Chapter 18: Apprentice

Chapter 19: The martyrdom of Professor Jingda
The class was exceptionally quiet, and the gentleman glanced at the summer eyes, but they pretended to look at something else.
"Yesterday's simulation results have already come out. Let me read your achievements for you." The class teacher glanced at the crowd and continued to say: "The exam questions are provided by the Beijing University because the results of the exam will be Special enrollment hooks."
"So the top 30 students in this year's exams have the opportunity to become special enrollees at Beijing University."
Beijing University is one of the most famous universities in the country. It is the dream of no mathematics. Every year, the most famous high schools in the provinces have one or two special enrollees. Jianghai Neijiang High School has two special enrollees every year.
The requirements for special enrollment are extremely strict, and many aspects need to be tested. One of them is the academic achievement. At this time, the school did not inform everyone about the special tricks of Jingda before the mock exam, otherwise there will be large-scale cheating.
This is also the response of the professors at Jingda University.
At this time, the class teacher said that he would understand the three teachers who came in with the principal in the summer. They must be professors of Jingda University and be responsible for the special recruits.
Not surprisingly, Fire Chili succeeded in taking the class's penultimate position, and her two men were ranked in the penultimate and third positions, and the three of them won the top three in the class.
Afterwards, everyone's grades were read in turn, and the elegant academic performance has been very good. This time, I also got the third place in the class, and the tenth place in the school.
In the summer, the score was actually the first in the class. Although the results before the summer were very good, I never got the first. This time, he not only took the first place, but also the scores of all subjects were almost perfect. He answered The questions are extremely accurate.
His grades are not only the first in the class, but also the first in the grade. The most important thing is that he is the highest score among all the people who answered this exam, which is why the three professors came here.
I heard a little smile in the summer: "It seems that I guess it is correct, my mental strength has also improved, the spirit of ordinary people is limited, can not maintain a high concentration, the perfect state can only last a few minutes, but I was in a very high state of mind throughout the exam."
It is precisely because of this, so he not only answered the papers, but also the speed is so fast.
"In the summer, your grades are very good. According to the regulations, you have already won a special offer, but your score is too high. If yesterday’s assessment is a college entrance examination, you will definitely become a national. The champion was nodded. The class teacher nodded with satisfaction. She was very satisfied with the performance of the summer. She used to be a good student in the past. This exam is her personal proctoring. She is very concerned about summer, so he definitely does not believe in summer. cheat.
However, these three professors of Jingda do not believe that someone can test such a good result, so they have to observe it on the spot.
"Summer classmates, to be honest, your results are unexpectedly good, but I doubt the authenticity of your results." The woman sitting among the three professors in the last row stood up and compared her way of speaking. Directly, this person looks more than forty years old, but his face is covered with thick powder, but his neck is not rubbed, which causes her face and neck to be two colors.
Her makeup is very strong, and the general professor does not have such a heavy makeup.
"I never cheat, this is my father's education." Summer is from small to large, the test results are the most real, his father put an end to all his cheating behavior.
"Summer, this is a professor at Jingda University and the director in charge of this special offer." The class teacher hurriedly reminded her that she meant to make the summer match with the other party's question, so that I could get the special offer. .
"Your father educated you? This aunt did not tell his children not to copy, but which one did not copy?" The female director looked at the summer with a scornful look: "Talk about it, what is your cheating? This set of questions is not even perfect for the high school students of Beijing University."
When I heard the director's words, the summer class teacher hurried forward to explain: "Professor Pan, this child can't be cheated in the summer. He usually has good grades, and I have been there by the day of the exam."
"That is your dereliction of duty. He must have used some means to cheat. It is just too clever. You didn't find it." Professor Pan glanced at the summer class teacher and motioned her not to talk.
Summer finally understood, these people are looking for awkward, he did not intend to go to Beijing University, because the cousin is at Jianghai University, so he always wants to go to Jianghai University, now suddenly these three professors come, come Said he cheated.
"Excuse me, Professor Pan, why do you say that my teacher is derelict, and why do I say that I am cheating?" In the summer, I didn't humble and turned to look at the female professor.
