Chapter 3951: Lu Fengxian attacked

Air force! !
Eighteen masters finally ordered the air force to attack.
Because now is the right time.
There is a gap in the wall below, and the army can kill it. The air force will take the opportunity to attack it at that time.
The meta-level nine-level master.
In the Lianyun Mountain Range, the Yuan-level nine-story is already considered a super master.
But outside, the meta-level master is quite a lot.
And their enemy this time is the master of the entire warehouse.
You must know that Lucheng can only be regarded as a small-scale city, and it is still the most backward-class city. There are a total of 50 cities in such a city, and there are still many other powerful forces. It is hundreds.
Although other cities can't shoot Lucheng, they have more or less help, and those who are big and small have come.
These forces add up to more than a thousand people in the meta-level nine-story.
And Lu Cheng! !
There are fewer than thirty people in the meta-level nine-story.
This is already the top force in Lvcheng.
Thirty people are thousands of people?
How can I win?
The 18 chiefs naturally think that they have won. They just started to prevent these high-level nine-level masters from trying to prevent wear and tear, and that Lucheng’s people are so crowded that it’s really messy. Trouble, but now it is different, the city wall is broken, attacking up and down together, Lucheng people must be unable to parry.
call out! call out! call out! call out!
Hundreds of figures flew directly. These meta-level nine-level masters are the elites of all major forces. They have never shot, just waiting for orders.
In fact, the so-called coalition forces, that are all composed of people with identity.
Those scattered, there is no identity at all.
Regardless of their strength, they are ultimately just cannon fodder.
This is also why people who have the ability are willing to join the party.
Because they are good, they can get it, but if they are scattered, even if they get the treasure, they can't get them.
In the end, only the is left.
"The city owners, their air forces began to attack." A general reported.
"Don't worry, wait until they all enter the attack range, then collect the net." Lu Fengxian said with a serious expression.
"What about the following?" the general asked again.
"At the same time." Lu Fengxian said again.
Lu Fengxian’s eyes looked at the masters in the sky.
Just when the masters began to impact downwards, Lu Fengxian’s hand waved.
at the same time! !
Countless pockets were thrown from the surrounding stone walls. When the pockets were thrown down, they were all fire oil, hot oil, and molten iron. All kinds of horrible things, although they could not kill the first nine layers. Master, but even the meta-level nine-level master does not want to touch.
rocket! !
At the same time, the rocket started.
Rumble! !
The boulder on the surrounding hills is also rolling down.
Countless attacks, a variety of attacks began.
It turns out that Lu Fengxian had already ambushed a lot of people outside the city. These people have not moved, and even the breathing is shielded. Since the attack has not been interrupted, the people around them are all panicked.
boom! !
A violent explosion came.
The fire began to burn.
Various explosions have also appeared.
At this point, the scattered work outside the city was all chaotic.
Although these flames are ordinary flames, they have no harm to them, but there are all kinds of attacks in the flames, which makes them fear. So they start to run outside, but there are too many people here. So no matter who they are, just block their way, then they will kill.
Kill each other.
The following scatters have just rushed in and they have suffered such a horrible attack.
Those meta-level nine-level masters in the sky are also a bit messy, but no one is hurt.
But it is at this time.
Countless arrows have appeared.
The pointed ends of these arrows are all black.
call out! call out! call out!
"Small smashing arrows, even our Yuanli armor can't break." Those high-level nine-level masters shouted.
They don't care about these arrows at all.
No matter how many arrows there are, how big the impact is, there is no use.
Because they are the meta-level nine-level master.
Yuanli armor is very strong.
It’s not a small arrow that can be broken.
puff! !
Bloody! !
Just then, blood light appeared.
At the moment when the blood appeared, everyone was stunned.
Broke open.
Their armor armor was broken.
It is a black soldier!
These arrows are all black soldiers.
It is the biggest card of Lu Fengxian now. Although the black is famous inside the Lianyun Mountain Range, but outside, no one knows it, so this has become the secret card of Lu Fengxian. Although the number of these bows and arrows is not many, he uses The timing is very good.
Use now, the most powerful.
When these meta-level nine-layer masters are most confident, give them a fatal blow.
The first round of attacks directly killed hundreds of meta-level nine-level masters, and the second round followed.
Those high-level nine-level masters are also chaotic.
They have started to fight back.
puff! puff! puff!
too close.
They are too close to the arrow, and the number of arrows is too much, they simply can't get rid of it, and they can't dodge.
"Chong down, rush together, can't go back, otherwise no one can live." A meta-level nine-story master shouted, they understood that it is useless now, and it is useless to fall to the ground, below It’s still dangerous, so there’s only one way for them, and that’s a quick rush to the city.
This Lucheng's arrow is useless.
And their attack power can be revealed.
Who can handle such a multi-level nine-layer master?

Are you ready?
Lu Fengxian asked.
"Ready." More than 20 people behind Lu Fengxian shouted together.
"Well, fight for Lucheng, fight for honor, fight for our homeland." Lu Fengxian shouted.
war! war! war! !
Counterattack! !
Lvcheng began a big counterattack.
Counterattacks were simultaneously carried out in the sky and on the ground.
Lu Fengxian was also the first to take the lead. The first one rushed up. Now there are a large number of meta-level nine-level masters, but they are very confused and can’t play their full strength. Lu Fengxian now occupies the righteous and defends their homeland. So each of them can play 200% of the combat power.
Time, place, people and! !
Shock! ! !
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