Chapter 3961: 吕虎铠甲 [ninth more]

"Do you know him?" asked in the summer.
"Of course I know, my waters and his waters are squatting, and there is only one stream in the middle," said the Tiger Shark King.
"Oh, are you familiar with him?" asked again in the summer.
"Alright, the guy in Jiu Ge is very dangerous. He is a vicious person. He was not a monster here, but an outsider, but he took the five domains by his own means and created it. Longdong, you should understand that the strong dragon does not press the head of the snake, the truth." Tiger shark king means that the nine brothers are definitely not simple.
"Oh, I have a holiday with him. You better not know me, otherwise it will be of no benefit to you," said the summer.
"Even if he knows what to do? I am not afraid of him." Tiger shark king said with imposing manner.
He is also the king of a water, and Jiu Ge is also the king of a water.
He naturally will not fear the nine brothers.
"Okay." He nodded in the summer. Although he was always chatting with the Tiger Shark, he did not affect his refiner.
Although his refiner is very difficult for others, it is simply a pediatrics for him, which is much simpler than his previous refiner, because this refiner does not need any auxiliary materials at all. No special tricks are needed, and others can't refine them because they can't dissolve this Lu Hujin.
But in the summer, he can easily dissolve these Lu Hujin.
Then refine it into a variety of equipment.
Since the summer refining technique was not improved for a while, he did not use any fancy means, and he did not have any auxiliary materials worthy of Lu Hujin, so he did not add other materials.
This is a hard refining.
Resilience is used to refine the armor by the strength of the material itself.
There are two kinds of this kind of armor. The first is to defend against the attacks of other weapons.
The second is to reduce the shock of other people's attack power.
Just like when the Tiger Shark King attacked, although his power could not penetrate Lu Hujin, but in normal terms, the powerful force must also smash the leaves behind the same metal, but even the leaves did not hurt. .
This is enough to prove Lv Hujin's hegemony.
Can defend against all attacks.
metamorphosis! !
After this thing is refining, it is definitely the strongest defense.
However, in the summer, I understand that the husband is not guilty and guilty of his crimes.
So he must control the flow of this kind of thing.
"Tiger shark king, this kind of equipment is too much against the sky, I will give you half of it after refining, but you must remember, don't distribute it, don't be too exposed, once this kind of thing is exposed, then It will definitely cause the embarrassment of the master. Although the defense of this thing is strong, it is not invincible." Summer reminded.
"I know that such a precious thing, once it is leaked, then even the people inside the sea will chase me." The tiger shark king also lived for tens of millions of years, naturally understand the seriousness of this kind of thing. Sex.
puff! !
Soon, the first armor refining was completed. This is a set of armor. As long as it is worn on the body, the whole upper body is within the defense, and even the neck can be protected.
"Put it on!!" In the summer, throw the armor to the tiger shark king.
"Amount!!" At the moment when the Tiger Shark King came to the armor, he also said: "How can it be so light?"
He had already taken it just now. A small piece of Lu Hujin had a heavy weight, but now such a large armor is actually three or four kilograms.
For those of their strength, three or four thousand pounds is not what.
"Try it!!" said the summer.
"Well!!" Tiger Shark nodded and then placed the armor on his body. When he put the armor on his body, the armor disappeared directly: "It is actually close-fitting and can be integrated with flesh and blood. together."

said the summer.
"How did you do it?" Tiger Sharks felt it was incredible.
"This is my skill. I can refine the armor of 3,000 kilograms with Lu Hujin, who is 50,000 pounds. It can also make the armor become a device that is integrated with , no matter how you do it, it will not be restricted. And the weight of three kilograms will not delay your attack." Summer said lightly.
"It's too powerful." Tiger Sharks felt it was incredible.
"But you must pay attention to it. Don't care too much. Don't rely too much on Lvhu armor. Equipment is always only an auxiliary function. Once you rely too much on it, your strength will stop and you will lose one day sooner or later. In my most confident place." Although he is not very old in summer, he has experienced a lot of things.
Over the years, he has experienced various kinds of wars. He has seen many people who are very confident in their defenses and the result is challenged by the summer.
So no matter what baby you meet in the summer, you won’t be too dependent.
Even if his golden knife is not at a critical moment, he will never use it.
The more mysterious treasure, the more he should pay attention.
If the enemy doesn't know, it's a card. Once everyone knows it, it's no longer a card. Even others will defend you, or directly restrain your treasure and carry out counterattacks.
"Thank you for reminding me, I will, such a good treasure, you can refine it." Tiger Shark Wang said with emotion.
He is really more and more admired for the summer.
The more he knows about summer, the more he feels mysterious in summer.
The more I feel the summer is strong.
"If you like it, I will only refine several sets of defensive armor. Others will refine some small pieces, which makes it simple to refine, and can also be used to reward the confidant and protect them from important positions." Said in summer.
"It’s still thoughtful for Mr.." Tiger Shark King praised.
A month later! !
Summer refining is over.
Lu Fengxian also came back.
"Xia Di, let's send it." Lu Fengxian saw the first sentence after the summer.
"Amount!!" In the summer, the black line of his face, he was the first time he saw that Lu Fengxian was so rude: "Slowly, what happened?"
"The price of black gold is crazy." Lu Fengxian said.
"How much?" asked in the summer.
"One gram ten yuan knife!!" Lu Fengxian asked.
"Amount!!" The black line of the face in summer.
"More!!" Lu Fengxian said excitedly.
"More than your sister, is the Pagoda Tower ready to serve you as an ancestor?" said the helpless summer.
"It seems to be!!" Lu Feng first asked to ask the summer: "Is it a loss?"
"Amount, if I talk, one gram is at least one hundred yuan knife." Summer said helplessly.
"I rely!!" Lu Feng first widened his eyes.
"Open the city master, something went wrong." Wen Qigong rushed out panting.
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