Chapter 4203: Shuhe Ancient City

Bai Xiaosheng met! !
When I saw it here, the summer face suddenly smiled.
He waited for so long and finally waited until this day.
He originally planned to go to Bai Xiaosheng, but now Bai Xiaosheng actually came to see him.
Hey! !
The summer body flashed and went straight to the ground.
Hey! !
The words on the book change again.
"I went to the ancient city of Shuhe and I saw it there."
"Rely, really busy people." Summer complained.
But fortunately, since I already know where Bai Xiaosheng is, I will have a head in the summer and find Bai Xiaosheng, then he will know how to go to the Three Realms.
By then, he can really reunite the whole family.
"What is that in your hand?" asked the confused god.
"Bai Xiaosheng's things," said the summer.
"Bai Xiaosheng!!" The big suddenly said: "How can Bai Xiaosheng's things be in your hands, and the words above will not be what Bai Xiaosheng told you?"
"It is what he told me," said the summer.
"This" the big is completely stunned. Even if he is, he feels that Bai Xiaosheng is the kind of unreachable existence, but now he actually said that he can have a connection with Bai Xiaosheng.
"In the future, you will understand that it is not accidental, but inevitable." The body of the summer flashed and rushed straight into the sky.
Shuhe Ancient Town.
This is a place not far from the snow country, but the temperature here is completely different from that of the snow country. The temperature here is moderate and the environment is elegant. The surrounding area is full of green mountains and green water. The interior of the ancient town is very beautiful. It is said that the age of the ancient town has been 100,000 years. The above, so this is also considered a key protection area.
Anyone can go on a leisure holiday here, but can't destroy the grass and trees here.
Otherwise, it will be madly pursued by the Tianyuan Empire, and it will also be attacked by other big forces.
After coming to the ancient town of Shuhe in the summer, he went straight to the bus. He didn't worry too much, because he knew very well that as long as Bai Xiaosheng's book is still on his body, Bai Xiaosheng must know his position and know him. where.
beautiful! !
Simple! !
This is the first feeling of the ancient town of Shuhe in the summer. He feels that in the ancient town of Shuhe, it is full of peace and peace.
He did not find too many guards here, that is, one or two at each big intersection, and they are relaxed and do not work at all.
"Good peace." Summer sighed.

Baohe Ancient Town is a pure land. There is a lot of business here, and it is very prosperous. When it was 30,000 years ago, it was very famous here. All the famous people on the whole Tianyuan continent spoke together, and no one could spread the war here. And in the legend, there are masters guarding here, no matter who they are, as long as they are wild, it will be very miserable, and once someone makes trouble, or if someone orders to make trouble, then these people are absolutely unable to get rid of them." Yuan Dadi said.
Shuhe Ancient Town is relatively large.
There is no such thing as a mess in such a big city, and there is no battle. It can be seen how different the Shuhe ancient town is.
"Xiaoyuan, you said that the Tianyuan continent is so chaotic, why is there such a place? Even if there is a master voice, but there are many unknown factors, and even if there is a master guarded here, it is impossible to let the people here completely I don’t have any thoughts, and even if it’s someone else, I’m afraid someone will frame it.
The summer kept shaking his head.
"I have heard that some people want to frame their opponents here. As a result, they use the secret method to control the disciples under the opponent's door. They are awkward here. Finally, the disciple is punished, but the person behind him is directly caught. Out, extinct, that person is not an ordinary person, but a red-level master." Mixed Yuan said.
"It sounds very powerful." Summer smiled.
He saw a big drink.
Then went straight in.
Seeing that others can walk in the summer, I can't move when I see the word of wine, and he understands that Bai Xiaosheng will definitely come to him, so he simply chooses to sit here and wait.
"Boss, come to a few pots of the best wines here," said the summer.
"Come on!!" The boss was very enthusiastic.
Then the wine was sent back with respect.
"Sir, small business, first pay." The boss's face was full of smiles.
"How much?" asked in the summer.
"Five yuan stone a bottle." said the boss.
"The price is not low." In the summer, he finally understood why the boss had to pay the money first. This is obviously because the price of the wine has increased, so he is worried that someone will drink and not take money.
"Good wine prices are naturally high." The boss's face is always full of smiles.
"Okay, give me ten bottles!!" said the summer.
In the summer, I throw out fifty yuan stones directly.

Thank you, sir,
said the boss.
Pick up a bottle of wine in the summer and drink it directly: "Good wine!!"
The first drink is under the belly, and in the summer, I feel that I can't tell the comfort of the body. This wine obviously has the function of nourishing the body.
I heard it in the summer, and I talked about everything in the pub. Obviously these people are from the north and the south.
It is not a place at all.
The Noah era is very large.
But many big forces want to leave some assets here, because it represents absolute security, no matter what happens in the future, here is their last card.
"Xiaoyuan, you were a red master in the past, why did you lose your body?" asked in the summer.
"Adult, this thing is angry when you say it." The big is obviously angry.
"Oh? If there is anything unsatisfactory, let me know and listen, let me be happy." Summer said very casually.
"Amount!!" The black line of the face of the big god: "I used to have a friend, called the sky, and we are friends of tens of thousands of years. It can be said that I have experienced all kinds of hardships, but in a treasure. At the time, we had two accidents. After the spirits came out, the soul was hurt. I was going to resist him for a while. When I went back, I found out that he actually occupied my body."
"What about his body?" asked in the summer.
"His body was destroyed, so he occupied my body. When I went, he had already escaped." The face of the big was all angry.
when! !
Just then, the sound of the bottle touching the table next to the summer.
"Well?" The brow of the summer suddenly wrinkled. He didn't even know when he was next to him: "Bai Xiaosheng?"
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