Chapter 4215: Fierce north night

tread! !
Very heavy pace! !
From the pace of the other party in the summer, it can be judged that this person is absolutely the kind of temperament. Normally, the trace of a master walking is very embarrassing, but now the other person actually deliberately walks such a big trace, obviously he is so The purpose of doing it is to install b.
There are no other reasons.
Just for b.
And when the other side walks, the momentum is very strong, there is no meaning of restraint, which means that he came over only to install b.
"Well?" The North Night, which was moving forward, suddenly stopped.
Because someone dared to look at him! !
This is a big challenge for him.
There are many rules for this person. One of them is that the person he looks down on can never look at him positively.
And in places like Burning Tianzong, the people living in the city are very low.
boom! !
North night just looked at the other side, the other's body directly on the ground.
puff! !
A stream of blood spouted from the mouth of the other party.
No one dares to speak, because everyone understands that no matter who they are, as long as they dare to speak or plead, then the end is absolutely very miserable.
Hey! !
A light wave was on the man's body.
The screams shouted out of his mouth.
I saw that the body of the person was gradually decomposing, and his flesh and blood was peeling off his body.
It is a tough peeling, just like the feeling of being torn off by people.
Scream! !
The man kept screaming.
Pain plus fear.
He is watching his death with his own eyes.
It can be said that this is very cruel to a person.
However, no one on the scene dared to speak, and even did not dare to move. They worried that once they moved, the next one would die.
Although in the eyes of outsiders, they are all disciples of Tianzong.
But they understand it.
In the eyes of the disciples in the real mountains, they are like slaves.
Not to mention the fact that it is in the middle of the night.
North Night is the most powerful genius of Burning Tianzong. It is said to be a genius that will not appear in 100,000 years. Like his identity, it is to kill a few low-ranking disciples, even if it kills tens of thousands of people. Someone will ask.
what! !
The man was shredded in such a hard life, and the limbs that were torn up were also directly burned by a flame.
"Three flavors are really hot, interesting!!" The darkness of the summer.
tread! !
North night continues to move forward.
"Who is the stone garden here?" The voice of the North Night is full of pride. He is completely looking at the scene with everyone looking down. In his eyes, these people in front of him are like ants. Existence, it is impossible to enter his eyes.
"Northern brother, we are five!!" The dog brother hurried forward, kneeling on one knee.
"A dog." North night is obviously to know the dog brother.
"It's small!!" said the dog brother.
"In three days, I want one million pieces of stone, you are 150,000, and the others are divided into four others." North Night, this is also a change of care for the dog brother, from this point you can see the dog Brother's identity, obviously he is the younger brother of the North Night, of course, in the heart of the North Night, the dog brother is only his dog.
"Thank you, North Brother." The dog said respectfully.
Then turn around in the north night! !
puff! puff!
Two people's bodies were directly torn open.
No one saw how the North Night was shot, and no one knew that these two people died because of death. In the face of the North Night, death is simply a routine. No matter who they are, it will be alive for them. It is a gift.
Until the night left, the talents at the scene were relieved.
But things that immediately got headaches appeared.
One million pieces of stone.
Where can I get it?
There are 100,000 dog brothers, and the other four people add up to eighty-five thousand, but only three days.
Although the North Night did not say what to do, but they can already imagine, if they can not complete, then the end must be very miserable.
I am afraid that death will be a luxury for them.
The faces of several people were very ugly, and then they left, obviously they did not dare to have the slightest care.
The dog's face is also very ugly.
"Check it out, how many stones are there?" asked the dog brother.
"Dog brother, there are still a few days to go to the date of the handover, if we can't get it, the above will not let us go," said a younger brother.
"Don't worry so much, if the North brothers don't get together, we will die very badly, take a step and take a step." The dog brother said very depressed, he understood that he must not be worse than the North Night. Although the above stone is also required to be paid, but he still wants to hand over the North Night first compared to the North Night.
"Yes!!" said the younger brother.
The dog brother was very upset at this time. When he saw that the people were all there, he was even more upset. When he wanted to open the house, he suddenly saw that the summer had already started to make stone. And when the others were stunned and frowning, two have been refining in the summer.
"You are all him, Mom, what are you looking at? Give me a summer of study, one by one, you know, don't know when it is now? Give me a quick look." The dog brother shouted directly.
The head didn't lift in the summer, and the corner of his mouth showed a smile.
This time, it is the best time to perform.
after awhile! !
"Dog brother, there are 100,000, plus we saved, there are a total of 130,000, still 20,000." The younger brother said.
"How bad is so much." The dog's face is also a dim color.
Normally, these people under his hands can make more than 100,000 a month, and his task of handing in is 100,000, and he will keep himself.
An average of three days can refine 10,000.
It’s now 20,000, which means it takes six days.
But now they only give them three days in the north.
"All give me help, turn people from other places back, and then continue to give me refining." Dog brother said.
"Dog brother, otherwise, let's buy some," said the younger brother.
"You have kicked your head. Now, with such a big task, how many other people will sell it? They will also die, and the nearby stores will definitely increase the price. Even if we want to buy it, I am afraid I can't afford it." Said the dog brother.
"The dog brother learned the lesson," said the younger brother.
Dangdang! !
At this moment, everyone heard a crisp sound.
The dog brother’s eyes looked to the summer.
fast! !
He is now very quick in the summer, but he also saw that his hands were baked in the summer: "Summer, what is going on?"
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