Chapter 4508: Unbreakable defense

When I found the eleven elders in the summer, I knew what the other party was doing.
Now all the masters of the Xia family have left the Xia family. It can be said that if he wants to do his own thing, then no one can stop him.
So he must come here to deal with himself.
"Since you want to deal with me, then don't blame me for being ruthless." In the summer, he secretly said that he also went directly to the organ of the gate.
Both the enamel and the iron noodles are all ready.
Iron surface is not the first time I saw it, he has been used to it.
Follow the summer, then don't ask anything.
He just needs to know that it is good to go with the summer.
Summer is a person with strong grievances. Although the elders have been playing with him all the time, in the summer, they only deal with the elders in the heart. He never thought about killing the elders, but the eleven elders. Differently, since he can take advantage of this time, it proves that he has the heart of killing the summer.
Red master!
Although I killed the red master in the summer, it was calculated in the summer, and there are still many opportunities, plus the other side's care.
So he won.
But this time the opponent is different, this time the opponent is a complete red-level master, and it is not an ordinary red-level master, is the red-level master of Xiajia.
The Xiajia people themselves are stronger than the outsiders.
So this summer can be said to be really serious.
Otherwise he is likely to be killed by the other party.
The snake began to lay traps around.
In the summer, the bow of revenge is also pulled directly.
Both the scorpion and the iron face attack are all ready.
They also know that this opponent is not simple.
The summer's gaze is also staring at everything in front of him.
When the barrier is opened in the summer, an instant attack is made.
Nine stars power!
call out!
The bow of the Vengeful Goddess directly.
And the cockroach is also the moment of the sun's power to attack.
The iron surface is the power of the moon to kill the eleven elders.
A good point!
The fingers of the eleven elders point out instantly.
The eleven elders can be said to be a super master. At the moment when the barrier was opened in the summer, he discovered it, so he also shot in an instant. For a time, all the attacks were hit together.
Several people are back at the same time.
"Summer, what do you mean?" asked the eleven elders.
"What do I mean? You are not saying that you are a five-year-old elder?" Summer said very disdainfully: "They are foxes of the millennium, talk to me about what to talk about."
That's right!
They are all old fritters.
Some things don't have to be clarified at all.
"Well, since you already know, then you are even more dead." Eleven elders also attacked the summer in an instant.
He is a red master.
铥铥 and iron face attack at the same time.
Just then, the two rings were taken to the two at the same time.
Four weapons.
A four-level seven-star weapon.
This is a summer upgrade weapon, but now the other side actually began to use the summer upgraded weapons to deal with the summer.
The two rings instantly repel the smashing and iron faces.
Then the eleven fingers of the elders were also instantly on the chest of the summer.
"Go to hell!!" The eldest elders looked cold.
Blood red armor!
Seven Star Power!
Seven Star Skills: God A! !
Ten minutes in duration, reflecting 30% of the enemy's attacks.
In other words, no matter who attacks the summer, the opponent's attack will be reflected back, team invincible skills (three times a day).
"What?" The eleven elders suddenly stunned and his body hurried back.
But the powerful force is still rebounding back.
Although only 30% of the power, but the rebound is too fast.
He has no chance to dodge at all and has no chance to defend.
When the power was on him, his body receded, but he was not injured.
"Four-level defense armor!" The brows of summer wrinkled.
"Yes, that is, you upgraded the four-level defense armor, I just want to use the upgraded weapon to destroy you." Eleven elders' faces are all bloodthirsty, this time he came to kill the summer, then I looked at the two people around me: "There are two ants."
The eleven elders must kill the summer.
When the refiners were in the summer a few days ago, they could be compared to their status.
It can be said that the status of summer in summer is already very high.
Only the elders of the elders are qualified to watch his refining equipment.
This identity is simply high.
Oh, oh.
The goal of his struggle from a young age was to become the elder of the Xia family one day, but when he became the elder of the Xia family, he discovered that he was in the Xia’s elders team, and it was only the bottom of the existence, even if he did not attach one to the top. When the elders said, he did not know when he would be counted dead.
But in the summer, such a young man has such a high identity, which is even higher than his struggle for more than 20,000 years.
This makes him feel very unfair.
"Want to kill me, then see if you have the ability." There is no nonsense in the summer, his blood red armor can defend the ordinary attack of the red master, but there are limits, and now the armor rebound damage only ten In minutes, playing against the red master, he can't waste a little bit of ability.
Otherwise, after all his means are exhausted, he can only wait to die.
Take the initiative.
In the summer, I rushed directly to the eleven elders.
"Looking for death!" The weapons in the hands of the eleven elders took turns to the summer.
The body of the summer is constantly receding.
The rhinoceros is a finger.
Then a volley attack directly went to the summer.
The whole body of summer was directly smashed out.
"Good opportunity!" Eleven elders also jumped in an instant.
All the moves are done in one go.
I have to say that the strength of the eleven elders is really too strong, and the red-level masters of Xiajia are really much stronger than the red-level masters of other forces.
All his attacks are all vigorous and vigorous.
Strong and powerful.
The summer body was directly pointed by the eleven elders' fingers in the air.
Kneeling on the ground.
The entire ground was collapsed by the summer body.

When the eleven elders saw the vacuum in the ground, he was also a glimpse. Then he wanted to understand:
You have blacked out the material of the owner!!

He is a shrewd person, and he has thoroughly understood what he saw here and the materials he was wasting around.
"Good, you are dead, everything you have will be mine." The eldest elder's fingers point again, this time, he is aiming at the heart of summer.
Sigh a sigh of relief in the summer.
This is not an ordinary breath, but a breath of the moon.
"Is it really cool just now?"
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