Vol 9 Chapter 11634: It is summer

Prometheus's betrayal shattered everyone's last glimmer of hope.
Two half spirits died.
One was injured.
The other masters of the venerable Baixing no longer have the mind to fight.
Others have no idea of ​​fighting.
The ancestor tree was about to collapse at the last moment.
In this situation.
There is no hope anymore.
"It seems that we can't wait for the summer to come back!!" Qu Xi shook his head.
"Only the summer team that died in battle, and no summer team that surrendered!!" Ying said firmly.
"Yes, there is no summer team to admit defeat!!" Thirteen said.
Look at them.
The people behind him also ignited fighting spirit.
"We are together!!" Those people also understand that this kind of battle will undoubtedly die.
But even if they didn't rush forward, their result would be the same. Now there is no chance or place to escape. There is no way behind them.
at this time.
Everyone suddenly discovered that the ancestral tree armor on their body began to gradually disappear.
The previous ancestral tree attack is also disappearing.
Even the ancestral tree barrier is gradually fading.
"What's the matter, is the ancestor tree injured?"
"Why does the power of the ancestor tree lose so fast, as if it is going to disappear completely."
"No, it's not that power is disappearing, but the ancestor tree is disappearing, and the ancestor tree has abandoned us!!"
Everyone immediately realized what was going on. At this moment, their mentality completely burst. Before, Prometheus rebelled, and now even the ancestor tree has abandoned them.
They are here.
It was to protect the ancestral tree, but the ancestor tree did not see them.
Then what are they fighting for?
"No, the prophet and the ancestor tree have disappeared!!!" A hall master of the temple of the Venerable shouted.
Now, even their mentality has collapsed.
No one is more loyal to the ancestor tree and prophet than the people in the Temple of the Venerable, but now the two of them have turned their backs on everyone and fled, putting their lives and deaths aside.
Although they can die for the ancestor tree and the prophet.
But it's not such a meaningless death.
Ha ha ha ha!
"See, this is the ancestor tree that you have guarded for generations. Tell you the truth. We haven't had no spirits here before!!!" Prometheus laughed excitedly.
Half of what he said.
It gave everyone unlimited reverie.
have to say.
His words lowered the morale of everyone on the scene again.
The people here are completely trapped. They don't know what to do or how to face all this.
Guarded for so long.
The ancestor tree ran away.
And it seems that spirits have appeared here before, and the disappearance is also related to the ancestor tree.
Then what is the meaning of their cultivation?
Morale on the human side is low.
There is no Zerg race. The endless Zerg races have already killed the humans. They want to swallow the human monks in front of them completely, then they will not have any obstacles, and they can directly rush into the Divine State and turn Divine State into their back. The garden is out.
at this time.
A ray of flame suddenly appeared.
The rays of light passed in front of the Zerg team and flew directly.
Wherever he went, thunder light exploded from the purple flame, like a flame thunder knife, directly cutting off the Zerg.
Large areas of Zerg began to die.
Thousands of Zergs disappeared.
Moreover, this flame light did not stop, but turned back and continued to fly horizontally.
"Summer, it's summer!!!" Thirteen shouted loudly.
When they heard the name Summer, everyone was also taken aback.
For the people here, Summer has always been a mascot, just a name. On the contrary, the summer team is really famous. Everyone is very strong and sincere and righteous, and has won everyone's approval.
In this desperate time.
Summer appeared suddenly.
And the attack is so terrible.
This attracts everyone's attention.
"He's here!!" Hardy also shined. He had been unwilling to do so before. After all, there were so many people here, and he really felt aggrieved to let him surrender to death like this.
But he couldn't change the general trend.
Summer is here, maybe it can really change this place.
Although he also felt that it was nothing to have one more person.
But the atmosphere at the scene is indeed different now.
Everyone is full of enthusiasm.
"Who?" Prometheus shouted angrily.
The Zerg will completely disperse the human team. In that case, the battle will be over. But now, suddenly there is one person, only one person, blocking the Zerg army, and letting the humans on the scene one by one. The momentum skyrocketed.
The purple flame didn't mean to stop.
It keeps flying around like this.
Reaping the lives of a large number of Zerg.
After killing millions of Zergs, they stopped.
"Summer!!" When Prometheus saw that it was summer, the anger in his eyes was even stronger.
It is because of the summer, Earthling and the others will be so shameless to themselves.
