Chapter 4452: Xia Wen

Perspective eye! ?
The summer perspective opens instantly.
When I opened the perspective eye, I saw it in the summer. There is a bug in his wine. The insect has a length of less than one millimeter and the whole body is transparent.
There is no vitality in the body.
If it is not the perspective of the eye, this thing can never be found in the summer.
Although he still doesn't know what this thing is in the summer, he still can't care.
"Thank you for the elders." There was no nonsense in the summer, but a direct drink.
But when he drank, the power of Aurora wraps the little bug in a moment, and excretes the bug through a tilt of the body.
However, he did not kill the bugs in the night, but quietly wrapped the bugs in a small bottle and then received his own.
I saw a drink in the summer and drank it directly.
The elders nodded with satisfaction, and several others nodded.
Other people also nodded non-stop, their mission was completed, and there was no defense in the summer. At this time they all thought that summer was really a good solution.
Xia Hong did not say anything, but he was drinking himself.
I have a very happy meal.
When I finally walked in the summer, the few people kept talking to the summer, weapons and materials would be sent to the summer, so that when the summer took time, they would be refining them.
"The elders, success, it seems that this summer is just the case, we gave him a few smiles, he actually did not have any defense against us." The two elders said.
"Yeah." The elders also nodded. "He is still young, and the road is not enough."
After returning to the residence in the summer, I took the small bottle out.
"In the summer, you are too abnormal. You can find such a small thing." He looked at the summer with surprise.
"My vision is very good," said the summer.
"Summer, don't kill it, give it to me, this thing is controlled by the other party. If it dies, then the other party will definitely find out, then you will be leaked." The cat said.
"What do you do for you?" asked in the summer.
"I eat it so that the other party won't find anything," said the cat.
"That can't be done. If I have to eat it, I will eat it. How can I let you eat it?" Summer is very loyal. He will never let cats and cats do this kind of thing.
"Hey, hello, what do you say loyalty, you eat it, you will be abolished, cats and cats are different, cats and cats have not brought out the heart of the moon, but his internal organs have been tempered by the force of 200,000 years. Don't say it's a small bug, even a red-level master can't hurt it." He said very casually, obviously he is very confident about cats.
"Yes, this thing is in my body, just like my younger brother, safe and secure." The cat said.

The summer squinted and scratched his head, then threw the small bottle to the cat:
Well, be careful.

"Cut, fuss." The cat said lazily.
Early the next morning.
Summer Hung brought out the scope of the two doors in the summer, and went directly from the second door to the ordinary area of ​​the Xiajia. After coming here, the summer finally felt the lively atmosphere.
There are a lot of people here.
"I am not convenient in the past, otherwise it will cause a sensation. This is the number of your branch. The room number is your number plate. You passed." Summer Hong handed a number plate to the summer.
"Well!" Summer naturally understands the meaning of summer, these two days are the time when the masters of each branch return to their homes.
If the summer is sent to the summer, it will naturally attract everyone's attention. At that time, everyone will doubt that there is a shady thing in the next thing, and even everyone will deliberately isolate the summer.
There are also people who will deal with the summer and so on!
There are a lot of troubles.
So summer did not go to the summer.
I looked at my serial number in the summer.
When I saw this serial number, the heart of summer collapsed. In the past, there were thirty-six branches of Xiajia, but in recent years, several branches were found, so there are forty-nine branches of Xiajia. The serial number in summer is forty-nine.
This means that their branch in the summer is ranked forty-ninth in all branches of Xiajia.
The presence of the bottom.
"This is really shameful." Summer said helplessly.
He knew that his uncle had always wanted to revitalize them, but he did not expect that his position would be so bad.
It is actually the bottom.
Although there are a lot more people here, in general, there are not many people in Xiajia, and the place is very good to find.
The yard of Forty-nine was soon found in the summer.
When he opened the door in the summer, he saw a familiar figure.
Xia Wen! He saw Xia Wen. At this time, Xia Wen followed two people. Both of them were raw faces. Xia Wen also sat there watching the summer: "You are finally here."
"Wait for me for a long time?" asked the summer.
"Alright, is it good to be called up?" Xia Wen looked at the summer with a smile, he thought that the summer would be called, it must be a summer lesson.
After all, he is too arrogant, too much.
People like him, the above is definitely not to sit back and ignore.
"I am willing, I remember it seems to be my yard." I asked Xia Wen in the summer.
"Wrong, here is the summer home." Xia Wen said very casually.
"I know that this is Xiajia, but the yard here is mine, so I have the right to chase you out now." Summer said to Xia Wen.
"Ha ha ha ha!" Xia Wen suddenly laughed, then he stood up: "It is your yard, I can leave, but you don't forget, here is Xiajia, I am a disciple of my family, here, I There are 10,000 ways to kill you."
"My life is very hard, you have to play, I will accompany you," said the summer.
"Then go, let me know, in the summer home, how much difference between you and me." Xia Wen went to the side of the summer, he apparently declared war on the summer.
While outside, Xia Wen has been teasing with a sigh of relief.
He was beaten by the summer in the most arrogant time. It can be said that his body and mind were all traumatized, and he almost killed him in the summer. Later, he even humiliated him when he was dealing with the red snow. Just let him hate the summer more.
But he didn't have the chance to deal with the summer outside.
But it is different here.
Here is the summer home, his territory.
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