Chapter 2219: Fight between scorpions

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The blood-red battle axe directly smashes the huge stars, and the gravel destroys all around. Want to book n?shu·cc
Such a terrible attack has already shaken everyone.
No one has ever seen such a horrible person, such a terrible attacking power, innocently smashing the stars, the destructive power is simply invincible.
Among the three groups of battles, the most beastly group is the Innocent and Totem Junior Seven Killers.
There is no dodge between them, no fancy attack, no sneak attack, it is a decisive battle between gentlemen, and it can be said that it is a decisive battle between the nephews.
"It's yours!!" The Seven Killers used their fingers to point to no evil.
The blow that he had just made was made by him, and then it was innocent.
The reason why they are called the battle between the two is entirely because the battle between the two is completely unwilling to try.
Play against each other.
No one flashes, no one hides!
You hit me, I will hit you to see who can't afford to fall, then whoever loses.
The two completely ignore it, and wherever they go.
Although both of them are wearing armor, but after the battle, their two armor can not be used at all, and what kind of armor can not stop such an attack, and it is not hiding. One The narrow road meets the brave winner!
What if both people are brave?
Then you can only see who is more brave!
Innocent directly cuts out an axe. He is now slashing to the left arm of the Seven Killers. He wants to use this to directly kill the left arm of the Seven Killers because he knows that even if he wants to cut off the other’s head. It is impossible to succeed, and his arms will definitely resist.
So he plans to break it one by one.
First deal with the left arm of the Seven Killers.
The left arm of the Seven Killers was turned into crystal, and the innocent axe was cut directly.
Gravel is flying!
Innocently withdrew the axe.
The left arm of the Seven Killers recovered normal flesh and blood, but at this time his left arm was bloody, apparently his arm was turned into crystal, but it was still his arm, he was still given by the innocent axe. Cut down.
The blood donation dropped from his arm, but he didn't even manage it. At this time, his face was full of excitement, and he could not feel the pain at all.
"It's up to you!" Throw the battle axe on the ground without any evil, and then look at the Seven Killers.
The two are playing this undead battle here. Read a book? w?ww·1·cc
Since ancient times: people are afraid of tigers, tigers are afraid of embarrassment, and embarrassed are afraid of life.
These two people are completely unwilling, whoever believes, then whoever loses.
These two people are obviously not the kind of people who are ignorant. Both of them are completely lifeless. That is to say, unless they kill one, it is impossible to stop.
"Okay, then I will come." The Seven Killers swung their right hand, and his right arm turned directly into a crystal knife, very sharp.
The Seven Killers directly smashed from top to bottom, and he was blind to the innocent head.
Although innocent, although most of the damage was blocked with his arms, his head was still seen by the Seven Killers with a long blood mark, and blood ran down from the innocent head.
All the people around me took a sip of cold air. These two people are too perverted. This is a fight, it is totally playing.
Life can no longer explain the realm between them.
Shamelessly shaking his head.
"It's up to you." The Seven Killers looked at the innocent.
"Well!" Nodded innocently, then a wave of his right hand, the Dragon Slayer directly returned to his hands, then he went to the front of the Seven Killers.
Both of them now have injuries on their bodies, but the obvious innocence is more serious.
Because the Seven Killers are dominant in this mode of chopping, his crystal and the power of the stars can be used for defense, so although he is wounded everywhere, he is not serious.
Innocently raised the dragon and axe in his hand, then slanted directly from the upper body of the Seven Killers.
Countless gravels fly! ! !
The body of the Seven Killers is directly on one knee.
This time his injury was not light. When he canceled his crystal mode, he could clearly see that the long blood ditch in his upper body was two centimeters deep and slanted across him. Half upper body.
Blood donation keeps flowing.
The Seven Killers slowly stood up.
His upper body was bleeding, but he did not pay attention to his injuries, did not take any medicinal herbs, and did not deal with his wounds.
This kind of competition is to rely on endurance, whoever cures, that is who lost.
Tough guys, both of them are tough guys with iron skeletons.
Although it seems to be two scorpions, this scorpion has been painted as a hero by the people around them, because their two practices have been recognized by everyone.
"It's up to you." No evil wiped the blood to the side of the eye, then he threw the battle axe on the ground.
The Seven Killers slowly came over to the innocent, and then his right hand became a spar knife again. When he came to the innocent, he jumped directly, and once again, the goal was still innocent.
Everyone can hear it clearly!
The innocent bones were cut.
His left hand bones were also cut off, and the bones on his head were also opened. The blood flowed down like a spring, and went down the innocent face. The innocent eyes had been stained with blood. No matter how he wipes, he can't wipe the blood from his eyes.
His body swayed three times on the ground.
The people around can't bear to look at it. Normally, such a person is dead, but he is still not dead. He still touches his own axe.
When he caught the axe, he was cut off again with an axe, and he said nothing, because he was completely cut off by instinct.
There was a deep mouth in the body of the Seven Killers. Even the bones could be seen. The Seven Killers were directly cut down to the ground by this. All of them seemed to fall into a pool of blood.
Innocent is also throwing the axe, he is waiting for the other side's counterattack, he does not know whether he can survive, or know that the other party can still fight back, anyway, he is waiting there.
The Seven Killers were lying on the ground for ten seconds, then he stood up and went to the innocent again. This time he cut to the innocent neck, and the innocence was at the same time, innocent again. He grabbed the tomahawk on the ground and cut it on the neck of the Seven Killers.
Both of them were cut obliquely. At the same time, the collarbone at both necks was broken.
boom! boom!
The bodies of the two men fell down and fell down at the same time, but the Seven Killers stood up again in the moment they arrived at the mobile phone. Please visit
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