Chapter 944: Heart as gray

There is a mysterious energy in the universe. This energy has passed thirteen syllables in its native language.
They believe that this energy has caused the accelerated expansion of the universe.
And this energy is almost everywhere, it even occupies more than 70% of all energy in the universe.
If this energy can be used effectively, the Kye people will never have an energy problem.
With their national nature, even if the scale of the universe is several times larger, and without energy constraints, the Kye people can wander or wander almost infinitely.
This kind of energy, if translated into the language of the earth, would be called "dark energy" by humans under established cognition.
The Kye people discovered the existence of dark energy very early.
After tens of thousands of years, what they can do now is to instantly increase the energy output through different numbers of warships to form a special energy field, and this energy field will affect the normal state of dark energy in the universe, thus Cause an avalanche-like disaster.
The Kye people use this method to attack the enemy.
They gave a name to this method of attack, which is "dark field attack."
"Dark" means that the entire attack is invisible and invisible. Special equipment can detect the abnormalities caused by the drastic changes in dark energy, but the whole process cannot be seen visually.
"Field" refers to the range of attack.
Three "feather-class" warships are the most basic combination. If it is lower than this number, it is impossible to establish a normal state of energy field affecting dark energy.
The most powerful combination is the six independent warships formed after the mothership is separated.
The powerful energy supply makes the intensity and range of the energy field that they can form are very amazing, and the lethality is naturally conceivable.
Dark energy, the use of them by the Kye people, is not just for attack.
The reason why this wandering civilization can reach the speed of light is precisely because their warships can form an energy field, so as to achieve the purpose of bending the space and having a faster speed through the variable influence on the normal state of dark energy.
What Berger relies on is dark energy.
In its view, it is only an alien with a quantitative advantage. Under the "dark field attack", it is definitely vulnerable.
The fall of Sirius was already doomed when more than 100 million aliens appeared.
Berger didn't want to lose too ugly, its purpose was to leave with at least tens of millions of alien lives.
Of course, it would be great if a special alien could be killed in this process.
"When you reach the designated area, you will activate the dark field meter and start your attack."
In the communication channel, he said in a deep voice that Berger, who was about to reach his designated area, looked at the striking button on the fire control platform.
It just doesn't know that in the starry sky, there are still a pair of eyes watching its battleship.
These eyes did not originate from the first generation alien queen hiding in the crater hole of a certain moon of Sirius.
Because of the alien shape, there is no eye organ that can express and express emotions and emotions.
It was Zhi Han who stared at the battleship Berger. In fact, she still had a pair of eyes beside her. Susan, who was just acting as the pilot of the battleship, was focused on Sirius in the distance.
The black reconnaissance ship was held tightly in the sharp claws by the first queen.
Zhihan hadn't figured out the situation before, and the first generation queen who had been flying at the center of the alien army suddenly slowed down and caught her sharp claws when the reconnaissance ship approached.
At that time, Susan was scared to death. She originally thought that the next move of the first Alien Queen would smash the scout ship severely.
And Zhi Han, who had been dealing with Alien for a period of time, and could even be said to have been intimate with each other, stopped Susan from trying to increase the engine power and try to escape the queen's sharp claws.
"What do they want to do? It's just three small warships, no matter how powerful they are, there is a limit."
"Dare to be so close to the alien group, what other means do they have?"
Looking away from Sirius where the alien army disappeared into the atmosphere, Susan looked at the Kye warship that had almost been in contact with the dense alien army on the light screen of the brain, and couldn't help asking strangely.
"I don't know what they do, but I know that the Alien Queen has prepared gifts for them."
Zhihan guessed something at the moment when the first queen raised her head.
There was an expression of expectation on her beautiful face.
Without knowing that he had already stepped on the death cable, at the moment he reached the designated position, Berger turned on the front engine of the battleship and stopped abruptly at that space coordinate position.
From approaching the speed of light to abruptly stopping, the powerful inertial force caused the hull of the "Feather-class" battleship to groan silently, and even the outer shell of the battleship seemed to ripple in an instant.
The advanced material technology ensures that the battleship has strength while also having better toughness.
The life-sustaining armor outside of Berger protects it from being hurt by this powerful inertial force.
Pressing the button without hesitation, when the surface of the battleship began to be covered by the overflowing energy arc, it took more than ten seconds to look at the nearest alien to approach, and Berger’s face showed pride. Smile.
In an instant, its smile stiffened.
Instead, there is a deep-seated fear.
The aliens that had been chasing it, the very swollen behemoths in the front suddenly exploded without warning.
Large tracts of liquid and flesh are evaporated under the light of stars.
The violent impact of the explosion was that the "Tianwei No. 1" battleship, which quietly suspended in the established coordinate position, quickly pushed toward the dense alien army.
The countless aliens squeezed together quickly greeted them.
Faster than their movements are black afterimages.
The ashen-hearted Berger hadn't even seen what it was. During the violent impact, it was shocked to find that the shell of the battleship was filled with black bone spurs that were more than three meters in length.
The bone spurs inserted into the ship's hull are nothing, at least they are tightly inserted into the hull, which can be regarded as blocking the pierced hole.
What made Berger terrified was that the three bone spurs inserted into the observation window, causing the transparent observation window to start to continuously appear rapidly crawling cobwebs.
No longer consider how many aliens to kill, or force annihilation of a particular target.
In the sharp alarm sound from the battleship Intellectual Brain, Berger quickly turned off the dark field trigger button, and tried to escape at any time when he started the engine with all his strength.
Unfortunately, its reaction and actions are still slow.
Before the ferocious aliens rushed over, a large piece of dark green vine tentacles rushed over, and immediately entangled the "Tianwei No. 1".
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