Chapter 375: A large number of masters attacked

Chapter 376: Fight for the honor of the country
"Rely!" The glacier erected the in the summer.
"Attention, I am your brother-in-law, you are not doing this well." Summer said shyly.
"Ha ha!" Several people laughed out, and the atmosphere eased for everyone in the summer.
The combat mission in summer is very simple. He knows that the other party will use the Hong Kong City and the International Security Agency to hand over the other five d out of Hong Kong, because that time is the weakest defense in other parts of Hong Kong.
So in the summer, the mayor handed over the fake for the first time, and transferred the attention of those people. Then he and the glaciers acted separately, using the plane to quickly intercept the smuggling ports in Jianghai City, and then returning to the security bureau.
Although the distance is very far, the speed of the helicopter is not slow, and there is no traffic jam in the air.
Just let the helicopter drive the speed to the fastest.
Of course, the handover could not allow the International Security Agency to wait, so after they got the five d back in the summer, they would go to the International Security Bureau and it would still be a battle.
This is the full set of plans for the summer.
The mayor called all the police forces in Hong Kong, wrapped the squad, the investigation team, etc., as long as they were able to participate in the war, all kinds of explosion-proof teams, anti-biochemical infection teams and so on.
Once d explodes, they must stop the virus from continuing to attack.
All the ports are closed, but most of the police force is in the international trading port, because today's handover is here. For this handover, the World Security Organization, the International Security Agency sent a total of three aircraft carriers, they want to d transported to an uninhabited island, then destroyed d, and they will use chemical agents to pre-fill the island, so that the biochemical virus can not infect the sea.
The International Security Agency handles this kind of thing like this, and it must not be left in the world.
In the summer and the glacier, there are a sniper rifle and a submachine gun. There are a number of bullets. They must be careful when shooting. They must calculate the wind speed in the high altitude. Otherwise, they may be biased. Once they hit the d, they become sinners of China. .
Although d has his own unique way of detonating, but no one knows what will happen to the bullet, and once it leaks or detonates the device inside, it will be terrible.
"Da brother, how is your wind speed?" asked on the plane in the summer.
"I have a good wind speed here, I have already counted it, how are you there?" Glacier responded.
"Too winds, the feeling of taking a helicopter is cool, I like this feeling, condescending, as long as my pilot does not let the other side's shells shoot down, I have the confidence to smash each other." Summer excitedly, he is most worried It is the missile, the kind of shoulder-type missile.
But the other side should not get it. Recently, the city of Hong Kong has been martial law, and they can get great weapons.
If they can get the kind of heavy weapons, then the security department of Hong Kong should really go through a good review.
"You are not going to be a helicopter?" asked the glacier.

Is it a helicopter hanging on a rope?
asked the summer.
"Well, you don't have to say, I have all understood, you are a rookie, tie the rope, don't fall, easy to get excited, tie the seat belt on your body, loosen the rope and jump the plane when you are in danger." Glacier reminded .
"What can be dangerous, the little brother who drove me to the plane said that he used his life to guarantee that there will be no problem." The summer said confidently.
"Crap, every helicopter pilot says so, because once the aircraft is aimed at the missile, they have no chance to parachute, it is a death, of course, with life guarantee." Glacier explained that his explanation is very reasonable.
"I rely on, little brother, is he really saying?" Their headphones are connected together in the summer.
"Well, but I have never had anything to do," the driver said.

"Crap, if you have an accident, you can still live, buddy, you must open well, I have no daughter-in-law." Summer begged, so high, even if he would martial arts have to fall directly.
"Do not worry, I have no wife," the driver said.
"How do you say that the more I don't feel relieved, buddy, you must open it well, wait for me to be safe, I will introduce you to a wife." Summer tempted, he knows that there is temptation to have motivation, maybe this driver Excitement has played a hundred percent strength.
"Really? Thank you so much." The driver said excitedly.
"Summer, glacier, can you hear it?" The voice of the mayor came from the earphones.
"Can." Summer and the glacier responded.
"The handover is about to begin, please." The mayor said again.
"Don't worry about the mayor, you pay attention to safety there, we will support you." The summer knows that the mayor has personally gone into battle. He has only one body armor and bulletproof helmet on his body, and he himself is also a gunman.
This is the real good mayor.
"Be careful, be prepared to act." The mayor said seriously.
Their headphones are connected to all the defenses, as long as they find the gangsters who transport d, they will use headphones to inform the summer and the glaciers.
The largest port area in Hong Kong is usually the main trading area. Now there are thousands of police forces stationed here. This is all the police forces that can be mobilized outside of security and duty.
They are all waiting, this time they are protecting three bullet-proof boxes, which are filled with d.
At sea, the World Security Organization and the International Security Agency have all been ready, waiting for the handover of the two sides.
Three people carrying boxes went to the pier.
At this moment, there were hundreds of black people in the water. They all had wires on them, and they appeared in an instant. The submachine guns in their hands began to design directly.
A series of attacks were made.
"Police!" All the police officers began to guard, but there are still many people in the gun, especially the three people in front of the box, fortunately, the box is bulletproof, and these people are fine.
At this moment, there were a large number of people around the place where there was no one. All of them were fully armed and the bullets came from all directions.
The war began.

The southeast port found the target and the northwest port found the target.

"I am southeast, you are northwest!" said the headset to the summer.
"Good, pay attention to safety." Glacier responded.
The two started, and the battle between the two of them started. The summer guess is correct. Those people want to use the Hong Kong police force to defend against the weakest time. Although there are police guards here, there are altogether in each port. Less than ten people
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