Chapter 4283: Ten thousand people

Blackwood City! !
The two of them flew for three days and finally arrived at the Blackwood City.
"I said that there is a transmission array here, why don't we sit in the transmission array?" When I saw the transmission line of Blackwood City in the summer, it was very depressed.
"You didn't say that you have to take the transmission line. At that time, you shouted a handsome, and I left with you." Fang Xiang said helplessly.
When you hear the square inch, the summer is speechless.
"Forget it, there are still some things in the storage equipment I brought from the torture tiger. If you sell them, you should be able to change some materials." What is missing most in summer is the material, because he dreams of wanting to put the ice dragon bow Upgrade to a three-level nine-star weapon. He wants to see what magical effects will appear after the weapon is upgraded to the Nine Stars.
"There is a pawnshop in front!!" Square inch and summer went straight in.
"Boss, sell things!!" said the summer.

Pawn or sell?
the boss asked.
"Sell!!" After saying a few things, "How much is it?"
"A bunch of broken, a thousand stones!!" the boss shouted.
"Plus this?" In the summer, the token of the burning of Tianzong was taken out.
The boss looked at it. When he saw the big burning word, he scared his legs.
"I still have something here, and the price is fair." In the summer, knowing that the token has worked, he naturally doesn't need to say anything more, and then throws other things into the brain.
This pawnshop is everywhere in the Tianyuan continent.
To put it bluntly, it is the place where the money is pitted.
No matter what kind of baby you bring, they will keep the price very low.
Because there are only two kinds of people who can come to the pawnshop to sell baby: First, it is very short of money; Second, things are not right, very dark.
In the place of Tianyuan Continental, things are not the normal situation, but some people, after they get something, simply don’t dare to sell it or use it, so they found this pawnshop, it can be said that The mouths of the lines are the strictest. They all have their own professional ethics. If someone asks them the origins of things, they will only say no, even if the other party kills them.
And they definitely don't ask anyone who sells anything.
This is also to make yourself more clean.
If they don't ask, then they definitely don't know, so naturally others can't ask.
In the end of the summer, I exchanged more than one million yuan from here.
But summer is not the kind of person who is too dark.
He gave the boss a fraction and took a million.
"Boss, he has already given you the money, why do you still give him so much." Asked incomprehensible.
"Being a person to stay in the line, money is not earned by one person. If you give me more money, you can spend more, but if you do everything, then God will not look down." Summer thinks that the person will be Conscience, if you are cheap, that life is also an inferior.
Being a man in the summer has always been very generous.
He is also rich now.
But those who deducted Soso searched for a lifetime, and ultimately did not have much money.
"Well!!" Fang nodded, and he also liked the character of summer very much.
As long as you are an individual, you want to make friends with people like summer, because you don't have to worry about when you are killed.
Because he can't see greed on his face in summer.
Unlike the torture tiger, he still didn't speak, and the greed in his eyes was revealed.
"Go buy some materials." Although there are only one million materials in the summer, his character is like this, and the flies are also meat.
If those who don't belong to him, he won't want it. If it belongs to him, then he won't waste it.
Now his ice dragon has been upgraded to seven stars.
Seeing the power of the Seven Stars, I began to look forward to the eight-star Ice Dragon Bow in the summer.
He understands that before he returns to the mountain gate, North Night will definitely stop him under the mountain. When he and North Night, there will be a big fight, and there will be a new idea in the summer. He is also planning to go. When I saw the North Night, I had to do it, so now he must quickly improve his overall strength.
The stronger the strength, the more confidence he has.
And for a few more years, he is going to the ancients.
If he doesn't have the ability, he can't get in.
Even if he goes in, how can he grab it?
Directly playing?
If you don't have the ability, don't say that you are robbed. He is afraid that he will be killed by a guard.
Therefore, before going to grab Lanyuan in the summer, you must have sufficient skills.
Although there are not many materials in one million, there are still ten drops in the summer. The quality of these materials is very low, so there is not much cohesion.
Upgrading from Seven Stars to Eight Stars requires 192 drops of upgrade fluid! !
Now that ten drops have been made in the summer, you still need 182 drops! !
This is a huge number.
Inside the pub! !
In the summer, I called a few pots of wine and then sat there.
This is one of the summer's favorite methods, as long as he sits on a day, he can definitely hear useful information.
Square inch looked at the summer there was a bottle and then a bottle of drink, he was completely speechless.
But after a while, he saw a smile on his face in the summer: "There is news."
"Boss, what do you say?" asked inexplicably.
"You are a fool, do you think that I am here to come to drink?" asked in the summer.
Fang inch looked at at least thirty hip flasks in front of him and nodded silently.
"Amount!!" The summer was also scratching his head, and then said: "I came to inquire about the news, and drink some wine by the way."
"By the way!!" Looking at the jug of the big table in front of him, his face was all black.
"Speaking right, I just heard them say that there were 10,000 heads on the Da Ma Mountain, and a whole 10,000 heads appeared out of thin air, forming a huge blood hole. Although the heads of those heads died for a long time, they did not rot. All of them are exactly the same as when they live, so some people speculate that there may be some secret treasures to be in the world, so there will be such a big movement. Although this news is very confidential, it still attracts a lot of people, only However, no one has been on the Da Mashan for the time being. It seems that there are all kinds of poisonous gas in the sky. The people here are waiting for the poisonous gas to disperse and then go up the mountain." Summer explained.
"Oh!!" Fang looked at the summer with admiration.
I was sitting here, I knew so much in the summer, but he didn’t hear anything.
tread! !
Just as the two were talking, the two figures attracted everyone in the room, one of the two figures carrying a big knife behind them.
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