Chapter 248: Trust me

Chapter 249: Revenge of the King
The summer rushed forward quickly.
"In the summer, you must avenge your brethren."
"Don't worry, I haven't bubbled you yet, I won't die." Summer is fast in the jungle.
In the command of the Tigers, everyone heard his words, because this is outside, and when he heard him, the people in the entire headquarters were stunned, and then he shook his head helplessly.
Only the face of the staff was not too good. He came to the side of Binghua Lei Ting: "Kid, my name is Long Tiansheng. Lei Ting is a childhood friend who grew up with me. If you want to fight with me, then live. come back."
Binghua Lei Ting gave him a look.
After the dialogue, the atmosphere in the headquarters was not as heavy as it was just now.
"You guys." Even the commander shook his head helplessly.
"First come back to live and say." Binghua Lei Ting did not mean to refuse, nor did he live in the summer.
If this is said from someone else's mouth, then she has already cleaned up the other party, but at this time she did not do it.
"Discover a head." The body of the summer jumped, and the body jumped on the branches flexibly.
Everyone was watching the summer scene, the summer screen had been enlarged, and they all looked at the summer with surprise, because the speed of the tree he had just been on was too fast.
Shoot it with one shot.
Just when the talents saw a figure from the miniature camera in the summer, the summer was already shot.
I saw that the body of the man fell down.
"First, there are twenty left." The summer body tumbling in the air, landing smoothly, and then continued to run forward.
"This kid, the body is as flexible as a monkey." The brigade of the three brigades praised.
"The monkeys don't have such a good shot." The teacher said, the man was at least seven hundred meters away from the summer, but he quickly got on the tree in the summer, then shot directly and hit a shot.
Everyone seems to have seen hope. They are looking forward to it. I hope that summer can really kill each other with one person.
The current battlefield situation is slightly better for the summer, because there is only one sniper in the opponent's eleven team, and the sniper has been killed in the summer, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by the other party in the summer.
When the summer came to the person who had just been killed by him, he picked up the grenade around his waist and threw it forward.
Bang! !
A series of explosions came.
There are actually series of thunders in front, but now the ring mine has been completely broken by the summer.
"This kid, the soldier who used to be in the past, this observation and alertness is too strong." The teacher praised.
After breaking the other side's thunderstorm in the summer, he continued to move forward. He believed that he would be able to catch up with those people at his own speed. As long as he was careful, it would not be a problem to kill those people.
A series of gunshots came, and the summer body jumped and escaped the bullets, but the other party did not stop shooting.
"md." The summer did not dare to look up, kept running forward, and the way he ran was s-shaped.
Inside the command, everyone was holding their breath, and everything in front of him was much more exciting than watching a big movie. As long as the summer slowed down a little, he would be hit by a bullet into a horse.

"It is now." In the summer, when the other party’s gunshots disappeared, the body directly squatted and quickly aimed.
A shot directly penetrated the other's head.
He knows that like this international mercenary master, the speed of changing bullets is definitely less than one second, so he only has one second. If it is not the perspective of the eye, it will not be so happy in summer. Just solve each other.
"Pretty!" The teacher was excited to shoot on the table.
"Too great, this soldier is the best soldier I have ever seen," said the brigade commander of the Brigade.
"It is not an exaggeration to call him a soldier." The brigade of the two brigades praised him.
This gun in the summer made everyone very admired, because no one dared to say that he could do that.
"Through the video of his escape and shooting, he was used as a teaching video." The teacher said that this video is too classic. He does not ask all soldiers to have the speed of shooting in the summer, but at least Not every opponent has the same international mercenary.
And the section that escaped is also very classic.
This kind of escape can really put pressure on the other party's heart. The other side always thinks that the sweep can definitely hit, so the summer managed to escape.
"The head, you haven't eaten in a day," said the adjutant behind him.
"What to eat, wait for our heroes to come back to us to have a big meal." The teacher said.
"There are still nineteen." The summer said lightly.
After solving this, I took out the compressed biscuits in my pocket in the summer. He was really tired and hungry.
"The head, what do you ask me to eat after I go back? Don't like our brigade commander, ask me to drink some peanuts and flicker me." Summer said while eating compressed biscuits.
"You come back, I invite you to eat meat." The teacher said very generously.
After eating the compressed biscuits in my hands in the summer, I continued to set off. This time it was a pursuit. In the summer, everyone saw his skills. It took only three hours and five in the summer.
"There are fourteen," said the summer.
"In the summer, is your physical strength still ok? You haven't had a break at all." Binghua Lei Ting asked.
"History 38 has helped me to rest." Summer said, he will certainly help them in revenge. In the cave, Shi Sanba showed his girlfriend's photos in the summer, it is very beautiful, they are two They said that they would marry when they retired.
He told the summer about a lot of things between him and his girlfriend, but now he can no longer see his girlfriend.
Two people were found in the summer, but the two men were very alert. They just entered the shooting range in the summer. The two men hid. Now the scene is in a stalemate. In the summer, they are both blocked in a jungle.
"Jike, there are two of us left, and everyone else was killed by the sniper."
"I know, I didn't expect him to be so powerful. It seems that I really look down on China's special forces." Jike had to admit that the summer was so powerful that he was forced into this situation for the first time.
"What do we do now, go out and kill him?"
"You go out and try to see if he can't hit your head." Jike said depressedly.

Are we staying here?

"Of course, wait for the idiot monkey, I have already notified the idiots about them. After an hour, they will come to support us." Jike said faintly, how could he not plan to wait?
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