Chapter 82: Yangtze River Bridge

Yun Hai was completely speechless.
The first special alien with independent consciousness, aside from its powerful ability, just this free thinking and consciousness, all other aliens are beyond the reach.
Two alien queens, plus all guards, drones, messengers, and even the queen face bug, if you can talk, Yunhai believes that she, who calls herself "The Queen", can kill all aliens with just one mouth. A.
Fortunately, Alien prefers to use his sharp claws and tail blades to talk. Even with his mouth, he ejects the inner nest teeth instead of bickering.
Fortunately, no matter how detached her thinking is, she can't refuse her own consciousness, otherwise Yunhai will consider clearing the door.
"Yes, since you don't like the name Ling Qi, let's call it Yunyue. When I introduce you to others in the future, I will say that you are my cousin. As for the queen, you can defeat the alien queen."
Yunhai decided to ignore this second item, and tore open the biscuit packaging bag and began to eat slowly.
"Do you think it can beat me? If it weren't for my evolution incomplete, and I couldn't leave the body of supplying nutrients, otherwise it could beat me?"
"Yunyue" or "My Lady Queen" was a little excited, straightened up and sat up, yelling with wide eyes.
"Do you just say you won?"
Yun Hai asked slowly.
"I haven't completed the evolution?"
The black eyes that looked like clouds and stars burst into flames.
"The Alien Queen has only reached adulthood, and has not evolved at all."
Seeing her chest rise and fall violently, about to explode in anger, Yun Hai's expression became cheerful.
"It's not alone... an alien is fighting."
Yunyue made a threatening low growl in her throat.
"If I remember correctly, do you have more numbers?"
Yunhai took out a biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth.
"Those are not my food."
Yunyue's voice began to sink low, obviously she had no confidence.
"So you are not a super life form yet? Also, those parasites are obviously your kind, why do you treat them as food?"
Yun Hai was too lazy to argue with her anymore and changed the subject.
"I am a super life form. I was just killed by you halfway, forced away from the energy body, and the evolution is not complete enough."
Yunyue hugged the back of her head and leaned on the back of the chair, slowly saying, "As for my kind, although everyone's evolutionary direction is different, but swallowing and fusing them can allow me to grow and evolve faster. This is also the characteristic of our race. ."
"Understood. By the way, think about it, can you remember where the alien spacecraft that planted you came from?"
Unwilling to give up, Yun Hai asked another question that he had asked an unknown number of times.
"Please, I have told you so many times. If you use the concept of human to explain it, I was purely a cell without consciousness but instinct."
"How many things can you expect a cell to know? To distinguish a meteorite from an alien spacecraft is something after her consciousness is merged."
Yun Yue didn't seem to have any interest in talking, and she lowered her eyes lazily.
"Watch the road carefully!"
Yun Hai felt a flurry of hair.
"Fun, don't you think that a super lifeform as powerful as me is primitive enough to only observe with human eyes?"
"Uh, well, you are free."
Yunhai has nothing to say.
In the mental perception, six war crocodile aliens took the lead, and a group of aliens adorned the car behind a hundred meters away, following the jungle-like vegetation unhurriedly.
Occasionally, a few mutant creatures appeared, and the more sensitive and smart ones escaped far away, and some short-eyed ones couldn't escape and were directly torn into pieces.
No longer worry about their safety-unless there is a mutant biota, or an unusually powerful super life body, the general mutant creatures are not enough for them to kill.
Of course, along the way, Yunhai finally realized that the most dangerous thing was actually plants.
He saw more than once that all kinds of mutants, around plants and flowers, humans or mutant animals, insects, etc., were everywhere, either becoming skeletons or corpses.
It is probably caused by some toxins they emit. Fortunately, aliens from outer space are not affected by these toxins.
After Yun Hai occasionally smelled some strange auras, there was no discomfort, obviously because of the fusion of the Alien Mother.
Including some aggressive plants, such as protruding vines, strangling rhizomes, and even ejecting spikes.
