Chapter 3868: Countdown two days

Bai Xiaosheng.
This person can be said to be very mysterious.
I used to guess his identity in the past summer, but after coming to Tianyuan, he found that he was getting closer and closer to Bai Xiaosheng, because Bai Xiaosheng seemed to live on the Tianyuan continent, but he was curious before. How did Bai Xiaosheng know so many things.
But then he thought that he might be one of the people that Bai Xiaosheng had.
But since he got the book, he found that the situation is different.
This book often has some words before the big event.
Every time the words seem to remind him.
And he has always suspected that Bai Xiaosheng is staring at him.
Otherwise, how could it be so soon to know that something is happening here?
And the word above the book is obviously like talking to him.
"I will find out your identity sooner or later." Summer does not like the feeling of being peeked.
But he is still very clear.
Since Bai Xiaosheng said that there are still two days, then something will happen two days later.
"Mad woman, how long does it take us to get away from the power of the Dark Temple?" Summer asked, he didn't know the specific address of the Dark Temple, but obviously this crazy woman knew that as for the name of the mad woman, she didn't say it herself. Didn't ask in the summer, and the name of the frosty woman did not ask him, just like Lei Yun, called Frost Sister.
The four of them never ask each other what their identity is, and they don't ask what the other person is. Even if they know that they have to deal with the night temple in the summer, they don't know where other people are going.
Nothing to know.
But they went along the summer to the direction of the Temple of the Night.
"If you don't rest, four days, rest, five days." The mad woman is obviously very familiar with the nearby, so the number she said is also very accurate.
"Oh." Nodded in the summer, and then continued to ask: "If we are moving at full speed, what position will we go in two days?"
"Two days later, it was a barren hill." said the crazy woman.
"The barren hill." The brows of the summer wrinkled, then shouted: "Stop!!!"
"Well?" Everyone is puzzled and looks at the summer. They are all going to deal with the night temple with the summer, and it seems to be very anxious before the summer, but now the summer is actually stopped.
"Can't go on," said the summer.
"Why?" asked the mad woman inexplicably.
"If the front is a barren hill, where we are being chased by people, how many of us can run away?" asked the mad woman in the summer.
"Can't be so fast, and it's not that easy for the other party to find us." The mad woman shook her head, apparently she did not believe that the other party had such a fast speed.
"You said before, the headquarters of the aircraft is very large, so don't underestimate the aircraft. They must have expected this day to come, so they must have a way to find us, and they must be jealous. Let's make a surprise attack on us when we are most relaxed, so that we can take all of them in the shortest possible time." Summer said directly, if it is not the reminder in the book, summer does not dare to be so sure, but that The reminder in the book must be given to him by Bai Xiaosheng, so he must be cautious.
Be careful.
He didn't want to overturn in the gutter.
Since he knows that there is danger, he must choose a perfect hiding place, or a place that is easy to get out of, rather than going to the barren hills.
How to escape in the barren hills?
It is impossible at all.
As long as the speed of the other party is not slower than them, then they have no way to escape.
"I still think that it is impossible for two days. Let's run one more day, then we can reach the forest area. We will run another day, that is, the urban area. If it is there, even if the other party wants to find us, it is definitely not so easy. The thing is over," said the crazy woman.
"If you believe in me, you can't move on. You tell me where my father is. I think about it," said the summer.
Good times and people! !
These three things are life-saving.
The location must be chosen.
Because that is related to their fighting and escape.
If you choose a dead end, then you must be looking for a dead end.
"The direction behind you"
"Don't say that behind you, you can't go back and talk about the left and right sides," said the summer.
"Oh, there is a chaotic area on the left, there is everything, but it is very complicated. The area is not fixed. There are mountains, trees, and cities. But it is not a serious place. Even the city is a group of evil people. People, the other side is the jungle, connected to the sea." The crazy woman said.
"Okay, just go to the right." The main reason for choosing the right side in the summer is the jungle and the sea.
Both of these places are great places to hide.
So he chose here.
"Okay, then believe in you, anyway, we are also going to follow you and help you deal with the dark night temple. If you are not in a hurry, our three natures will not be anxious." The crazy woman said that the other two are also a little None of the opinions.
Then the three people ran directly in the direction of the right. On the road, all the roads were carefully observed in the summer, and they were flying in the heavenly sword, so the field of vision is also very broad, you can see a lot of places, and use the perspective eyes in summer. Check all of these places and the route is completely remembered.
Finally ran for a day and a half, he advocated rest.
Because there is still a half day, the enemy will catch up.
So for a long time they have to ease their physical strength and rest well. In a few days, they may be a battle.
Because the tips in Bai Xiaosheng's book are: Runaway! !
In other words, the people who chase them are not the four of them who can fight.
So I can only escape.
"Have a good rest. I guess the enemy will still chase after half a day. When we have the goal, no matter what strength it is, we can't force it, run away, don't fight with each other, wait for us. After you have figured out the other side's reality, you can deal with them. When you catch the other party, we can know how they tracked us. If we know this, we will be half safe." Summer understands that the escape is affirmation. No, so they have to figure out how the other person is tracking them.
"We have four direct shots, and it is not good to sneak up on each other." The crazy woman said.
"Listen to me, don't force the enemy, run straight, the route will follow me. If the speed is OK, run to the left. If the speed is not enough, then run in the direction of the sea." Summer said with a blank expression.
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