Chapter 89: prison

In Yunhai’s memory from Qi Yuan, the military will give priority to college students when searching for survivors.
Young and impulsive. Although there is no social experience, aside from post-apocalyptic majors, college students still have professional knowledge of electronics, biology, architecture and other systems.
And they are all very young. Putting it right now, they will definitely be the backbone of the base construction.
In this age of older professors and experts who have not been able to survive the virus outbreak, considering the base and even the reconstruction of human society in the future, the role of college students cannot be ignored.
"Yun Duo is a biology major, and her academic performance is good. Last-time biology has mutated and evolved. Her major is highly valued by the military."
"Maybe she is in the laboratory of a certain base now, wearing a clean white coat, and is doing experiments with a certain professor."
Yun Hai comforted herself in her heart, and the irritable mood since entering the ancient capital has finally calmed down.
"I go?"
Approaching the destination not long after, Yun Yue turned to look at the sea of ​​clouds, her clear eyes full of expectation.
In the spiritual sense, at this time, I also felt the existence of a lot of life light and shadow. Looking at the iron gate of the prison and the barbed wire on the courtyard wall, the sea of ​​clouds closed the body.
"Go in together. Remember, don't kill women if you are not sure who Hao Zhen is."
Yun Hai had already issued the same spiritual order to the Bobcats and other aliens who were about to enter the prison. For fear that Yunyue could not control the massacre, he opened his mouth and solemnly exhorted.
"Let's discuss it again..."
Not knowing where Yunhai came from, Ma Shan just opened his mouth and was dumbfounded.
Just like getting rid of gravity, a pair of teenagers jumped into the air, leaping more than ten meters high.
After crossing the tall courtyard wall of the prison, crossing the barbed wire fence, in Ma Shan's surprised eyes, he immediately fell into the prison courtyard.
"Hey, impulse is the devil. Two people hit more than a hundred, and the bullets can't be killed far, not to mention that others also have evolutionaries..."
After thinking about it, Ma Shan gave up on the idea.
It's not that I dare not, but more importantly, I can't.
He could fly over a prison wall nearly ten meters high without the ability to jump.
As he was thinking about leaving, he should find a place to get up and see the situation. A screaming scream interrupted Ma Shan's thoughts.
Boss Cai was also alarmed by this scream.
Boss Cai is very happy, at least until today.
If Ma Shan thinks he is the emperor of the earth, then Boss Cai now thinks he is a god.
He was originally a serious prisoner, but he went to jail for manslaughter and is awaiting trial.
According to his own estimation, even if the death penalty cannot be sentenced, he will never leave prison for the rest of his life.
However, the outbreak of the virus completely changed his fate.
On the night the disaster struck, the guards and prisoners died a few, but more people survived.
Under the organization of certain officials, some prison guards left the prison to maintain order outside.
But after leaving, they never came back. There were only a dozen prison guards left, and they could not maintain the normal order of the prison.
On the second day of the last days, after struggling from the tide of pain, Boss Cai suddenly found himself different.
Powerful and fast as lightning.
Of course, at that time, he didn't know that he was a violent evolutionary, and his strength, physical stamina, speed, agility, etc. would enter a terrifying state during a brief outbreak.
The door of the cell was violently removed, and the prison guard who could not shoot himself even when the magazine was empty was killed. Boss Cai took a whole morning to completely rule the prison.
Search and rescue survivors, win over the awakened, and control food and drinking water.
In the huge prison, Boss Cai controls the absolute power of life and death and asks for what he wants.
All men found will be killed.
Women are tools for him and those thugs to vent their animal desires.
From an innocent college student to a mature young woman, from a policewoman to a temperament ol, the beauties who had rarely appeared in dreams before have all become his crotch playthings.
If you are tired of playing, throw it to your subordinates for them to vent.
A huge prison, one hundred fifty-five men, three hundred and two women.
Boss Cai lives like a god, he has set a goal for himself, that is in the end times. Create a huge harem.
However, his fairy dream was shattered, only because he captured a female student of TV University.
In fact, when the screams sounded, the group of women who had just been captured by his men were shivering in the room, accepting his imperial inspection.
Grabbing the rifle at hand, he rushed out. Boss Cai just stepped out of the door with his front foot...
With a "bang" gunshot in his ear, he subconsciously felt that disaster was imminent, and he slammed into the side.
The heavy iron door couldn't stand his violent collision and fell down.
At the same time, a pistol bullet flew, rubbing a wound on his right arm, and nailing it into the wall.
"B-level evolutionary? The instantaneous outbreak speed is so fast! It was empty."
In the spacious courtyard of the prison, Yun Hai was slightly startled with his pistol.
In the yard, walls, roofs, trees...
