Chapter 5695: Heavy casualties

The military stabs have long been unhappy with the summer, so he has been trying to deal with the summer, and he has seen the position of the summer as a conductor, which makes him even more uncomfortable.
During this time, he has been chatting with these people in private and a little bit to influence these people.
And he is also waiting for an opportunity to wait for a summer to make a mistake.
The opportunity is coming.
Seeing how good he was just now, how could he miss it, so he also took the opportunity to call so many people.
He believes that he has succeeded.
As long as he can kill the ten opponents.
Those people are more loyal to him. After that, no matter what happens again, these people will follow him, and if they really succeed in counterattack, then he will become the hero of the Green Grass Gate.
By then, his impression in the hearts of the doorkeepers and the elders will continue to increase.
He believes that he is going to the peak of his life.
One shot!
They really took the lead.
But before he had been happy for a long time, there was a huge array of encirclements around them, and dozens of people were killed on both sides.
"Not good, counted, retreat!!" the army screamed loudly.
But now it’s not that simple to want to retire.
Everything was destroyed, and they were completely messed up.
Normally, these people are very powerful.
As long as the squad remains calm, it will not be so bad.
If it is here in the summer, he clearly has already counted it, and he will also shout: "Brothers, everything is in the plan, the enemy is really counted, we kill."
The people who follow him will continue to increase, and they will not be confused.
But now.
One incident, the army thief was the first chaos. He was faster than anyone else. The other people naturally didn't want to die. They all turned around and didn't want to resist.
If they resist, they will not lose in a short time, but if they run away, it is to expose the entire back to the other's field of vision.
"Quick retreat!" the squad shouted again.
The more he yelled, the more he shouted and the more he panicked.
The summer in the distance did not stop!
Even if he is going back now, it is too late, they want to counterattack is impossible, and if they go back, it will block the route of those people running away.
Finally the whole army was annihilated!
"Set up, help them to make the last bit of struggle, but leave a mark, don't let them mistakenly into the law." Summer also saw that Peng Peng is very worried about those people.
So he also proposed to let these people arrange here.
Help the people behind to escape.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
After the array, they also left quickly.
"Is the mark clearly obvious?" asked in the summer.
"The very obvious marks, they must be able to see, by then they just have to go through the area of ​​the formation." Teng Peng said.
"Well!" I didn't say anything in the summer. They are going to make a detour now.
Obviously the other party has already guessed their route, so they are intercepted here.
The latter spurs also started to run away, and there are only thirty people who have survived.
"Military brother, you see the front, there is a mark." One of the men said.
"Well?" The army thorn saw the front.
"That is to let us go from there. It must be the mark left by the brothers just now. Let us go from here. They must leave the way for us." The faces of those people showed excitement.
Upon seeing the look of these people, coupled with the defeat of this defeat, the spurs believe that if they go from here and pass safely, then these people will be very grateful to them in summer, this is not what he wants to see. of.
"Oh, this may be the enemy deliberately staying to lie to us, and then, how can that person have such a good heart, everyone around the past." The military stab said directly.
Although those people want to say something, but the attitude of seeing the spurs is so tough, they can only follow.
Did not enter the law.
They are bypassing.
They are caught up again by the enemy.
After one after another, let them finally have fifteen people left.
You know, they had nearly fifty people before, but only fifteen people survived, and these fifteen people are also very embarrassed.
When they merged with the summer, Teng Peng’s face was an incomprehensible look:
Why is it so bad for death and injury?

There was a trace of anger on his face.
How can he not be angry when he dies so many people?
"Bad boy, you know that there is a conspiracy there, why not stop us?" The army thorns came over and questioned the summer.
This is what he confessed to the wicked.
"I didn't organize you?" asked the summer.
The summer was very straightforward. He said that he had to go, but the military spurs simply did not listen, and he thought that how wise he was, and that the summer was devalued.
Now it’s time to ask questions about summer.
At this time, those people around the summer seemed to look at the spurs like idiots.
"I don't know if there is a conspiracy there, or how can I go over? You know that there is a conspiracy there, and you should stop me." The military spurs are not reasonable at all. He thinks that this is all summer's fault.
He is going to put all his responsibilities on the head of the summer.
"Why?" In the summer, I looked at the spurs with no expression. "What are you? Why do you want me to stop you? I don’t know if I don’t know what is going on there, even if I know, why am I? Are you going to die to stop you? Do you owe you? Or do you have a 13 face, whoever wants to marry you?"
His words are very rude.
At this time, everyone was surprised to watch the summer. Since they teamed up with the summer, the summer temper is very good. They are the first to see the summer so horrible.
This is absolutely perfect.
Even the spurs were dumbfounded by the summer, and he didn’t even know what to say.
"You dare to marry me"
"I asked you, what are you? I am saving you as a duty. If you don't save you, you should. If you die so many people, can't you calm down? I arranged to save you. You are gone. Do you know that it is how much we spend a lot of effort? If you go that way, you will die so many people?" asked the army thorn in the summer.
At that time, the people behind the slings all looked at the spurs.
(End of this chapter)
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