Chapter 4802: Hungry is not dead

Alchemists and refiners have grades.
A total of nine levels, corresponding to their level strength.
It’s just that there’s not exactly how to divide it. After all, it’s just some history, and some simple knowledge introductions, summer guesses, and want to know more and more things, it’s necessary to buy professional things to watch. .
Of course.
I also saw a lot of special names and names in the summer below.
"This time, I am hungry. There are too many occupations here." In the summer, he smiled slightly. He carefully examined the introduction of Tianlingda 6. He is now at least ten times larger than Tianyuanda. However, the population is much smaller than that of Tianyuan, and there are billions of people under the general power of the city.
But on Tianlingda 6, there are millions of people in a city, and that's a lot.
In other words.
There are fewer people here.
Therefore, there are also many people who open up wasteland.
Many people like to go out to hunt for treasure. If you are lucky, you can find real treasures.
If you are not lucky, you will also die.
Because the population here is not too much, everyone here is more respectful of human life.
It’s not like Tianyuan’s 6.
There are people everywhere, and you can destroy a city, and you will die hundreds of millions of people.
So people there don't care about human rights at all.
If you are dead, I am afraid that no one will remember, because you are a silent person. Even if a famous person dies, everyone will feel the most. After a maximum of two days, everyone will be attracted by other news. I forgot about this matter.
This is the phenomenon of society.
"Of course, I am not hungry. You have such a big skill. I am not afraid of starvation." Lan Yuan smiled slightly.
"No, you are very good now," said the summer.
When I heard this, Lan Yuan only reacted.
Yes, her current combat power is about 110,000. If the water body is small, her combat power will reach 140,000 or more. This number is very terrible, even if it is on Tianyuan 6, it should be It’s also a rare one.
So now I am not worried about the safety of Lanyuan in the summer.
Although Lanyuan has become stronger, she feels that she is always a weak woman in the summer.
There is summer around, and that is to rely on.
I saw a lot of things in the summer, but most of them are not nutritious.
"Oh, it’s harder than I thought." Summer thought that he would soon find his father.
But when I saw the introduction of the Tianling 6th, he knew that it was not that simple.
Tianling 6 is too big.
Even if his father can make a name for himself, it would not be possible to make the whole big 6 loud.
Just like on Tianyuan 6th, although there are many masters, there are only two people who are famous on Tianyuanda 6. One is Bai Xiaosheng and the other is Tianyuan Emperor.
Reputation is based on time.
He now wants to find his father on such a big big 6, it will take a while, of course, there is another way to work.
That is, he is famous enough to make himself famous in the summer, so that his father can find himself.
But summer is really not wanting to be famous.
He just wants to be a beautiful man quietly.
"Forget it, the tree is big, and if you want to be famous, it will definitely block the way of many people, so it is not good for future life, or choose other methods." Summer really does not want to enemies in this place, so he chooses Try to keep some low-key looking.
"Small two, do you have the power to help find someone here?" asked the summer.
"Yes, adults, please ask the name and information of the person you are looking for, etc., the more complete the better." Xiao Er said before, but his of wealth in the summer, let him suddenly have a fortune, so No matter what the instructions are in the summer, he will do it immediately.
"Amount, can I only have a name?" asked the summer.
"Name..." The black line of the face of Xiao Eryi.
"Can't you?" asked the summer.
"Adult, in this world, there are too many people with the same name. If you want to find someone by name, you can find thousands of people, and everyone is in a different direction. If you want to see it, it is very difficult." Xiao Er said.
"Do you want to add money?" asked again in the summer.
"Unless you can provide a complete portrait, then the person looking for is not too far away from burning the city. Otherwise, it would be a decade, a hundred years, and no one can find someone because of the time to find someone. Can't pass it out." Xiao Er said.

Is there a transmission array?
asked in the summer, how long does it take to send a message for hundreds of years?
"The adults laughed again. The transmission arrays were used by the military. They were set up for the convenience of war. How can ordinary people like us use them, and even those businesses can't use them, unless they are outside to run specifically? The city can, and even if it is the kind of city, it usually needs the identification of the major cities, otherwise it will not be able to ride, and the price is very expensive." Xiao Er explained.
When I heard this, the black line of my face in the summer.
Although on the Tianyuan 6th, the transmission array is very precious and scarce.
But it is not as precious as the Tianling 6th.
"What is the tool that is here?" asked in the summer.
"Mount mounts, all major cities have different mounts, there are flying, there are 6 places, there are also water, but it is still the safest of the 6 places, flying is likely to be attacked by other monsters and wild repairs And if you accidentally fly over which city, people will chase you, as far as the water is concerned, not to mention the waters of a certain scale, there are monsters, especially near the blue sea. That's more, the monsters in the Blue Ocean are very overbearing." Xiao Er patiently explained.
Sitting in the summer and chatting with Xiao Er for a long time, Xiao Er is also very patient to explain to the summer.
Regardless of the summer's doubts, Xiao Er can help him solve it perfectly.
"Adult, it’s getting dark, you have to go out of town. If you go out of town, you can walk to the public city for about half an hour. If you are late, the sky will be completely dark, so it is easy to get into the wild." Xiaoji reminded.
Wild repair.
These are the practitioners who specialize in doing bad things.
They are robbing homes and doing bad things.
it's dark! !
Burning the city is not allowed outsiders to spend the night here.
"If I don't leave the city, what will happen?" asked the summer.
(End of this chapter)
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