Chapter 5247: Cow 13 sparkling backing

There are a lot of studies on this formation in the summer. It can be said that this array is not complete on the Tianling continent, but now these people are arranging the gossip array, and this gossip array is more than the gossip array on the earth. Comprehensive.
That is!
This array comes from the earth!
"Your dad knows a lot more than you, you are still too tender." The unparalleled look of the devil's face reveals a disdainful look: "But your fire of life is really a little troublesome."
The fire of life.
Known as the flame of immortality.
Although the power of the unparalleled power does not have the kind of domineering of the long-eyed gods, as long as the other side is injured, the other party can't recover under normal circumstances, but now, the wounds in summer are almost cured.

Just just trouble?
The summer smiled.
He found that this ghost is absolutely aware of the earth.
And from the words just now, a very important thing was discovered in the summer, that is: his father knows a lot of secrets about the secrets of the earth.
Although it is not a long time to get together with my father in the summer.
But he always found that his father knew a lot, and every time his father didn't want to tell him too much, it seemed as if he was worried about bringing him trouble.
"It's just a hassle." The ghosts and unparalleled smiles.
Just as the gods and ghosts took a step before the two-way, a figure appeared in front of the summer. This figure looks a bit old, but it gives people a feeling of fullness.
"Well?" The unbelievable brow wrinkled.
"Master!" Summer is also a glimpse, he did not expect that his master Kaka actually came.
Kaka one!
A person who is bent on death.
"Yes, apprentice, I have heard about your business. You are much better than your master." Kaka glanced at the summer and said.
"Master, how come you?" said the hurried summer.
"I heard that someone wants to kill my apprentice, how can I do it? Your master is not dead yet, you can never die." Kaka finished looking at the opposite ghost: "If it is someone else, I won't be out, but this guy is a bit dangerous."
"Kaka one!" spit out these words in the unmistakable mouth.
"I don't know you," Kaka said very casually.
"I know you, you don't honestly stay in your mountain and die, run out and do what?" said the ghost and the uncomfortable.
"When you die, it’s been too long. I’m anxious. If you can, kill me. As long as you can kill me, I will thank you very much.
Kaka’s face is full of excitement.
When it comes to death, he is very excited.
In this world, the thing that makes him feel excited is death. If you can die, then Kaka is willing to give everything.
"Okay, then I will fulfill you!!" The unmistakable right hand of a ghost, a long trench appeared in his hand.
The trenches glimpse in the air, and other forces around them explode in an instant.
It seems to be the power to destroy everything.
"Half-sacred device." Summer said lightly.
He understands that the unparalleled weapon is the semi-sacrificial, just like his broken sword.
"A little insight!" No one nodded with admiration.
Half holy device!
This name is not what anyone has heard of.
"You are all old bones, do you still learn to fight out?" At this moment, a sound like a breeze appeared. When the sound appeared, the scene was particularly quiet, just like the breeze took away all the The sound is the same.
"Who?" The unparalleled gaze stalked around in a circle. He understood that if he could not be discovered by him after he spoke, it must be a master.
"Master!" A happy face on the summer.
Is it a master?
Was the Kaka just a summer master?
At this moment, the ghosts and unparalleled suddenly thought of it: "Destroy the sword, the sword is unknown!!"
"Yes, it's me!!" Another figure appeared in front of the summer.
"How come you ran over, don't you claim that you won't be out of the sword?" Kaka asked with a look at his name.
"He is not just an apprentice of you alone." No name replied.
Very simple answer.
Kaka did not know what to say for a while, because the summer is indeed an unnamed apprentice, and he introduced the past.
"One by one, the old guys are not dead!!" The ghosts looked at the two men in front of them.
"I heard that you seem to be bullying my apprentice? Is this person the most careless, you are not going to fight? I am with you!!" The nameless is very domineering.
Namelessness is definitely a special existence on the heavenly continent.
No one wants to provoke.
Because he represents the first sword of the heavenly continent.
Even the emperor and the legendary immortal are not willing to provoke the existence.
But it is my existence, he is actually the summer master.
And still a short guardian.
They used to completely know what to say. When Kaka appeared, they had already guessed the identity of this person, although he was not as famous as Fire Emperor.
However, there are still many legends about him.
Especially the person who cultivates the vitality of the wood.
When the sword is unnamed, everyone will be crazy.
This is the first!
The first sword master of Tianling mainland.
The legendary sword is his place of residence.
"Summer, it's not bad, there are such powerful backers." The ghost said with a bite, he is also very upset now, but he is not so upset, he can't say anything, because he can't afford to sin.
If it is a summer, then he can not look in the eyes, but now add a Kaka one and the sword is unknown.
That will be different.
How is this going?
Even if he is strong, he can't help these people.
"Afraid?" Summer looked provocatively unparalleled.
"Ha ha ha ha!" The gods and ghosts laughed loudly: "This is not our battlefield, I am waiting for you!"
"Well, I will definitely beat you with my own hands." Summer naturally does not want to lose the face of his master.
Now that his two masters have come, the battle here is unfair, and he is not the kind of deceitful person, so he does not intend to fight here with the devil.
The longan is already a past tense.
He defeated him this summer.
Then he is no longer worthy of being a summer opponent, because the next time he meets, the summer will be stronger than it is now.
And the unparalleled is his next opponent.
"I am waiting for you at Xiandong!!"
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