Chapter 2118: Three people destroy one city

A miserable cry came. ??看????ww?w?·1·cc
The mouth of the so-called second son of the city government was directly torn open by human beings.
"What?" Those people around are all a glimpse.
Even the guards of the second son were all stunned, and when they blasphemed, their lives disappeared completely.
The body of the second son fell to the ground, and he was killed by alive.
At this time, the little three sons trembled and his legs were soft.
He never dreamed that these people were so violent and so horrible.
"Continue to lead the way." A sound like a devil appeared behind him.
He scared almost directly to the ground, but he knew he couldn't. Once he fell, he would probably end up like the ones before.
So he resisted the powerlessness in his legs and walked forward.
The people on the street are all far away. They understand that they may have a big event right away, because the second son of the city owner is dead, and it is a corpse.
The death phase is very miserable.
"Adult, here is the best rotisserie in the city, you can go in and taste it." The little three thought, now that he can finally get rid of it. As for what money after him, he dare not think again, he is now The biggest idea is to escape, and when they go in, they will run away. ?? As a result, he is now, except for the one who is there, the others are all standing at the door, and he is standing in the middle of these people.
Can he still escape?
Certainly it can't be done. He can only smile in his heart. He knows that trouble is coming soon. The second son of the city government was killed, and the death is so bad.
The City Guard can find it here in a short time, and even he will be guilty together.
Looking at the two pieces of Chinese stone in his hand, he kept licking himself: how is it so greedy.
Sure enough, it didn't take much longer.
A large team of city guards came.
"Who killed the second son." The city guard shouted loudly.
The man next to him pointed to the people in front of him.
"Give me a hand, if there is resistance, kill it." The city guards brought tens of thousands of people, and there were thousands of people watching each other, so he shouted such a sentence, he thought that this sentence is absolutely absolute. Can shock each other, so that the other party does not dare to resist.
However, he is wrong.
The moment when his people rushed up.
He has never seen anyone fall down with a brush. ?·1?k?a book nshu·cc
What is this concept?
He didn't know until he saw his body getting farther and farther away from him, until he was really wrong.
Tens of thousands of city guards died like this.
Xiaosanzi’s legs were soft and he almost sat on the ground. When he saw so many city guards, he thought he was definitely finished, and he was also guilty of this group of people.
But soon he appeared, this group of city guards was actually treated as a chopped vegetables, and those people actually fell in such a row.
Tens of thousands of city guards are better than tens of thousands of cabbages.
He has never seen such a terrible master.
A large number of city guards are so dead.
The people around the crowd who are watching the crowd are also far away, as if they are worried that they have been affected.
The little three did not think that he had killed a life. He knew that if so many city guards died, the city government would definitely be angry. At that time, they could not stop the anger of the city government.
The greedy wolf inside is like nothing to be born. It is still eating what you are in front of yourself.
"The taste is really good, it is much better than the food of the Devil." The greedy wolf secretly said that at this time all the guests except the burger had quietly escaped, and the boss stood there shaking and did not dare to move.
"Boss, give me another one." The greedy wolf is eating up.
call out!
Just then, a feather arrow came in from the outside and shot directly on the flesh of the wolf.
The look of the wolf suddenly became fierce.
He slowly stood up and then walked outside. When he walked to the door, he saw the black people, and all the city guards and soldiers in the city gathered together again, leaving a wall outside.
The greedy wolf slowly sat on his sedan chair and then said, "I don't like the city, you three, and I have destroyed the city."
The city was destroyed, and he said it was very understatement.
It’s like killing chicken and slaughtering sheep.
And only three people were dispatched.
"Is you killing my son? Is it true that I will let all of you have fun with my son today?" The city owner stood there and shouted angrily.
The greedy wolf waved.
Then the three people around him disappeared directly into the place.
The greedy wolf is lying on the sedan chair, closing his eyes and raising his spirits, as if nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard.
The screams are coming and going.
Only three people shot, but not long after, the opposite army was completely defeated and blood donated.
One day later!
In the entire city, except for the younger son, all the people were dead, including the boss in the rotisserie, because he just wanted to escape.
The little three sons have been lying on the ground at this time: "Adult, I beg you, take a life around me, I have nothing to do, these two pieces of Lingshi are still for the adults, no, all my things are given Adult, you are when I am a fart, let me go."
The greedy wolf slowly opened his eyes: "Don't be stupid, I won't kill you, follow me, just as I am not too familiar with the world."
I heard the words of the wolf.
boom! boom! boom! boom!
The youngest son continued to smash his head, his forehead was smashed, and he did not stop, it was awkward, and his mouth kept shouting: "Thank you, thank you."
"Okay, get up, I am very optimistic about you, you only need to do your job, I promise you will become a master." The wolf said casually, he likes this feeling, he can dominate other life.
Narrow Road City is now donating blood everywhere, without any sound, because all the people in the city are dead, and the dogs are not left.
All this is done by three people, the three men of the wolf.
In the devil world, they can't kill women, but here is the human world, so they can kill who they want to kill, no one can stop them.
"Having absolute strength is the real king. In the summer, if I had the current strength, then I only need to use my fingers to crush you." The greedy wolf said to himself.
"Summer?" said the little three sons to himself.
"Have you heard of this name?" The greedy wolf looked at the little three.
"It seems to have been heard, but I forgot, adults, you let me think, I can definitely think of it." Xiao Sanzi hurriedly said that mobile phone users please visit
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