Chapter 822: change idea

"Interesting, ha, maybe I can try it too."
When Sam used the "cannon" of his body to show off his power, Yunyue, who was ordered by Yunhai to stay by his side, was so excited that she could hardly contain herself.
The current position of Yunhai is the "ice ring" of a gaseous planet.
There are countless particles in the spectacular and huge "Ice Ring".
They range in size from microns to several meters, but the largest is only about three or four meters.
Orbiting around a gaseous planet, 99% of the particles in the ring are water ice, and only 1% are dust and other chemicals.
The body is hidden in the small and dense water ice. To the left of the sea of ​​clouds is Yunyue.
On his right, Zhi Han, who refused to board the main ship, was still driving the assault ship, quietly floating in the "ring of ice."
The three thousand super aliens did not fight, but they scattered to avoid the "Ice Ring".
Just do it, Yunyue is as straightforward and "powerful" as ever.
Alienated, the position of her chest cavity abruptly cracked, protruding out thousands of tiny tentacles like waterfalls.
These tentacles move free, tremble, stick, and combine.
However, within a few seconds, when Sam in the distance was bombarded by several particle beams and then exploded a cruiser forcibly, Yunyue’s chest, thousands of tentacles formed a diameter no more than three or four. A barrel of about ten centimeters.
The alienated giant kiss secreted a lot of sticky saliva.
When Yunyue's body began to tremble violently, Yunhai, who at first thought she was doing something wrong, couldn't help but look at it.
Zhi Han was even more surprised. The detection equipment on the assault ship directly locked Yun Yue's body, and her beautiful eyes stared at the light screen without blinking, for fear of missing something.
A powerful and terrifying aura vigorously escaped from Yunyue's body.
When her body began to tremble more violently, the barrel of about one meter long at her chest was surprisingly calm.
"Are you going to start?"
Yun Hai was overjoyed, and his mental power was completely concentrated on Yun Yue.
In the next second, there seemed to be a gas escaping from the "barrel" on Yunyue's chest, and it seemed that nothing happened at all.
The trembling body calmed down, and the dark barrel turned into thousands of tentacles, quickly submerging into the crack in Yunyue's chest.
"This is over?"
The surprise turned into disappointment. Yunhai wanted to ask Yunyue if her "energy cannon" was just a "fart".
But feeling her decadent emotions, Yun Hai, who was willing to save her a little face, took back the second half of the sentence.
"As long as I can condense an energy cannonball, I can launch it..."
Yunyue replied in an impressive manner, obviously a little angry.
"But I don't know how to condense the energy in my body into an energy bomb. It's very difficult."
"Boss, tell them that you must not kill this guy. I don't know whether the alien can be parasitic or not. Its mimicry ability alone is very strong, which is very useful for me."
"If you can catch it and let me study it carefully, I promise that even if it can't be as powerful as it is now, it will not be too far behind."
Embarrassment or impressive, it's just a momentary thing.
Yunyue, who had reacted, was uncontrollably excited during the mental communication.
With a move in his heart, he felt that Yunyue's words were not unreasonable, and Yunhai sent out a spiritual exchange towards King Roco, who had already locked his spiritual aura in the main ship.
"I have new plans. They are very important to me, very important."
"Break as hard as you can, but don't kill."
"Try not to use atomic cannon attacks."
After speaking, he felt that his request was a bit too much, but Yun Hai did not intend to change his mind.
In a moment, a piece of fixed-point short-range information was fed back.
"Understand that we will not refuse any of your requests and will fully cooperate with you."
"Aliens dominate your lord, I hope you can keep your promise."
I don't know if it is sadness or anger.
King Roco's voice trembled slightly.
Yun Hai did not respond to him again, his eyes fixed on the equally stunning "flower".
Ever since learning about the emergence of "plant civilization", Yunhai has been thinking about how the advanced life forms in this "plant civilization" fight.
Of course, this battle refers to the battle in space, not the battle on the surface of the planet.
I have already got too much information from that video. Yunhai believes that by placing a number of aliens on the surface of the planet, as long as the
that grow wild across the mountains can be exempt from the corrosive attack of alien blood, the aliens may not be
plant civilization
. opponent.
The speed of plant growth is too fast, and it is still growing in tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.
They don't need a host. As long as the planet has the nutrients they need, they will grow up n times as long as they sprung up.
Their attacking methods are diversified, vines entangled, swung, seed exploded, rhizome strangled, etc.
If the blood of the aliens can't corrode them, then no matter how many aliens, as long as they fall into the ground of the planet full of jungles, they may even evolve into one-sided slaughter.
This is because Yunhai has seen more than once that when everything on the earth is evolving at the speed of light, I don't know how many giants have been killed by mutated plants, and they will eventually use their flesh and blood to urge those weird and mutated plants.
These are just the battles of plant civilization on the surface of the planet.
Now Yunhai wants to take a good look at how these monsters, which are obviously higher-level "plants", fight in the universe.
The flower-like Prius, after the sturdy Sam, opened Yun Hai's eyes again.
The main trunk of the body is about ten meters thick, and the diameter of the "faced head" is about one hundred meters.
More than a hundred sharp blades with blade-shaped blades grow on the main trunk that is about 100 meters long.
At the bottom of the main trunk is an oval bulge, dragging a large rhizome-like organ, which looks like a head with thousands of dark green hair hanging upside down.
The speed is no longer as fast as before, pushing the energy shield like a sound barrier cloud. When Sam started a direct and simple counterattack, Prius also started its special counterattack.
For Sam's barrel body, it takes about one hour or so for every energy shell to be fired.
And Prius' attack speed was at least twice as fast.
The black "flower head" is surrounded by tight circles of dark green petals.
As if it were made of metal, that sharp and long petal shone with a breathtaking cold light in the light of the battleship's explosion.
The center of the petal, which occupies 70% of the area of ​​the "Flower Disk", is a piece of black that is difficult to see.
Even if Yunhai has an astonishing line of sight that humans cannot reach, he can only see that the black central area has prismatic protrusions.
As energy rays shone violently on the flower disk, a sharp weapon tens of meters long would shoot out from the black area in the center of the flower disk. (.)
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