Chapter 11435: Spell it

The first level hit this moment.
Completely disintegrated.
People's hearts have been broken.
"Tianxia, ​​come out if you have the ability, I must kill you!!" The grizzly bear now wants to kill the man who made him so embarrassed.
He wants to let the other party to pieces.
"Grizzly bear, I said, this is just the beginning, it is not difficult to kill you, but I will let you realize what it means to betray your relatives!!!" A light instantly appeared beside the grizzly bear.
Blood flowed from the body of the grizzly bear.
"What's the matter?" Grizzly's face changed suddenly.
He didn't understand what was going on, why his body was penetrated.
Although the injury was not serious, it was indeed injured.
Just that moment.
The power in him seemed to disappear.
"Injured, the grizzly bear is injured!!!" The people around suddenly shouted.
Many people thought that Tianxia was only playing some conspiracy to defeat the team in the first level, but at this time, when they saw the Grizzlies injured, they were all a little surprised. .
"Grizzly bear, you must have a lot of secrets and treasures, and you have been the king of the first level for so many years, and you have collected a lot of wealth. People like you can't believe it, so the most valuable treasures and wealth , It must be in your large storage equipment, right!!" After the voice of summer fell, all the people around were bright.
Although this kind of murder and treasure is very disgusting.
That's a small portion.
How much treasure and wealth will the Grizzly bear?
Although the large storage equipment can't hold many things, as Xia said, he must put the most valuable things on his body, so there must be a lot of treasures hidden in the storage equipment of the Grizzly Bear.
In other words.
He is a treasure.
Instead of grabbing a treasure in the Blood River Valley that no one knows whether it exists, it is better to grab this visible treasure directly.
The Grizzlies are now injured.
From Tianxia's words, it can be heard that Tianxia will definitely kill the grizzly bear. After the grizzly bear is injured, they can take the opportunity to hunt down and kill the grizzly bear.
By the time.
Everything on the Grizzly Bear.
It's all theirs.
Summer is using the situation to crush the Grizzlies.
at this time!
The first level is here, and the other levels are all known, and they also have spies here.
They are also beginning to worry now.
Because they are also cooperating with Jinhua, if this news is known to Tianxia, ​​will Tianxia attack their team?
But no matter whether Tanshita comes to attack their team, they must be prepared.
Now they have begun to stabilize their team.
Especially the management team.
They have sent some master guards around them.
And under the captain of a team, there are three to five deputy captains. If the captain dies, the deputy captain will take over.
It can be said that they have learned the experience of being destroyed in the first level.
Grizzlies have done a lot of stupid things.
They will never repeat the same mistakes.
They are all being arranged.
"My lord, what if Tian Shita really fights over?" a master in the second level asked.
"This..." The king of the second level frowned.
This is indeed a difficult thing to do.
What if Tian Shita really calls?
Although he has arranged very well now, can his arrangement really handle Tianxia?
He himself does not have that confidence.
Who knows what other methods are available in this field.
"My lord, although we compare well with pigs now, as long as we hear the word Tianxia, ​​the brothers will be involuntarily fearful, and the morale of the team will also drop!!" The subordinate obviously wanted to make Their king makes a decision.
This decision will affect the direction of the second level.
If they decide to stick to Jinhua.
Go and fight with Tianxia.
Then they have to do the same end as the first level, and the entire second level will disappear, and even everyone will betray them.
"I think about it!!" The king of the second level did not want to miss the cooperation with Jinhua.
Can be the same.
He also understands.
His subordinates are right. He is not as stupid as the Grizzlies and can't listen to others, but even so, it can't change the fact that Jinhua is in his team.
The subordinate said nothing more.
They have already said what should be said.
The rest is for their boss to consider.
The same scene occurred in several other levels. They all faced this problem. If they continued to cooperate with Jinhua, they might be opposed to Tianxia, ​​but if they did not cooperate with Jinhua, it would be their loss. , They came here, if there is no Jinhua's guidance, then it is almost impossible to succeed in the back.
Can be the same.
They saw the terrible situation of the grizzly bear.
Everyone betrayed their relatives.
Now there is no one of his men around the Grizzlies.
Dead to death, escape to escape.
Even his most loyal subordinates chose to attack him in the end, and he lost the hearts of the people. In other words, if he wants to unite his team again in the future, no one else will follow him. Who will go? Follow a boss who wants to kill himself at any time.
The grizzly bear fell.
His position as the king of the first level.
It's time to hand over.
In fact, this kind of thing is normal. Here in the Scarlet Forest, the king of these gates has hardly been sitting for too long. The longest is only a few thousand years, and the shortest is only a few hundred years.
This is the case in places like Scarlet Forest.
You are still king today, but maybe not tomorrow.
"Tianxia, ​​don't you want to kill me? Come if you have the ability!!" The grizzly shouted angrily.
"Idiot, run away now. With his strength, it is almost impossible for someone to kill him. Others dare not attack him casually, but he dare to provoke you as long as you strike him. Injury, then his death date will follow." Hong Feng saw what a idiot was today.
"One step is wrong, one step is wrong. In many cases, it's just like the authorities. The more this happens, the more mistakes will occur!!!" Xia Tian also understood his current state.
"Perfect him?" Hong Feng asked.
"Of course he must be perfected. If he is not like a bereaved dog, how can I frighten the other levels!!" Xia Xia moved directly in front of the grizzly bear.
When he saw summer, the Grizzly was also taken aback.
No matter how he scolded before, Xia Tian never showed up.
right now.
Summer actually appeared.
"Aren't you going to fight with me?" Xia Xiao said lightly.
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