Chapter 5178: Discussing big things

The old generation of Longwei nine stars all arrived, and everyone’s faces all showed a smile. These people didn’t like the Huayingwang very much because his reputation was very bad, and they didn’t know much about the face king, but they didn’t know much about the face. It is different now.
After the summer, they also saw the loyalty of the painted king.
The person who painted the king, in order to avenge the summer, is completely at all costs, and even does not really care about so many forces with the Tianling mainland, and finally he is also hiding in Tibet.
If it is not in the summer, it may be that the face king has been living in Tibet for tens of thousands of years.
But there is no way to go.
Summer is back, and the spring of the face king is coming.
"Your life is really big, so many big forces are chasing you, you are not dead."
"Of course, you can't die. You guys are still not dead. I can't die." Huaying Wang also responded directly.
"If you don't look at the face of summer, you will have to kill you." The gun sin waved his fist.
"Come on, come on." When they finished, it was like a real fight.
"You are really noisy, so hard to sleep so comfortable, you are woken up."
When I heard this voice, everyone’s eyes all looked at the of death, Tian.
At this time, he also sat up from the lying sedan chair, very uncomfortable looking at the face king and gun crime.
"Live, you really lived this time." The gun crime is also excited.
The king of vitality, Muguo’s face also showed a smile:
Wake up.

"How long have I slept?" asked Shen Tiantian.
"Not long," said Muguo.
"The fire emperor is still not dead, let's go to the fire emperor." Death Kanda said very violently.
"The battle of the Imperial League is about to end. The people who are going to fight this time are a lot of big, medium and small forces on the mainland. Of course, Tianling is also one of them." Muguo said.
"It’s so messy, how can we fight with the Imperial League?" Death Kanda is obviously a bit of a reaction.
"Nothing, tell you slowly." Muguo is also very happy now.
Of course, he also knows that the death of Shen Tian will definitely be remembered. After all, there have been too many things happening recently, but since you can wake up, you don’t have to worry about the explanation.
"It’s all right." The face of the painted face showed an excited smile.
They are the old brothers who have never served anyone before, but now they have become brothers who fight side by side.
Brothers who live and die.
"Thank you all for coming to help the boxing." The summer arched his hand.
"It should be said that thank you is me, it is because of my business, so everyone came over." Hua Ying Wang said gratefully.
"From now on, I will not hide again," said the summer.
When you hear the summer, everyone is a glimpse.
Originally they played here, they all thought that the summer was just to shock those who came to find the cockroaches, and then live in the realm of God.
But in the summer, I said that I will not hide again, which makes everyone feel weird.
"What do you want to do?" asked the Hua Wang Wang to ask for the summer.
"Building a city, I promised that you must do something, and we also need to have a foothold on the Tianling continent." Summer said.
The people around them all took a breath.
Even guns and other people are looking at the summer in an incredible way.
They all understand what the city represents, because once the city is built, it is to face the entire heavenly continent. If they do not have their own city, then it is very difficult for others to deal with them. After all, their strength is not weak.
But once they have built a city, it is completely exposed to everyone's vision.
It is very easy to retaliate by then.
No matter who wants to attack them, they can come to the city to find them directly, and even if they can't beat them, they can also be destroyed in the city.
There are still a lot of troubles.
And those top-level forces may not let them build the city so easily.
"This is very difficult. At that time, I am afraid that all the forces that have offended will come together and completely annihilate us." Although Huaying Wang also wants to build a city, he also knows what the cost of building a city is.
"Whoever comes, kill who." Summer simply said four words.
When I heard these four words, the people on the scene were all black lines of a face, I don’t know what to say.
They are now shocked by these four words.
Those who can come at the time are definitely very scary people, but the summer is actually so easy.
"Does this really need to be considered for a long time?" Huahua Wang asked as he looked at the summer.
"No need!" The attitude of summer is very determined.
"Good!" The face of the painted face showed a smile.
He just asked the summer, just to see the determination of the summer, now that he has seen it, then he will not veto the idea of ​​summer, as long as he wants to do it in the summer, he will accompany him.
"That said, I may not really need to be homeless." Gravity Prince Abo smiled.
When I heard him, everyone laughed too.
"Interesting, it sounds really good." The drunk method is very interesting.
"The name of the city is called the seven sins, and the city owner is the face-faced king. You can help the boxing. I am very grateful, but this city is the foundation I built for the face-faced king. I will never force you." Summer is afraid of everyone. Refused, so it is also a direct explanation.
"I am afraid that you will not take me." The gun crime smirked.
"I am alone, there is a place to stay, but I also want to hear specific, for example, where do you plan to build a city, what is the purpose of building a city?" Alpha said to the summer.
His previous words were very few, but now, I am getting used to chatting with everyone.
"To build a city, it is necessary to open up a wasteland, the more dangerous the better, and the terrain is very important, the location is also very important. As for the purpose of building a city, there are two purposes: first, to help the face king to create his own foundation; second, I don't want the fate of me and my brothers to be mastered by others. If we go out to talk later, we can be very hard, because there are seven sins behind us to support, killing my brothers, and killing them." Summer said loudly. .
The momentum is soaring.
Everyone understands.
Just like the person who wins the door to Qin, after going out, he said that he is Qin Win Gate, and the average person would not be offended.
And at some special times, others have to give you face, dare not provoke you, even when distributing treasures, you can also divide more and so on.
This is the advantage of having a big force to do the backing.
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