him that looked completely like a universe, those giant "buildings" with different styles, flying together like ants, didn't feel much anymore.
It didn't take long to fly. When Qi Fei tried to use his mental power again and failed, the mechanical monster took him to a honeycomb-like building, and finally stopped on a huge platform.
Throwing him down with a "bang", the mechanical monster turned and left.
An alien with a weapon in his hand walked over and opened his mouth to Qi Fei with a strange syllable.
Qi Fei ignored it. In fact, even if he wanted to say something, he couldn't communicate at all.
His expression looked a little impatient, the alien stretched out his hand to touch Qi Fei's head, and then stabbed him in the back with the strange weapon in his hand, motioning him to move forward.
A pain came from the back of the head, and Qi Fei didn't feel anything abnormal before that time.
Can't help but reach out and touch it, Qi Fei's body suddenly stiffens.
His hair is gone, and on the back of his head, there is something the size of a fingernail.
It is estimated that he can't use his mental power, and it is probably inseparable from the food, and regardless of whether the aliens behind him can see it, Qi Fei couldn't help but want to buckle it down.
It's okay for him not to move. With this movement, a violent eruption of intense pain resembled a volcano. The unbearable pain caused him to let out a scream, and he fell down like a wooden stake.
"It has been combined and grown with you inside. You want to remove it, unless you cut your head and take out the brain inside and throw it away."
Seeing Qi Fei rolling on the ground, the alien said with a laugh.
The intense pain comes quickly and goes quickly.
When the severe pain suddenly disappeared, Qi Fei was already sweating.
"Let's go, you have seen it before. If you don't want to become compressed food, it depends on how you behave."
The alien said with a smile and kicked Qi Fei's head.
Standing up silently, Qi Fei began to walk towards the door inside the platform.
There are no barriers to language communication.
The third-level technological civilization can complete products without too much technological content such as "language memory input". Obviously this is not a problem for this more powerful technological civilization.
Just now, this alien spoke the standard Silver Dragon Empire language, even more standard than many native-born imperial humans.
The heavy metal door opens automatically when Qi Fei approaches.
The equipment that looks like a weapon above the metal door moves as Qi Fei moves.
Entering the passage, Qi Fei was led into a room before he could walk far.
The room is large and looks like an ordinary meeting room.
On the conference table, there are three aliens sitting.
There were about a dozen aliens sitting separately at the conference stage, and their eyes were focused on him when Qi Fei came in.
With just a glance, Qi Fei's pupils suddenly shrank.
The wall not far from him is transparent, and behind the transparent wall is a bright research laboratory.
Various instruments are placed on different test benches, and colorful lights flicker.
On the table in the center of the laboratory, an instrument similar to arms holding the moon was flashing an energy arc.
In the center of the pair of arms, there is a silver-white skateboard suspended.
"Neither the Moge clan nor the Silver Dragon Empire can have such advanced technology. I want to know, where did your skateboard come from?"
When Qi Fei didn't give too much, one of the three aliens sitting on the conference table asked slowly and solemnly.
He raised his eyebrows slightly, and Qi Fei turned his body.
"Don’t try to deceive us. Maybe you don’t know our Kye people. I want you to know that we are a wandering civilization and a fighting civilization. If you deceive us, you will find that being made into food is the most comfortable way to die. We It can guarantee that you will live for hundreds of years while you endure the greatest pain every day."
Another alien in the trio spoke up. His tone was a little strange, but it didn't prevent Qi Fei from understanding.
Standing in silence for a moment, Qi Fei raised his head.
"If you are willing to help me accomplish something, I will not only answer all your questions, but also help you develop some scientific and technological projects that you must be interested in."
For fear that these aliens would not understand, Qi Fei said every word.
"Do you help us develop technology projects? You alone?"
The only alien in the trio who hadn't spoken asked amusedly.
"What you see now and are studying, in my home planet civilization, almost people with some identities have this thing."
"Don't you want everyone to have it? Powerful computing power, imitating thousands of deformation capabilities, built-in micro energy conversion and storage equipment, and it can be turned into a terrorist weapon device..."
Qi Fei kept talking, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "If you want to get this, you only need to promise me one condition."
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