One by one, the messengers turned into lightning bolts.
Those ordinary thugs carrying machetes and steel pipes can't even see clearly, even if it is blue sky and white sun.
"The fierce beast rushed in!"
"help me!"
The screams screamed, and the huge prison became hell.
"Boom boom..."
Yun Hai shot and killed the three thugs who had emerged from the corridor with three shots. Before more frightened thugs could figure out the situation, the tiger armor alien rushed down from the roof and rushed in like lightning.
Amidst desperate screams and screams, the sound of broken flesh and blood rang out one after another.
However, in a few seconds, there was silence in the corridor, and the scarlet blood flowed out like a stream, particularly dazzling.
I don't know which mob's broken arm was stuck in the huge kiss, and his palm was still exposed. The tiger armor ran out and climbed directly up the wall.
The door was closed, and the three mobs were afraid of being knocked away by the monster that was catching up. They hurriedly moved the table and pressed behind the door, desperately resisting.
With a "bang", the metal security door was knocked out of a round hole.
Looking at the alien inner nest tooth that bounced in from the hole, I didn't know what it was. Two of the three thugs screamed in horror and backed away quickly.
"Fuck you..."
The other mob was a bit courageous. He picked up the machete in the roar and slashed towards the slightly opened strange mouth.
A plume of acid spurted from the messenger's inner teeth and directly hit the mob's face.
The screams made in his mouth were afraid that the ghost would be shocked when he heard it. The mob threw away the knife in his hand and grabbed his face with both hands desperately.
Eyeballs burst like bubbles under the erosion of the acid. The tip of his nose fell to the ground and turned into blue smoke, and as he scratched like crazy, large swaths of flesh-and-flesh faces fell one after another.
When the screams stopped abruptly, when the mob fell on his back like a wooden stake, his entire face disappeared completely.
The other two thugs were as if they had seen a ghost. They were covered with tattoos that looked fierce. They jumped and hugged each other and made horrified screams, just like the women they had abused and played with.
Amid the crisp sound of impact, a messenger crocodile lizard broke through the glass and rushed in.
Before the body fell, its inner nest teeth that were longer than the body blasted out, and two screaming mob heads were strung together from the side with a single shot.
The shrunken inner nest teeth, adhesive blood and brain pulp dripped along the corners of the mouth, and quickly bounced after falling on the bed from mid-air, and the crocodile lizard messenger disappeared out of the window in an instant.
At a corner on the third floor, the bald-headed person who was exposed to fire made an incredible exclamation and rushed out with his upper body naked.
Behind him, a messenger that was completely ignited, as if not feeling pain, quickly followed.
He jumped directly from the second floor, his bald head that fell heavily on the lawn, his face twisted and ejected a fist-sized fireball, and blasted the head of the messenger who had jumped in front of him at close range.
It exploded as soon as it was touched, the terrible shock wave blasted the messenger away, and at the same time exploded the bald head himself and spit out a blood spring.
"Yeah, small fireballs can pop up. Not a B-level evolutionary, it's almost the same..."
A nice voice rang in my ears, and the bald head, who was struggling and trying to get up, turned his head and glanced subconsciously, then was a little dumbfounded.
A beautiful woman appeared beside him, bent slightly, staring at him with a smile on her face.
To be honest, I haven't played less during this period, and these women on the base are a little bored with their bald heads.
The water is not exaggerated to the point where they can take a bath. Almost all women have a smell, not to mention the skin color.
However, the woman in front of me, dressed in a new dress, had white and tender skin, and seemed to get water out of a pinch.
The mouth of the willow brow sandalwood, the skin whiter than the snow, the bent chest, the deep gully, almost plunged the bald head in.
Seeing her pouting cutely, bending over and kissing her forehead, her bald head was dumbfounded.
How could such a woman appear in the last days, or when the monster attacked the prison.
It's not enough just to have a head.
Even if there was no more alien attack, the bald head now didn't have those thoughts, and he struggled to stand up and control the flame on his body to disappear, and then grabbed the woman's little hand.
The woman avoided his hands and smiled at him with her mouth open.
With a "wow", her attractive red lips split abruptly, and the inner nest teeth protruded from the mouth of the four-lobed blood basin.
Seeing Zhang in the wind, in the horrified eyes of the bald head, the inner nest teeth expanded several times, and the sharp teeth bit his head...
The huge head exploded directly, but not even a drop of blood or brain plasma was wasted. The inner nest teeth, which had been greatly expanded, wrapped the head and chewed.
He crawled down the corridor and saw this scene clearly. Seeing the bald headless corpse twitched and fell to its knees, Boss Cai opened his mouth and screamed silently, almost diaping his crotch.
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