Chapter 2875: Also you are the original [ninth more]

Two hundred refining dans plus cold spring water and dark.
That is equal to perfection.
I took a hundred refining dans in the summer, but only played 60% of the effect, which means that only the equivalent of sixty refining dans is absorbed, but this time it is different, he The second is to absorb the full strength of two hundred refining dans.
Hey! !
Refining Dan was thrown into the entrance by him one by one.
This time, the summer feels refreshing and unspeakable.
Because he also took cold spring water, coupled with the dark atmosphere, this time, the refining dan was the most perfect neutral.
Hey! !
A pure force flows into his body, then infiltrates into his ribs, nourishes his tendons on the one hand, and strengthens his tendons on the other.
"It's a wonderful use of infinite things. If one day I can get the refining method of this refining dan, it will definitely increase the overall strength of my brothers."
He promised the brothers, the next time they meet, then they will pursue the ultimate martial arts and become sss-level mercenaries.
I also promised my brothers to build their own city.
If you want to build a city, everything else is fine.
But the most basic ones must have the ability to shock other forces, so that other forces do not dare to move their city, otherwise the city will be attacked by the enemy, and their city will be destroyed, and The brothers who fought also suffered countless deaths and injuries.
"All of them are served." In the summer, the eyes were bright, and then a large number of refining dans were directly put into their mouths.
Hey! !
Refining the gluten Dan swallowed.
Hey! !
The pure power exploded directly in the summer, and if it wasn't for his physical fitness, then his internal organs had already exploded.
"It's so cool!!" In the summer, I feel that my body is stimulated by this power.
Just for a moment, he felt his gluten had been moisturized.
Five hours later! !
The eyes of the summer opened instantly, and then his face showed a smile. This time he felt that he was definitely a breakthrough. As for how many breakthroughs, he still needs to experiment and see how much he has broken through.
I punched it out.
There was a smile on the summer face.
0.07 seconds! !
Yes, the summer did break, and his punching speed changed from 0.08 seconds to 0.07 seconds.
It can be said that this change is very large, although only 0.01 seconds, but zero and one second is enough to decide life and death.
"Sure enough, as King Arthur said, it is too difficult to get 0.06 to 0.06." Summer feels that his current ribs are 0.07, and there is no difficulty, that is to say, he is already going to 0.06, but still needs For a long time.
This world is the need to continue to take the refining of the dans in the summer or the power of the world to break through.
"Although it is not 0.06, but if I am fighting with an ordinary Jiuding master now, then I can even cause spikes by my means." Although the summer can beat the ordinary Jiuding masters in the past, most of the functions are used. What is the power of lightning, such as the powerful killings like the palm of the hand.
However, these killings are still foreign.
And there are limits to use.
In the summer, when you use the palm of your hand, you need to rely on the power of Bodhi, which is the power of Buddhism. This power does not belong to him, so when you use it for a long time, his body will suffer a lot of load. Although it can't be seen inside, it will become fatal after a long time.
And the power of Bodhi does not hurt good people.
That is to say, if the enemy of the summer has done some good deeds, then the power of Bodhi cannot hurt this person.
This is the power of Buddhism.
There are letters, but no letters.
Buddha also said in the summer that there is no real right or wrong in this world, including the Buddha world. There is no right or wrong. Just follow the heart. Buddhism is not a saint. Buddhism cannot be every one. Doing the heart is like water, and doing good for a lifetime, but most of the Buddhists are following good.
It is precisely because of this that Buddhism gained respect from everyone.
Are there any wicked people in Buddhism?
Are there people who do bad things everywhere?
There are also.
But such people are very few.
The power of Bodhi used in summer is not to hurt the good deeds. In the summer, he can’t guarantee that his future enemies have done good deeds. If there is, then he can’t hurt each other unless the other’s sin is better than him. The good things that have been done are much more serious, and if you come to the palm of your hand, you can make a difference.
Another kind of power, that is the power of lightning.
This is even more daunting to use in the summer.
Because Raytheon's arm is not something that he can control. If it wasn't for the old madman who helped him suppress the power of Raytheon's arm, then his Raytheon arm has already swallowed himself.
The power of Raytheon's arm is too violent.
"If I can take all the 100,000 refining dans, what will my shooting speed be like? 0.04?0.03? Or 0.01?" Summer is extremely exciting, if he can reach 0.01, then others When he punches a punch, he can play ten punches. How can he not win?
It’s just too easy to beat your opponent.
Even the leapfrog challenge is the same.
You said that your strength is strong?
The power of the world is strong?
Your strength is stronger, I am shooting faster than you, what can you do?
The power of your world is high again. I will attack all the forces that block your strength. What can you do?
This is the benefit of a fast shot.
"Call, that's all afterwards. Now let's take a look at this ring." In the summer, he took out the ring, which he grabbed from Chut.
It is also Chut's biggest card.
Chut is also relying on this thing to sweep everything, even the summer is almost planted on this thing, if there is not a small bug to help, then there will be a thunder arm in the summer, even if it is like a palm ? There was no chance to shoot at all. This ring directly blocked his mental power and made him a waste.
Although there is spiritual bundling in the summer.
However, his mental bundling is used to deal with people below the eight Ding, but also the strength of the opponent, the strong people can not be tied, but this ring is different.
"Cut is really burying such things." The perspective of the summer has long found the extraordinary thing about this thing.
From the outside, this thing seems to be a black iron weapon, but in fact, it is not right.
Because this thing is sealed.
Hey! !
The power of lightning.
The power of lightning in summer was pinched on the ring, and then the ring became two.
"I will return you to this."
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