Chapter 4734: Fighting power 150,000

"Destroy!!" said the small fire.
"Destroy the sky?" The frown of the summer wrinkled, the name sounded very aggressive, but he had never heard of this monster, even if he had a lot of knowledge, he had never heard of this name. .
"Yes, destroy the fire dragon, this should be my name, my kind, but I don't know the specifics. After all, I just just awakened." Xiaohuo said.
"Oh, yes, small fire, how is your strength now?" asked directly in the summer.
"Boss, do you look at it yourself?" Xiao Xiao smiled.
Then his body moved slightly.
Perspective eye!
The perspective of summer looks directly at the fire.
"I am going!!" When he saw the fighting power of the small fire in the summer, he was shocked by the whole person. His face was all incredible. "Small fire, how is this possible?"
"Boss, can I fight with you now? Can you be like a snake brother, when you need me, I will appear?" Xiaohuo asked directly, in his circle, there are a few partners. .
They all think that being able to fight alongside the summer is a very face-lifting thing.
Xiaohuo looked forward to this for a long time and finally hoped for this day.
"Of course, and from now on, you can cover me." Nodded in the summer, the current small fire has reached the level of metamorphosis.
I just looked at the perspective of the summer.
The combat power of the small fire is shown.
150000! !
When I first saw this number, the summer chin had to fall to the ground. He was a little unbelievable, but he also believed that his perspective would not be wrong.
"Boss, I said before, my body seems to have a power to tell me, as long as I eat the fire dragon, I can get all his strength, and will be more powerful than him." Proud to say.
"The cow, the little fire, this time you have a cow." The summer said excitedly.
At this time in the summer, I can really walk on this level.
"Boss, I also got a brand new strength." The small fire suddenly said.
"What power?" asked in the summer.
"Boss, you let go of your body, don't let the worm boss scare me." The worm boss said by Xiaohuo is a small bug.
"Good!!" Nodded in the summer.
Then, in the summer, the worms were directly ordered to prevent him from scaring the fire. They were very afraid of small bugs.
At this moment, a flame came out directly around the summer body.
Flame armor!
A set of flame armor appears around the summer body.
"This" has not come to the surprise in the summer. His body has changed again. There is a pair of flame wings behind him. It is like the wing of the wing, but it is only flame.
"Boss, how? This is the fire dragon feather coat!!!" Xiaohuo said directly.
"It's too bully." Summer feels like this, his body is full of strength, and his armor can completely defend against any attack, even he can feel, as long as he thinks, now the surrounding forest is instantly Will be burned out.
He is free to control the power of the dragon's feather coat, and can instantly burn everything around him, or he can control some things by burning. Of course, you can control nothing.
"Boss, is it very powerful?" Xiaohuo said very proudly.
"It's amazing." Nodded in the summer.
"Boss, the boss is warning me, you can help me talk about it." Xiaohuo said anxiously.
"Oh? Little bug, don't bully the fire." Summer said quickly.
The bug also returned directly to the position of Dantian in the summer, and did not say anything.
"Small fire, what did he say?" In the summer, I didn't hear the communication between small bugs and small fires.
"The worm boss said, I have been with you for a long time, and it will cause a load on your body. Your current strength is not enough. If I hurt you, he will pack me up." Xiaohuo said.
In the summer, he shook his head helplessly. The bug was good for him. He must have seen the shortcomings of this form of small fire, so he would warn the small fire.
"Do not worry, small fire, now I will not control the fire dragon feathers often, and after a while my is strong enough, then the fire dragon feathers do not have to take off," said the summer.
"Thank you boss, the small fire wants to fight side by side with the boss!!" Xiaohuo said directly.
Just then, the summer suddenly appeared, and the entrance came.
When he saw a few people coming in, his face showed a smile: "How did you come in?"
It’s not someone else who comes in, it’s just a few of them.
In the summer, the fire dragon feathers were also lifted, and then went straight ahead.
"Amount, how are you faster than us, we should be the first to come in. Yes, we just saw the Hai people killed the fire dragon, we quietly came in." Dong Huangsheng The water is incomprehensible and looks to the summer.
"Because the fire dragon is killing me," said the summer.
"What?" When I heard this, all the people looked at the summer: "Have you killed?"
"Yes, when the sea people attacked in front, I had already killed the fire dragon in the back, and then I entered the eighth floor." Summer said.
"Rely!!" Several people all extended their contemptuous fingers.
Lan Yuan is also back to the summer.
"You're fine." Summer looked at Lan Yuan tenderly.
"When we were on the seventh floor, there was no battle at all. We always hid it. Later, we saw that the fire dragon died, and we came in." Lan Yuan said.
"Oh!!" Nodded in the summer.
"This eighth layer is completely different from before." Bai Xiaosheng suddenly said.
When I heard Bai Xiaosheng’s words, Donghuang Shengshui and the Shenguo side also looked at each other:
It’s really different. It’s totally different from the eighth layer we entered before. The previous eighth layer of wind and sand swept across the place. It’s a bone, but now it’s a bird’s fragrance.

"It seems that this time the Wudi Dongfu must have been born. In the past, only the Terran could come in, but now both the wing and the sea can come in, and the wing people can go directly to the sixth floor, and the sea people can Go straight to the seventh floor." Summer said very seriously.
"Be careful when you yell, since the changes have been made, our previous experience is useless, and in the past we have entered the ninth floor at most, and only went in once." Bai Xiaosheng reminded.
"What was it like when you last went to the ninth floor?" asked in the summer.
"When I went to the ninth floor last time, it was even worse than the environment here. When we were inside, when the wind was blowing, it would be very painful." Donghuang Shengshui said.
I closed my eyes in summer.
Everyone looked at him and everyone didn't bother him because they understood that what must be done in the summer.
a long time!
Summer opened his eyes: "Let's make money."
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