Chapter 1085: List of horror

This document is a list.
List of people going to Wuming Island: 10 prefecture-level masters in the hidden door (the mid-term strength of the Qingyi class), Liusha Wuweiwei (the late strength of the Qingyi class), Maoshan Yinyang protection method (the late stage strength), Wudang seven sons (all in one place) Middle-level strength), hidden strengths in China (conservative estimates of ten to twenty prefecture-level masters); North Korea's ten masters (middle-grade mid-level); South Korea's fifteen masters (one post-level, fourteen In the middle of the prefecture-level level; the island country shadow masters (a post-level master, ten mid-level masters, 30 pre-level masters); Thai master (a late-level master, ten prefecture-level Middle-level master); Vietnamese master (five prefecture-level mid-level masters); Mongolian masters (three post-levels, ten prefecture-level mid-level masters); United States (two post-levels, ten prefecture-level mid-level masters); Roman master (A late-level master in the prefecture level Be careful with this person, he is a gladiator.)
When I saw this report, I took a deep breath in the summer. He knew that there were far more people actually coming than on the list, and this only recorded the masters above the prefecture level. That must be countless.
Like this kind of battle, it is impossible for China to send a warship to deal with it, otherwise the face will be lost, and there will be no such thing as Huaxia in the future. Once this happens, the world’s practices are the same. of.
Let the masters solve it, this time is the strength of the country where the competition is stronger.
If any country sends a warship directly to defend, it is like this happened in China. If Huaxia sent warships and aircraft carriers to deal with these masters, then these masters are definitely not rivals. Then these countries will definitely unite to deal with China. .
And once there is any activity in China, people will go out and attack.
Therefore, this vision occurs, and the practices of the whole world are the same. Let the warships be careful of the sneak attacks of other countries and let them pass the fishing boats and passenger ships.
The masters who went to the nameless island were scary, and there are many summer enemies, such as the hidden door, quicksand, Maoshan, Wudang, North Korea, Thailand and so on. Of course, he and the hidden door, Wudang is not a deadly enemy.
But what is most worthy of his attention is the five dark guards of the quicksand and the Roman master. He never knows that there are still people of this level in the quicksand, five dark guards. What is this?
If you can, summer must not let them live back to China.
There is also the Roman master who is marked with an asterisk. He also has a special tip to be careful about this person. He is a gladiator. What is the gladiator?
"Instructor, what happened?" Xu asked in confusion.
"Look at the two of you, and be mentally prepared. If you regret it, you still have time." Summer said.
The two directly looked at the information. The two just looked at the information and the face changed greatly. The power on the surface of other countries was so terrible. What about the reality? It’s like Huaxia. To put it bluntly, in so many people in China, only the summer is the regular army, and the rest are their respective forces.
This is also written by the strength of each country, and there will certainly be many forces in their country to participate.
In other words, this trip to the nameless island can be said to be a gathering of prefecture-level masters. It is very difficult to see a local-level master in peacetime, but this time there are so many masters.
"Is it considered? If you think about it, let's set off." I asked both of them in the summer.
"Instructor, let's go." Xu Wei and Chen Lin looked at each other and nodded directly.
"Well, I hope that both of you can come back alive." After the summer, the three people boarded the plane and set off. The trip to the nameless island was finally set off. The task in summer was very heavy.
The people who went to Wuming Island this time are all masters.
The Huaxia government only sent him alone. Of course, the second person in China had wanted to send more people to the summer, but he did not agree in the summer, so Huaxia only sent him alone, and the others were all The master of the party forces.
When he came, Huaxia’s No. 2 character gave him orders. He did not allow the masters of other countries to take away anything in the territory of China. That is to say, the masters of Unnamed Island will all be summer opponents. .
In the summer, you must be prepared to fight against all the experts here.
A person is fighting against dozens of prefecture-level masters, and most of them are masters in the middle and late prefecture level. Even if they are involuntarily sucking a sigh of relief in the summer, this kind of battle is an unprecedented challenge for him.
But he must not back down because his life has not retreated.
Especially in this case of defending the country, he will not shrink back, fight!
"After you two go to the island, you can follow me, but don't let others see that we are together, otherwise you two are in danger. Remember, this is the first task I teach you two. That is to save your life, this trip to the nameless island to save your life, as long as you can live to leave, it is to complete the task." Summer looked at the two seriously said.
Anonymous island trip!
It will be a guardian battle.
In the summer, he guarded the battle of the nameless island. He felt that the lightning was very strange last night. Now he finally understands that the lightning is to the unnamed island. It is definitely not accidental that lightning falls.
It’s like lightning that was smashed a few days before summer.
Only when you are against the heavens, or when the things of the heavens are born, will there be a day of robbery.
Yesterday's lightning was even more terrifying than the summer. The three summer catastrophe in the summer was very powerful, but it only affected Kyoto. But the lightning last night directly spread the whole of China.
This shows that something must have happened last night.
Just on the nameless island.
"You two will study it. If you don't prepare well and go straight to the island, it will only die. So you two can't relax any vigilance from now on. You must keep yourself at the highest alert. Consider it. How can you not die? For those world-class masters, their means of killing is invisible. Sometimes you may be sleeping, being stunned, or at the convenience, you may be a fatal disaster, don’t believe in yourself. The eyes, because you can't see others, don't mean that others can't see you." Summer looked at the two very seriously. Mobile phone users please visit
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