Chapter 11389: He has never been

This sentence.
Provocation is full of meaning.
The scene seemed to freeze, and they also held their breath, as if they were worried that they would make a move in the summer.
Who is summer?
Known as the existence of a butcher.
Even the heavenly people dared to clean up the summer.
Are you still afraid of them?
"I said, don't be so nervous, I'm not here to fight," Xia Xia picked up the wine in front of him.
Although he said so.
But obviously Qigui did not relax.
Seven of them.
It's all kind of old world.
How could you relax your vigilance because of a word from Xia Xia, if Xia suddenly attacked them?
"My group of brothers are all iron-blooded people who can't relax." Old George also eased the atmosphere of the scene with a simple sentence, and the meaning also showed that his brothers would not relax their vigilance.
Xia Xia didn’t care:
Do you know Jinhua? Actually, I already know. As for whether you are willing to help, I don’t care too much, but when you see him in the future, you can help me tell him that I’m looking for He, if he is willing to meet, I will not treat him badly!!!"
He really didn't come to fight.
But I want these people to help me spread the word.
He is no longer an unknown person, and it is impossible for Jinhua to not know who he is.
and so.
He wants to see Jinhua.
Just give me a message.
If Jinhua doesn't want to see him, then he can find it slowly, and if Jinhua wants to see him, he can also have a lot less trouble.
Of course.
This is considered to be a visit, but he also expressed his attitude. This time he came here to see Jinhua. If the other party does not give face, he will naturally look for Jinhua. He didn't know what happened.
He does not rule out the use of violence.
"Mr. Xia, it is wrong for my brother to say that he did not know Jinhua. We do know him, but Jinhua is very cautious. Even if we are, it is impossible to contact him, let alone know where he is. Place." Old George said very calmly.
And it’s easier for others to believe.
"It doesn't matter, if you have the opportunity, just tell him!!!" Xia Xiao smiled slightly.
Drink the wine in your hand.
"Well, if I have a chance, I will definitely say it!!!" Old George said.
Summer got up and wanted to leave.
A figure stopped in front of Xia.
Spirit Blood Lord! !
Looking at the Spirit Blood Venerable in front of him, Xia Xia showed a smile on his face: "Want to do it?"
He could see that the Spirit Blood Venerable now had a strong fighting spirit.
It seems very eager to fight him.
"Yes, you are the second-ranked person on the Heavenly Clan Killing List. I really want to know what is your ability to make the Heavenly Clan people have such a high evaluation of you." The eighth man.
these years.
He has done countless great things, and he believes that he is no worse than others.
Why did you rank so much higher than him in the summer?
"Forget it, you are not my opponent!!!" Summer said very confidently.
Also very calm.
If someone else said something like this, he would definitely kill the other person instantly.
But this kind of thing was said in the summer.
These people at the scene also took it for granted.
"What if the seven of us join forces?" Old Qi asked.
That's right.
They are seven ghosts, seven people.
In summer there is only one person.
"If there are seven, it will be a little troublesome. After all, I don't understand you, but with my ability, it won't take long to fully understand your abilities. It shouldn't be difficult to defeat you by then! !!!" Summer said lightly.
One against seven.
The winner is still in hand.
This is only summer.
To know.
The seven of them add up, but they are ranked 80th in the Hall of Fame.
"Are you so confident in yourself?" the Spirit Blood Venerable asked.
"This confidence is still there. If I was so easy to kill, wouldn't the Celestial Clan send a master to kill me long ago? Don't the Celestial Clan have any masters?" Xia Xia shook his head.
The number of masters in the Celestial Clan.
There are definitely many.
Especially after so many years of precipitation, the overall strength of the Celestial Clan is even more powerful and terrifying.
Such forces.
But not everyone can contend.
"That's right!!!" Old George stepped forward and smiled: "Mr. Xia, I kindly remind you that this Blood River Valley incident is not as simple as you discovered on the surface. This time, it will really kill you. , And those who died were all legendary characters, and they might even change the pattern of the entire Scarlet Forest!!!"
He wanted to tell summer.
Don't come to this muddy water.
"Listening to you, I find it very interesting on the contrary, but my temporary goal is Jinhua, and I will find Jinhua before I know what I am going to do next!!!" After the summer, I started walking forward. .
When he walked in front of the spirit blood sovereign.
His eyes rolled.
The body of the Spirit Blood Venerable almost fell to the ground.
But his back is also all in cold sweat.
"Illusion, it's illusion!!!" The Spirit Blood Venerable reacted.
At that moment, he really felt death, and even felt as if he had fallen into hell.
Summer has already left at this time.
"How did he leave?" Old Qi asked puzzledly.
He didn't even see how Xia Xia left here just now. He didn't even know what power Xia used, there was no trace at all.
"He never came." Old George said.
"What do you mean?" everyone asked puzzled.
"From the beginning to the end, all we saw were illusions, and his body did not enter us." Old George's observation power was the strongest among several people.
Only he could see it.
Of course.
At the beginning, he didn't notice it either. He only reacted later when he heard the Spirit Blood Venerable say it was an illusion technique.
Seven of them were fooled with illusion.
Such an ability can only be achieved by the legendary summer.
"A illusion technique makes the seven of us so nervous, this kind of thing is too terrifying, right?" Spirit Blood Venerable said in surprise.
He didn't expect it.
Summer actually has such an ability.
"He is so strong, what should we do if he also participates in this Blood River Valley incident?" Old Qi asked.
What he is worried about is.
Summer will disrupt their plans.
"It seems that I want to tell Jinhua the news of summer, and see how he handles it!!!" Old George thought that this was the only way.
Only in this way.
To hold back the summer.
Golden Flower!
Will appear! !
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