Vol 9 Chapter 11449: Three pots of wine

No one thought of it.
Summer would actually die like this.
Such a terrifying existence would be this way of death.
"Finally done!!" Yirenzun breathed a sigh of relief, now he is really relieved.
When he was fighting before, he had always worried that if summer did not die, then he would be miserable, and he would become a sinner of the alien race.
Now summer is dead.
Then he doesn't care about anything.
"After all, he is just a passer-by in this world." Ye Ghost said disdainfully.
In his opinion.
In this world, the most indispensable is genius.
But which genius can stand till the end?
"Is he really dead?" Mozun always felt something was wrong.
Since he and Xia Xia realized now, he has always felt that Xia Xia is not that simple, giving him a very mysterious feeling.
But now.
Summer died like this.
"Mr. Xia will not die!" Qi Qiongzhi Mou's eyes were firm.
Here, I am afraid he is the only one who believes that Xia Xia is not dead.
at this time.
The space was torn apart, and a figure walked out of the space.
"What?" Everyone looked at this figure in incomprehension. This figure was not someone else, it was Summer.
Xia Xia stood there at this time, although he looked a little embarrassed, but his eyes were chilling, and what he was holding in his hands was the dying ancient fire phoenix.
"How is this possible?" Ju Mang's face was full of incredible expressions.
He couldn't believe what he saw.
Summer can actually come out of the turbulence of time and space.
This can't be controlled either!
It simply broke his cognition.
"This kind of thing is too ridiculous!!" The spirit of Yirenzun's whole person was tense, and he just breathed a sigh of relief, but Xia Xia did not die, which made him a little unable to hold it.
Ye Gui looked at Demon Zun: "Have you escaped from the turbulence of time and space?"
"It's not the same, I only survived by the origin of life, he is different from me!!" The Demon Venerable was also very puzzled.
Nobody knows.
How did summer get out of the turbulence of time and space.
"Who's next turn?" Xia Xia yelled.
Here now.
He has taken absolute dominance.
So many masters before.
They are not his opponents, and now there is one less ancient fire phoenix who fights the most valiantly, so how could they be summer's opponents.
"I won't fight anymore!!" Yirenzun stood up.
this moment.
He was really scared, he admitted that he was scared for the first time in so many years.
How terrible summer is.
Has surpassed Haotian.
He would rather face Haotian than summer.
"You said you wouldn't fight if you didn't fight?" Xia Xia didn't intend to let the Inhumans go so easily. When these guys tried to kill themselves before, they were very harsh and didn't mean to be polite at all.
"Summer, I will do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt our Inhuman Race!!" The Immortal Zun has already decided.
Even if you die.
He also didn't want to affect the alien race.
He cannot bring disaster to the alien race.
Now continue to fight here, I am afraid that they will be killed by Summer one by one, anyway, they are all dead, it is better to use their lifespan in exchange for the future of the alien race.
"You care about them?" Summer asked.
"Although I am the king of the alien races, my dream is to lead the alien races to the future, not to lead them to destruction. The grievances between you and me are between you and me and have nothing to do with them!!" Zun is ready to die generously.
"Do you know what you are doing?" Ye Gui looked at Yirenzun angrily.
This time.
Yirenzun actually gave up resistance.
"Don't fight, we can't win!!" Yirenzun shook his head.
"Why can't we win anymore, as long as we are all desperate, we will definitely be able to kill him." Ye Gui yelled.
"Do you really think we still have a chance?" Yirenzun asked rhetorically.
"I know it after playing!!" Ye Ghost said.
"Forget it!!" Demon Lord said.
Ye Gui looked at Mozun incomprehensibly.
"He's right, we really can't win." Mozun said.
"Why do you say that too?" Ye Gui asked.
"Didn’t you find out? He and his clones consume almost zero consumption, but our consumption has reached 30%. If we continue to fight, our consumption will become greater and greater, but he, more and more wars. The more bravery!!!" Mozun thought that the trend was over.
very beginning.
When the fire demon is there, they have the best chance.
In order to open flames, the fire demon will make a big move when they come up.
I was resisted by summer's special ability.
if not.
That blow is really possible to kill Summer.
"But" Ye Ghost still wanted to say.
But Xia Xia raised his hand: "If you say you don't fight, you won't fight?"
"What do you want?" Ye Gui asked.
"You wanted to kill me before, but now you don't want to fight, then at least you have to pay me a certain amount of compensation!!" Xia Tian said.
"Well, what do you want, as long as you say it, we will find a way to get it!!" Ye Ghost said.
Since they have already decided not to fight.
That can only cut the meat with pain.
Even if they want their weapons and their treasures in the summer, they will take them out.
after all.
It was they who asked not to fight. In order to avoid summer's revenge, they could only pay a price.
"Three pots of good wine!!" Summer said.
"What?" All three were taken aback.
"Three pots of the best wine in your clan, I know wine very well, don't try to fool me with ordinary wine!!" Xia Tian said.
The three looked at each other.
They had been prepared to be severely slaughtered by Summer.
The result is final.
In summer, I only had three pots of wine.
"Just forget it?" asked the stranger in a puzzled way.
"In fact, you and I don’t have any real deep hatred. Although I don’t approve of many of the things you have done, and I don’t agree with your views, I don’t have to really kill you either. You are all of the same race and power. Boss, once you die, there will be great chaos below you. At that time, more ordinary people will suffer and life will be disgraced." Summer is no longer the hot-blooded youth back then.
If he is still the same year.
Then he will definitely be immortal with these people.
But now he.
Has grown a lot.
As the saying goes, enemies should be settled but not settled.
If you can resolve the matter, it is naturally the best.
The three of them didn't say anything, took out the best wine and handed it to Xia Jia.
"Okay, then our account will be written off, but if it's the next time, I promise, I won't be polite!!" Xia Tian said.
The three nodded.
Xia Xia looked at Ju Mang: "Now you are the only one left."
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