However, in the face of alien monsters like aliens that even if they can catch them, they can't speak, these plants are nowhere near as abnormal as the strange trees outside Yangshan County, and naturally they show no lethality.
Withdrawing his mental perception, he patted the crumbs on his body, and leaned back on the chair like Yunyue. Yun Hai was about to close his eyes and take a break.
"Be careful!"
The next second, he jumped up abruptly, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed to the left.
The car parked on the roadside was directly hit and flew out. Amid the tingling sound of friction, the car body and the metal fence on the roadside sparked a lot of sparks, and the rapid change of direction caused the car body to lean to one side.
Fortunately, the alien in the container received the spiritual order from Yunhai and quickly moved to the raised side, and the heavy truck did not tip over.
"What about morality?"
Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Yunhai looked at Yunyue who immediately sat upright, and said with an aura: "Speaking is better than singing. It was only a blink of an eye. If I hadn't reacted to it, I would be rushing now. The car overturned outside."
"Uh, I'm sorting out my memories. There are too many things in the memories I learned last night, and I can't digest them for a while."
Yunyue sat up straight, retracted several tentacles, and squeezed the steering wheel with both hands, her expression impressive.
Yunhai: "..."
"I didn't do this to help you. You said that when you are looking for a sister, you will take me to the human base with you during the safety. Human beings are so complicated. I don't know much about how to do it."
She drove the car seriously, but Yun Yue still grumbled a little aggrievedly.
"The woman parasitized by you is too second, or you have absorbed the memories of too many people and become so weird..."
This sentence flashed in her mind, and she didn't want to stimulate her. Yun Hai simply closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair to rest.
Shaking her head and wagging her tail from behind the seat, the Alien Queen gently encircled Yunhai's arm with her tailbone, her slender body lying in his arms.
Feeling Yunyue looked at herself again, the queen hugged her face and raised her head, her mouth opened and developed a shallow neigh.
It's much more spectacular than the Queen's face-carrying bug. Yunyue's ruddy mouth suddenly splits, and in the four-leafed blood basin mouth, the inner nest teeth extend to reveal a sharp tooth.
The queen hugged her face and lost her temper, and immediately bowed her head and curled up in the arms of the sea of ​​clouds.
It can't be said to be scared, but in its shallow consciousness, this monster with an alien aura but a different one can't afford it by itself.
It is its goal to save as much life as possible and find a powerful host parasite, nothing else matters.
The blood basins were gathered and glued together, and Yunyue was restored to the human face. She smiled triumphantly when she saw the empress's reaction to the worm.
"If something goes wrong, you will stay behind the container with the queen and I will drive by myself!"
Without opening his eyes, Yunhai said lightly. Reached out and put his hand on the smooth and cold skull of the queen's face and stroked it.
Turning his head and sitting upright, holding the steering wheel with both hands and looking focused, Yunyue is as if nothing had happened.
Obviously, she still cares about the Spider Alien Queen.
Rarely quieted down, not feeling fatigued physically, but a little tired in spirit, Yunhai could only choose to believe in Yunyue's driving skills, or to believe in her ethics, converging his mind and quickly entering a state of sleep.
I didn't know how long I slept, and suddenly felt that the speed of the car had slowed down significantly. Yunhai opened his eyes, only to find that the sky was overcast at some point, and the weather became more muggy.
"Ha, the Yangtze River Bridge, some have fun."
Looking at the front intently with wide-eyed eyes, Yun Yue's expression was as excited as seeing a magical treasure.
Ahead, there appeared a mighty river, several kilometers wide.
On the turbulent river surface, across a bridge full of modern atmosphere.
Of course, the vast water and the magnificent bridge were not enough to excite Yunyue. What made her excited was the breath of life surging under the bridge.
Like the river water, the breath of unknown creatures is surging and surging.
ps: To meet the special habit of the first commentator of this book, Lin Diao's book friend, his dragon sleeve appeared-Yunyue:)
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