"Why? Based on your achievements, it is impossible for someone to get a high score." Professor Pan took the summer paper and took it directly on the table.
"Oh, Professor Pan, you can't teach such a student, my teacher can't teach." Summer sneered, he most despised is this kind of person, think that he is a professor of a famous university, you can take The attitude of the superior person to see other people, what he thinks others can't do, others can't do it.

"You, you dare to talk to me like this," Professor Pan said angrily.
"How can I talk to you about Professor Pan? The tone of my speech has always been very calm, but you, as a professor, have been yelling there." Summer is not afraid of such people, she The biggest capital is that you can cancel your own special entitlement, but the special enrollment itself does not care at all, you can go to any university by yourself, and he never intended to go to Beijing University.
"Young man, this is what you are wrong, no one has taught you to respect the teacher." One of the three professors also stood up.
"Director? What have you taught me, who is the teacher? My teacher is now standing on the front platform. I have always respected her, but you don't have any reason to respect me." Summer is thorough for these people. Disappointed, there is absolutely no reason at all.
"You. You kid, it's totally uninhibited." The professor was flushed with the face of the summer voice.
"Hey, hello! You don't call my master in that kid boy. What kind of green onion do you guys, run here to yell and shout?" The fire pepper that slept on the desk turned around and said lazily.
"Where are you from the little girl? Look at your dress, how can you have a good student?" The third professor couldn’t help it, but his gunfire was aimed at the hot peppers, summer. The eloquence is very good, he does not want to talk to the summer positively, so I plan to start from this little girl first.
But obviously he found the wrong opponent.
"Where are you talking to your grandmother?" The temper of the hot pepper is not good. The body slammed his left foot on the desk, and the right foot stepped on the stool and looked at the professor.
"Mr. Hu, you have to persuade." The headmaster couldn’t help but see the fire in his eyes.
"Summer, you can sit down and talk to the three professors." The summer class teacher hurriedly advised her to look at the hot peppers with her eyes, but did not dare to talk about hot peppers.
In the summer, I saw the embarrassment of the class teacher, so I looked at the hot pepper: "You sit down."
"Oh." The fire pepper sits down directly, and has to say that one thing is falling. The hot pepper is definitely a tyrant in Jianghai High School, but it is very obedient in the summer.
"This kind of character is not qualified for the quota of our special recruits." Teacher Pan said with anger, today her face is lost, and she was dumbfounded by a student.
"My character is not based on people like you to comment, and I have never said the number of places that will want you, just your place, white will not give me." Summer disdain for the woman The professor glanced at the fact that such a person could be mixed into the professor's position in his eyes, maybe what means was used.
"You. Hey." The female professor suddenly showed a smug expression: "You just can't eat the grapes and the grapes are sour."
"Oh, you finally said a little bit of a word. I thought that your professor at Beijing University would only scream there." The summer words suddenly caused a big laugh, and Wenya always looked at the summer. She felt that the summer had changed. And it varies a lot.
"Well, not only your place, because you, you will not have a second special offer in the whole class." That teacher said proudly, she wants to let their class students hate the summer.
"Haha." Suddenly laughed in the summer: "It’s really a big belly. It turns out that the professors at Jingda are so big, and they have done the things that only the despicable villains will do in the book. The professor at Jingda is the professor at Jingda University. This kind of thing has to be made out on the plain side, never to do the little tricks behind it."
"The gentleman does it."
When he heard the summer, Professor Pan screamed badly. If this was said, it would have a serious problem for him. The current social network is so developed.
"I don't grind your skin with you. Jingda is a famous school all over the world. Just because you can't go to Beijing University, you can't say it here." Professor Pan took a look at the summer and the other two professors were cold. He snorted and walked outside the classroom.
"That is optimistic about my test scores this year, see if my score is enough for Beijing, don't forget my name, my name is summer." Summer shouted at the three, the three professors did not return Going outside.
"Oh, summer, you are in trouble." The principal sighed and went out in the summer.
"Students learn by themselves." The class teacher looked out of the summer and walked out of the professor.
At this time, Wenya is not a taste in her heart. She knows that summer is really changing. The previous summer has always been low-key and does not cause trouble, but now the summer has become the protagonist wherever she goes.
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