Chapter 2432: Terror experience value

boom! !
The body of a Warcraft appeared in front of the elders of the mission.

Is it enough?
asked the summer.
The elders at that mission saw the World of Warcraft body suddenly, because this is the body of the third-level Warcraft.
boom! !
It is also the body of a Warcraft.

Is it enough?
asked the summer.
Rumble! !
Dozens of Warcraft's bodies appear directly in this huge room, all full of Warcraft corpses.

Is it enough?
asked again in the summer.
At this time, the elders at the mission had been completely stunned. He did not expect these f-level mercenaries to bring back so many complete World of Warcraft bodies. The most important ones are the bodies of the three-level Warcraft.
Just then, the body of more than a dozen Warcraft appeared in front of him.
The body of the four-level Warcraft.
"What?" The elders at the mission have been completely ruined.

Is it enough?
said the summer cold face.
People are deceived by people, and Ma Shan is riding!
In this case, he must let the other party know that he is not bullied.
boom! ! !
This time is a bigger body of Warcraft.
The body of the five-level Warcraft.

Is this enough?
asked the summer.
Hey! !
The elders of this mission have been completely ruined.
The more complete the Warcraft corpse, the more expensive the price, but the entire Warcraft corpse is rarely able to be shipped back, because their size is too big, the storage ring simply can not fit.
At this point, I saw so many Warcraft corpses suddenly appeared in the room. The elders at the mission had not said a word.
The complete body of the five-level Warcraft, even if the master of the seven Ding Jiujie can not bring back.
Five-level Warcraft is not so good to kill, you must enter the endless Mossen, and even if you enter the endless Mossen, it is very difficult to find the five-level Warcraft. If you accidentally, the Qiding Master will die. The elders at the office looked at so many complete World of Warcraft in front of him, he understood.
At this time, the five people in front of him are by no means simple.
"Is not enough?" The eyes of the summer stared at the elders at the mission.
"Enough, enough." The elders at the mission said hurriedly.
"Well, I have submitted all these things. I don't know how many Lingshi and how many points can I get?" asked in the summer.
"Sir, wait a moment, I will ask people to count." The elders at the mission were very polite, no longer like the tone just now.
"Well, let's go out and wait, tell me about it." Summer is not afraid of them playing tricks, because they don't dare, they are mercenary missions, if there is any tricky, then the leaders above will not put After they passed, they only faced death.
Even something more terrible than death.

There is a rest area outside, which is specially set up for VIPs,
said the elder of the mission.
"Let's go, let's go out and see, I just want to have a good look." In the summer, several of them went directly to the VIP area.
Compared to the outside, it is indeed a VIP area. There are places to rest, as well as tea and food.
"The upgrade of the f-class mercenary group to the e-class mercenary group requires 10 million points of experience. The upgrade of the e-class mercenary group to the d-class mercenary group requires 100 million points of experience. That is to say, we need a few to add up. After gaining a billion points of experience, the mercenary group can be upgraded to the d level. It is too abnormal." After watching the introduction on the mercenary group manual in the summer, I shook my head helplessly.
According to this calculation, if you want to become an ss-level mercenary group, you can still be far behind.
"Yeah, the mercenary group wants to upgrade is generally based on the number of people, unless we also expand the size of the mercenary group, and then the income of the big man, in order to accelerate the growth of the mercenary group." Wei Yue said.
"No interest, my mercenary group is not who wants to add can come in." Summer lazily said.
Hearing this sentence, everyone suddenly remembered that after the summer, they chased their and let them join the mercenary group.
"Yes, it's not expensive, it's not too expensive, it's easy to make troubles, and it's easy to make trouble." Wei Yue said, he understands that the more people there are, the less manageable it is, and the easier it is to differentiate the mercenary group, so sometimes The mercenary group is not suitable for recruiting too many people.
For example, the most famous ss-level mercenary group in the spiritual world, the emperor mercenary group.
There is only one whole spiritual world! !
There are only ten people in this mercenary group.
There aren't many people, but the ten of them have created legends, and the ten people are also the big men on the side of the party. Even the ten people are still alive and not living.
After all, the spirit world is so big, even the Five Emperors can't guarantee that they will not die.
"Well, our mercenary group now has a total of six people. If I come across the likes, I will pull in." Summer is lazily there.
At this point he is looking at the rank of the mercenary.
The upgrade of the f-class mercenary to the e-class requires one million experience points, the e-level upgrade to the d-level requires 10 million experience points, and the d-level upgrade to the c-level requires 100 million experience points. These are all reasonable, but from When the c-class mercenary is upgraded to the b level, it begins to be abnormal, not one billion, but five billion, and the promotion from the b-level mercenary to the a-level mercenary is more than 50 billion.
"This is too abnormal." Summer scratched his head.
"That's not the most abnormal, you look at what is the most abnormal." Weiyue refers to the manual that is being watched in the summer.
So I flipped my manual in the summer.
"The trough! The trough, I have a trough!!" When I saw the number in the summer, it was completely speechless.
One trillion! !
One trillion experience! !
Now they kill a World of Warcraft is also tens of thousands of experience points, then you want to get together a trick, you need to kill 100 million World of Warcraft, this is even if they let them kill soft and can not kill.
At this time, I remembered the classic line in the summer: Chen Hao could not do it.
"That's too abnormal, let's go, let's go out and see if there are any tasks. Anyway, we need to continue to do the task." After the summer, I took the lead and went out, and other people followed.
In the summer, I started to look at the c-level task directly. Because of the f-level task, the e-level task is too low for him. Even if it is a d-level task, he is too lazy to do it.
"Look, it’s an e-class mercenary!!" At this moment, a few people around enviously looked at the three people in the middle.
The three men also looked up and were very proud. They deliberately hung the mercenary badge in the most eye-catching place.
At this time, they enjoyed the adoration of these worshipers. At this moment, one of them suddenly discovered that someone actually ignored them, which made him feel very faceless: "Look at that."
The other two people also saw the summer and others.
"Get out! Let go!!" An e-class mercenary said very impatiently.
"I am looking at the mission, there is a mission machine over there, you can go there." The summer glanced at the man. Mobile phone users please visit
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