Chapter 3420: Grab everyone

The moment I saw the summer jumping into the blood pool, both of them were paralyzed.
The blood pool here is very corrosive.
This point they have already learned.
Hey! !
Summer fell directly into the blood pool.
Both of them are all anxious colors.
Just when the big devil is going to jump down.
puff! !
Summer jumped out of the water.
"Sir, you are fine." The mixed question and answer of the big devil.
"Nothing, I just go down and have a look at the situation below." After the summer, he shouted directly at the two people: "Defense!!"
The two did not hesitate.
puff! !
Just then, the blood in the blood pool flew.
Spraying is everywhere.
"Ha ha ha ha, yes, as I thought!!" suddenly burst into laughter in the summer.
"Hmm?" Both of them are puzzled and look to the summer.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, you will know it later." In the summer, he smiled and shouted at the surrounding: "I am summer!!"
I am summer! !
The sound is getting louder and louder.
Constantly spread to the surrounding.
"I rely, you are crazy!!" Killing the gods suddenly.
"Is it irritating?" In the summer, I looked at the of death with a smile.
"Isn't that still running?" The summer smiled and then directly threw a crystal to kill God: "This is the secret here."
Blood crystal! !
"This is actually the legendary blood crystal!!" Killing God carefully looked at the blood in his hand.
"Blood crystal?" The incomprehensible color of the big devil.
"Give you." Killing God threw the blood in his hand to the big devil.
"Well? Good blood," said the big devil.
"Yes, this thing contains a lot of blood, if a normal person takes it directly, because he can't control the blood inside, once swallowed by this blood, then it will be directly controlled by blood gas, become a Killing machines, but if the normal master can refine this thing, then you can increase your own flesh and blood strength, which is a big tonic." Summer explained.
"So great!!" The big devil king suddenly took a look.
"Well, it's okay, but the power of this thing is too great, even if it is a level mercenary, it is best to swallow it separately. Don't swallow more than ten at most, otherwise it will be easily invaded by blood gas, and it will be troublesome at that time." Summer reminder Road.
"Summer, is the secret you said is this thing?" asked the god.
"No, I have a big guess, but it has not been confirmed yet," said the summer.
"What guess?" asked the god.
"Come on," said the summer.
At this time, a group of people came from the rapid attack. From the state of these people, these people all ran over, and they were rushing one by one.
"They are there!!" shouted the man headed.
"Hey, this is the guard of the prison jail!!" A little glimpse in the summer, he was originally called to bring people, but did not expect that someone actually rushed in such a short period of time.
The mighty four or five hundred people have already ran over.
"Where, the prison chief will arrive soon," one shouted.
Hey! !
At this moment, the summer body disappeared into the place, he came to the person, and then began to jump quickly.
I have to say that the summer is very fast, and that person is squatting in the summer and running around.

Is it irritating?
said the man in the summer.
"Stimulation, stimulation!!" The man's mouth was a little bit stunned.

Do you want to be more exciting?
asked the summer.
"Do not"
His words have not been finished, the summer body has already jumped high, he jumped very high, everyone looked up and looked.
Just then, they began to decline quickly.
what! !
The screams shouted from the mouth of the man.
puff! !
The last two people all fell into the blood pool.
It's all too fast.
The younger brothers did not respond at all, and their bosses were already pulled into the blood pool in the summer.
Hey! !
The man pulled the man up in the summer.
what! !
The man’s mouth made a miserable cry, and his body was already corroded by the blood.

Is it irritating?
asked again in the summer.
The man has not waited for a response.
boom! !
In the summer, the man flew out directly to the man.
At the same time, the summer body quickly disappeared into place.
puff! puff! puff!
He took all the storage equipment of the four or five hundred people directly, and the ring also smashed his fingers, and then saw his left foot stepping on the ground.
puff! !
spray! !
The blood in the blood pool began to spray.
"This" killing God has completely collapsed.
She just felt that the situation was wrong, but she did not expect that the summer actually controlled the blood in the blood pool.
Devouring! !
The area of ​​the blood pool sprayed this time is much larger than before.
Directly swallow the four or five hundred people directly.
"Catch the world, these storage equipment you bring, this time we have to make a big ticket here." Summer smiled, although he has gained enough benefits from killing God, but who would dislike his own money?
"Well!!" said the big demon king with a face.
"I really don't know how much money you have to do." Killing God said helplessly.
"There are only two reasons for the destruction of one force. The first one is internal worry, the second one is external trouble. If there is internal worry in my power, then I will give them two roads. The first one is that it does not damage Pluto. The city and the people inside, then I can send them out of the second city of Pluto. If he has damaged the city of Pluto or has killed the people in the city of Pluto, then my judgment is to die, as for the external trouble, then All I need to do is bring them back more money to develop the city of Pluto. As for how they develop, look at them."
Although the summer is the city owner of the city of Pluto, he has not returned to it several times.
He has been working hard for the development of the city of Pluto.
The degree of power in the city of Pluto is already obvious to all, but in the summer it has been thought again. If the wall can be 50 meters thick and 50 meters high, what if there is a big army?
Who can break the wall of the city of Pluto?
And in the summer, I heard that there are some super weapons in the Three Realms.
Such as the Lingshi cannon and so on! !
The more money you have in summer, the more you can buy.
"What are you going to do this time?" asked the god.
"It's very simple. All I have to do is kill all the enemies and grab everyone who enters here!!!"
s wishing you a happy birthday on the 1st, the blessing of the late arrival, the phone entered the water that day, plus these days busy, so I suddenly saw it today! ! !
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