Chapter 4775: Small water fighting power

Brand new small water!
When I heard this, the summer naturally understood the meaning of a small fire.
In other words, Xiaoshui will change like a small fire. At that time, Xiaoshui’s combat power will infinitely soar, and he can help the better protect Lanyuan in the summer.
Summer is waiting like this.
The little water broke out of the water, and at the moment he broke through the water, a scene of horror appeared.
The water of the sea seems to be connected with the sky, and everything has formed a perfect curve. Xiaoshui also directly entered the body of Lanyuan.
at the same time.
The water of the sea is also gone.
It disappeared out of nowhere, and this scene made all the people dumbfounded. They had imagined various ways to get through here, but they did not expect such a scene.
The boundless sea is actually dry.
It was so dry in front of their eyes.
All the monsters in the sea are all gone without a trace.
Everything is over like this.
The people at the scene were paralyzed. They didn't know how to describe it at the moment. They just saw a waterline, and the waterline finally rushed to their team in the summer.
Then the boundless sea is gone.
They all understand that all this must be related to the summer, but they have not said much because they know better than anyone else.
This is definitely the secret of summer or the card.
It is the most impolite to ask people about this kind of thing.
However, their seafood market is very grateful for the summer.
Each team is facing the summer, greeting the summer, and then moving forward.
After the summer responded, it went straight ahead.
The first pass they passed.
It was the first level that was broken in the summer.
This first pass of the sea made the people of the sea very happy. They thought that only the sea could pass, but they soon discovered that they were wrong and the mistake was very serious.
Because of the summer, the sea is no longer their barrier.
The people of the sea who are advancing.
"Adult, it's not good, the sea behind it has dried up, and the people of the wing family and the people of the Tianyuan continent have all come over." One man reported.
"What?" The generals of the Hai people are all looking surprised.
They didn't expect it to be like this.
They also thought that it belonged to the Haizu, but now the people of the Wing and the Tianyuan continent have all come, which makes them unable to remain calm.
"It was made by the human being called Summer. No one knows how he did it, but he killed the sea."
"Summer! It’s him again, it’s a troublesome and abominable person.
The Hai’s generals are all very angry, but no matter how angry they are, they have heard the above instructions.
That is, it is temporarily impossible to collide with the summer.
Unless they really encounter any big treasures, they will never have any conflict with the summer.
The location of the summer at this time.
"Small water, how?" asked quickly in the summer.
"Boss, my current strength and small fires are almost no big gap, although my combat power is only 140,000, but my short-term growth is stronger than the small fire, my fighting strength will be skyrocketing." The water is excited.
"It's so handsome." Summer is also very happy: "It's hard for you."
"I don't have a hard boss, and I can still control the seawater, including those piranhas. When the team fights, I can release them directly." Xiaoshui said.
"I rely on, this is too abnormal," said the summer surprised.
He suddenly thought of the things that had just been done in the sea. He didn't know what was going on at the time, but now he heard Xiaoshui.
It turns out that the sea was killed because everything in the sea and the sea was swallowed up by small water.
I have to say that this is really terrible.
This kind of thing sounds so irritating.
"Small water can finally help the boss." Xiaoshui is very happy.
"Small water, you can help me protect my wife," said the summer.
"The boss is assured, as long as I am still alive, no one can hurt the blind." Xiaoshui directly guarantees.
"No, I want you all to be safe," said the summer steadfastly.
"Thank you boss." Xiaoshui is also particularly touched.
The small fire is also happy for Xiaoshui. They are all the same people. They are all people who hope to get recognition in the summer. Their existence seems to be because of summer.
"Get off!" The summer's gaze looked to the front.
Here is the ninth floor of Wudi Dongfu.
They are here to unravel the true secrets of Wudi Dongfu.
Among the teams of Zhao Yuan.
They are also advancing at full speed these few days. The people in their team are very powerful, so the speed of advancement is also very fast, the day after they leave the sea in the summer.
Zhao Yuan’s team arrived.
"Adult, according to the news we inquired, here was the sea, no one can go to the sea, but it was broken a day ago, that is to say, our goal has now passed a day." .
"Well, it was a three-day journey. Now there is only one day left. As long as we speed up our pace, we can catch up with them within two days." Bai Wang said very much.
He now wants to see those people in Bai Xiaosheng, and then let Bai Xiaosheng see their strength.
He wants to see the color of surprise on the faces of Bai Xiaosheng and others.
I also want to see what Bai Xiaosheng regrets.
He wants to let Bai Xiaosheng admit their mistakes and join their own team.
He remembered clearly, when Bai Xiaosheng was despising their own, this hatred, he must report.
"Come on, it's almost fast." The black tigers and the four of them are now clenching their fists. They are sure to take revenge this time. Their team, the number of masters is increasing.
And the strength is also very strong, and now their team has been able to thoroughly crush their team in the summer.
Just catch up.
They are winning, and now the difference is to find the summer.
Killing Blue Vio said a few words in Zhao Yuan’s ear. Zhao Yuan nodded and then went forward:
Brother, that team is not simple, especially in the summer they lead, he is not simple, so be sure to pay attention. He, don't underestimate him, it is best for everyone to kill him first."
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