Just thought of this.
He also sprinkled all the anger on Xia Tian.
"Prometheus, you are really disappointing!!" Summer said lightly.
"You dare to talk to me with such an attitude, don't you still see the reality?" Eurometheus has always believed that there are so many powerful zergs around him. Seeing him in the summer, you should be afraid of death.
But now in the eyes of summer.
It's all ridicule and disdain.
It's like watching a clown.
He worked so hard, even disdain to betray his many years of guardianship, just to make those who despised him regret and realize their mistakes.
Xia Da dare to look at him that way.
"In my eyes, you are just a group of chickens!!" Summer said very casually.
from the beginning till now.
His attitude has always been very arrogant.
It is precisely because of his attitude.
The humans behind him looked at him differently.
As if seeing the lights in the dark night.
"Why do you dare to be so rampant?" Prometheus said angrily.
His eyes stared at Xia steadily.
Fan shares wanted to see where the imperial artifacts came from in the summer, but he couldn't understand it no matter how he looked at it.
"Because of strength!!" Xia Xia's answer is also very simple.
Prometheus is now greatly increased in strength, naturally no longer afraid of summer, rushed up directly, and a large number of Zerg behind him also rushed up.
at this time.
The red phoenix behind Xia turned into a sharp blade.
It is a blade of flame thunder.
Cut directly to Prometheus.
This sharp blade is one hundred thousand feet long, very terrifying.
Prometheus took the blow, and his body was directly beaten back.
Where the blade has passed.
All the Zerg bodies were cut open.
This is the strength of summer.
"This is too strong, Prometheus has wounded even a half-spirit like Hardy, but now a blow in the summer not only repels him, but also kills so many Zergs at the same time!!!"
"Could it be that his strength has surpassed the half-spirit, but the realm beyond the half-spirit is only the spirit!!"
"No, the light on his body is wrong, he is definitely not a spirit, but he is too strong, no wonder the summer team will obey him!!"
Those on the scene are now very excited looking at the summer.
"Let's help!!" The thirteenth class flew up.
"You guys first take a break, since I'm here, there must be an explanation for this battle!!" Xia Wei said very casually.
In other words.
He wanted to face the entire Zerg alone.
If someone else said something like this, everyone would definitely think that he was crazy, or that the person had a problem with his brain, but if he said it in the summer, everyone felt that there was a real chance.
"You have to pay for your madness!!" Prometheus waved, and countless zerg rushed out.
"Really?" Summer's body moved.
The red phoenix behind him turned into a red long knife of thousands of feet, with flames and lightning entwined on the long knife.
Fly straight ahead in summer.
at the same time.
Wherever his body passed, the cold was everywhere.
"This is too strong." The people behind were completely silly, although they also all have large-scale attacks, but the larger the scale of the attack, the less powerful it is.
An attack on the scale of summer is still so powerful.
It is simply unimaginable.
"No, there is a Zerg rushing over!!" Those people were also very anxious when they saw that there was a Zerg rushing over, and they wanted to rush up for the first time.
But at this moment.
They suddenly found out.
Those Zerg who had not been beheaded by Summer also fell one after another.
No one saw where the attack came from.
But there is nothing left out.
"This is too terrible!!" The people on the scene were dumbfounded. Although they had seen great people, Xia Xia was too great.
It's completely beyond their cognition.
Now they have even forgotten the crisis of death.
"Kill, Insect King, Insect Lord, Insect King, kill him for me!!" Prometheus also began to order.
A large number of advanced Zerg rushed to summer.
at this time.
A cold light appeared.
Where Hanmang passed, the body of the rushing insect king was cut open instantly, without the slightest resistance.
Then came another sweep.
The body of the insect who succeeded in the front was also partially cut into pieces.
Most of the insects' body was completely knocked out by Hanmang.
As for the insect emperor who rushed over.
He was even more restrained by what kind of power he didn't know, and then his body was shattered.
Worm crystals flew all over the sky, worm horns fell everywhere, worm bones were scattered, and worm circles were everywhere.
But soon.
All these things disappeared.
It's completely gone.
Summer is already invincible here.
A powerful attack appeared at this moment, as if to swallow everything.
The female worm launched its attack.
This is an invincible attack that could break the barrier of the ancestral tree before, and even a semi-spirit level master would not dare to resist a terrible attack.
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