Chapter 5220: The enemy is here

It’s only been two months in the past. In the summer, they just built the city wall. There is no change in it.
If it weren't for the dwarfs, the walls could not be built so fast.
"You have finally arrived, and now the situation is a little troublesome." The flower king threw the information to the summer.
In the summer, I received the information directly, and then I frowned. "How did they do it? It took only two months to actually gather so many people?"
"Not that they are too fast, we are too clever, the Imperial League seems to be attacking a super-power, so the soldiers are scattered around here. After receiving the news that we built the city, they directly started, completely Abandoned the attack of the super power." Hua Wang Wang shook his head helplessly.

How many people are there in the Imperial League now?
asked in the summer.
"Three hundred million, but the number is still increasing. Within a month, they will reach one billion. You also know that when the war is going on, there will be many people who will join in the fun, so other scattered and follow-up If you add up, I am afraid that it will reach 3 billion, and we can only have less than 700,000 combatants." The face of the king is crumpled.
There is simply no way to compare the number of people.
Although they have long known that there will be a lot of people attacking them.
But when I heard the number, I was still very shocked.
This is not a ratio at all.
"It is very troublesome. If you fight like this, the strong ones will be exhausted." The gun sin shook his head.
Before they built the city, they had already guessed the difficulty of building a city.
It’s finally a sight.
"Summer, what should I do now?" Jun drunk and asked to the summer.
Summer is the backbone of their team. Once something happens, you will think of summer. In their hearts, as long as summer can be said, it will be fine.
So now they are waiting for the summer answer.
"I think you have counted a lot of people." The smile on the summer's face.
When I heard the summer, they suddenly remembered that there were Qin Win Gate and other forces. Everyone understands that the people who attacked them this time must be the Empire League and Qin Win Gate.
Because they are the deadly enemies of summer.
As for ‘ice’, they have just reconciled with the summer, they should not be killed, but there are still many forces and there is hatred between them.
So these people add up, certainly more than this number.
"You still laughed out, hurry up and think of a way." The face of the face is extremely depressed.
Summer is still full of smiles on my face.
"Report, there is a group of people outside, is the ss-level mercenary Longfeng to lead the team, is said to go to the summer Mr.." A man hurriedly reported.
When I heard this, they finally understood where the summer smile came from.
And they finally understood the true meaning of the sentence just in the summer.
In the summer, I have counted a lot of people, not the enemy.
But talking about them.
That's right!
Although the other party's influence is great.
But now in the summer and their original Longwei nine stars have a lot of reputation.
And a few of them can be said to be famous in a dozen, and all the people who follow them are famous. This naturally attracts many fans. Some people are famous, and some people envy their loyalty.
Others also don't like the Empire League and so on.
"Please come in, please come in, although it is rather shabby, but how much food and supplies are there." The face of the face is all excited.
This feeling is like a long dry nectar.
"Do you know the four happy events of life?" asked the Huanwang in the summer.
"What a happy event?" asked the face of the flower king.
"A long drought in the nectar, the hometown is known, the room is a candle, the gold medal title." Summer said.
"Do you know the four great sorrows of life?" asked again in the summer.
"A long drought, a drop of nectar, the hometown of the enemy knows the enemy, the room is next door to the candlelight night, the gold medal title is someone else." Summer said it directly laughed.
Everyone is also scratching their heads, but they soon understand the meaning of summer. The meaning of summer is that music is extremely sad. No matter what happens, don't be too optimistic. Similarly, don't be too pessimistic.
"Adults, more and more people are coming."
"Let's go, look at it, stabilize the hearts of these people, the most important thing is to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to make trouble." Summer walked straight ahead, and several other people all walked toward the front.
After ten days or so, there have been more than 7,000 masters from all over the world.
When the summer came, these people were very excited.
"Hello everyone, I am summer!" The summer was against the people at the scene.
"Mr. Summer is good." The people around him are all hand-in-hand.
"First of all, I am grateful to everyone for coming to help the boxing, but one thing must be clear to everyone in advance, that is, it is not allowed to fight inside. I don’t care what kind of grudges between you, whoever dares to fight here, then Don't blame me for not giving face in summer, and if anyone wants to take the opportunity to make trouble, I won't talk nonsense. I am not a good man or a girl in summer. Of course, if everyone helps me wholeheartedly, I will remember everyone's good in summer. But the premise is: This time is really dangerous, I don't want to harm everyone, death can't be avoided. Once you stay, it is gambling." After the summer came, Enwei applied.
The scene was very quiet.
Although the summer is not very comfortable, everyone understands that it is very reasonable to do so in the summer. Otherwise, if someone destroys it here, then it will be terrible.
These people will all be killed in the end.
"Mr. Summer, we have the final say here, since we are here to help you, then naturally do not want to have problems inside." A master shouted.
"Thank you, everyone." The summer arched the hand: "I will remember every person who comes over in the summer, and we will fight together in the future."
This summer phrase made everyone on the scene very happy.
The base of the 'ice' organization.
"The night of the adults, here is the 'ice' nest." An old man said respectfully.
"Well!" A man nodded.
The man doesn't look old, but his face is full of evil spirits. His smile is like a smile from the ghost of the Nether. He seems to have endless power between his gestures.
"I heard that this power is good, then let them listen to me in the future."
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