Chapter 5304: Real Muxiu Yulin

"Ha ha ha ha!" The smile on his face in the summer, then he began to move forward quickly.
"What's wrong?" If the cold is still in a state of being circled.
She didn't understand what was going on, she was laughing there in the summer, but she followed.
The two of them began to move forward quickly.
The summer at this point is clear, the above is a pit, a full trap, if he walks from above, it will be killed by the gradually increasing suction.
People have a common problem. When they hold the first suction, they think they can resist the second, but the sudden surge of suction will make them lose their balance. At that moment, they want to regret. That's too late.
And here is the real channel.
Going from here, there is no suction, direct destination.
When the summer came to the center, a purple-black flame floated on the stone bench in front of him.
"There can be such a powerful flame, there is only one on the entire Tianling Road." The summer face showed a smile: "That is the fire of engulfing."
The fire of the list is the number one fire.
This flame is not suitable for refining, nor for alchemy, but the biggest effect is attack.
Attack power: one hundred stars.
This kind of flame can be said to be a metamorphosis in metamorphosis.
Normal people can't imagine existence.
"There will be no mistakes, although no one knows what this flame is like, but the power of this flame is not wrong." Summer eyes looked around.
Sure enough, there are four words above the stone platform: the fire of engulfing.
"What is this?" asked if the cold looked to the summer.
"The fire of the list is the number one fire," said the summer.
"What is that?" If the cold is still very puzzled, look at the summer.
"In short, it means very powerful." Summer said again.
He didn't know how to explain with Ruohan. If the cold is not a little experience, so no matter what he said, if the cold would not understand, unless he explained a little bit and Ruohan.
So when I plan to have time in the summer, I will explain it well.
However, it was discovered very quickly in the summer. If the cold seems to be not interested in this devour.
Instead, they are interested in these paintings on the surrounding stone walls.
"This is the ancient text." If the cold said.
"Do you know the ancient scriptures?"
"I have never been out of the house since I was a child. In the family, I studied these things every day. I felt very interested at that time. I also looked at it. Although I can’t say all about it, I know it is 80%." Road.
"Then tell me what is written on the stone wall!" In the summer, there was no rush to take the fire of engulfing.
Greed is always the biggest mistake.
When many people see this kind of flame, they will definitely go crazy to get the fire of engulfing, but in the summer, they understand that if they do this, it is no different from sending death.
First of all, the fire of engulfing is the number one flame in the list of the fire, and the average person can't control it.
Although the power is good, if you can't control it, then you will eventually be swallowed up by this power.
Secondly, if he rushes to act without knowing the fire of engulfing, he will certainly suffer a big loss.
Finally, he also wants to know what exactly is written on the stone wall, and it must have been left by the owner of this engulfing fire.
"Oh!" If the cold looked at it: "This said that he is the master of this flame. When he was young, he was in the world, but his edge was too strong, so he attracted the whole world to deal with him. Finally he was The person he trusts the most is dead, but he has a sacred body, so he is not dead for a while. Although he did not die completely, he has no love for the world, so he threw one of the flames out and the other stayed. Here, I hope that after the people get it, they can carry forward these two flames."
"Two?" Suddenly heard this in the summer.
"Yes, there are two kinds, one is called the fire of phagocytosis, the other is called the fire of life. He said that these two flames are complementary and indispensable. If there is no fire of life, then the fire of engulfing will not bloom. Uncontrollable, directly swallow the owner, but if there is a fire of life, the two flames will form a balance in the body, yin and yang." If the cold is helping the summer to translate the ancient text on the stone wall.
The summer at this time finally understood.
The owner of this engulfing fire must have been a super master before, and it is because of this that so many people have slandered him, and finally those people joined hands to deal with him.
However, these people finally failed to deal with him.
Because the fire of engulfing is too strong.
But in the end, he was concealed by his closest relatives, causing him to completely give up his life. In order to find a descendant, he threw out the fire of life. I hope that some people will get the fire of life, then come here to look for engulfing. The fire, but over time, even those who get the fire of life, do not know where the fire of engulfing is, and do not know the relationship between the fire of engulfing and the fire of life.
So no one is looking for this devour.
But now it is cheaper summer, because summer is the one who has the fire of life.
At this time, I feel very scared in the summer. If he does not have the fire of life and happens to be here, he will definitely be killed by the fire of engulfing. Although his strength is strong, he cannot possibly live with him. The fire contends, especially in the refining, the fire of engulfing is likely to swallow all the things in his body.
"Really good risk." Summer breathed a sigh of relief: "Right, do you know his name?"
"I don't know, this person didn't leave a name, but there seems to be a paragraph later. I don't know it very well. I only know a few words."
"Which words?" asked quickly in the summer.
"Go to what, what is the fairy, look for" if the cold is obviously not recognized which words.
She just knows these three words.
"She should let me go to find someone, but I don't know the word here, how to find it." Summer is not the kind of ungrateful existence, since he wants to take the fire of people's devouring, then He is about to fulfill each other's wishes.
"I really don't know. The ancient texts in my family are not complete, but I heard that my family is already the most familiar family of ancient scriptures. If my family can't know what this text is." That other places are even less likely to know." If the cold said.
"Well, then first print it down, look for an opportunity to talk about it." After the summer, I put my eyes on the fire of engulfing. Js3v3
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