Chapter 5793: People who don’t like sound

To shut up!
Although the swallows and the pigeons don’t know why, they know that summer will definitely not lie to them, so when they say this in the summer, the two of them are quiet again.
None of them spoke.
But the two of them looked at the wooden tube in the summer.
I saw it.
The summer's gaze looked at a person who was two meters tall and tall and very strong.
This man's arm is very long. If he bends a little, his fingers can touch the ground, and this person is rags and looks like a flower.
The hair is messy.
But the home that surprised them the most is that this person has no ears.
His ears are dead.
"Noisy, noisy!!" the man said loudly.
Then all the people around him looked at him. Many of them started to shut up and didn't talk, but some people were very upset: "What are you doing? Everyone is here waiting for the ancient city to appear, we talk and you also control ?"
The man just finished, and his face showed a big hole.
His mouth has been torn.
"Fast!" swallow's eyes are wide.
His speed is already fast, but he has to admit that the speed of the opponent is fast, and the opponent is not only moving fast, he is also attacking quickly.
The screams shouted from the mouth of the man.
"It's too noisy!" At the same time, the jealous man also punched out, his fist hit the other's mouth directly, and the other person's whole person was flung out.
I don’t know life or death.
The personal companions all looked silly. They were all very unhappy, but now they can't say a word.
No one even used to collect their bodies for their companions!
The scene was quiet in an instant.
"What is going on?" swallowed whispered.
"Now I know why those people in the city gate don't talk because they have him," said the summer.
"What kind of person is he? It's so strong," said Teng Peng.
"I don't know, no one knows who he is. He only knows that he doesn't like the sound. The louder the voice, the more angry he will be. The people who have been planted in his hand have been a lot, and there are people from all major forces. But he was not afraid at all. After each incident, he returned to his place of residence and was not afraid of revenge. "The summer saw the information he saw."
"How come you know so much?" Bai Ge believes that they have worked hard and found a lot of intelligence, but she found that the information obtained in the summer seems to be more.
"Stupid, I am a Hummer, I let them give me the latest information, they will definitely give it." Summer said helplessly.
"Oh, it turned out to be like this." The white pigeon looked like a big man.
"Be careful, this person is not simple, and I can see that this person is the kind of bad-smelling Lord. Whoever provokes him, the trouble is inevitable." In the summer, they came to find the news of the altar, but not to come. Troublesome, their troubles are already enough, and now the lower the better, the better.
Although they ordered them to leave temporarily, no one knows when they will kill them.
Originally, it was still calmer. Few people were willing to pick things up or cause a sensation, because that would attract the attention of the people around them, so that everyone would guard against you or attack you.
But after this sly man appeared, it broke the calm.
However, the scene was quiet.
No one is noisy again.
The night is gradually coming, everything is still the same as normal, very quiet, everyone is waiting for the dawn, because after dawn is the day when the ancient city appeared.
A scream broke the silence.
Everyone hurriedly looked at the screams.
Dead people.
A man lay there bloody, there was no wound in his body, and no one knew who did it.
The main thing is that the man’s body has not been lost.
"Come on, come, come again."
The person next to him said to himself.
Summer quietly scraped the past: "What is coming?"
"Who are you?" The man looked at the summer with vigilance.
In the summer, I handed over a jug of wine: "It’s all coming out to ask for life. Do you know what? Tell us."
He took out the wine and showed his good intentions, telling the other person that he was not malicious.
This way the other party does not have to worry about it.
"This is not a secret. Every time the ancient city opens, the night before, there will be inexplicable dead people. Every time it is like this, some people bleed and die, and there are no scars on his body, no traces of being robbed, even It can be said that people are not killed at all." The man took over the summer wine, and he also smelled it deliberately, apparently old, or wary.
However, the summer does not care, the other party is not the meaning of disrespect, but the essential skills of an old river.
"Not a person to kill? What do you mean?" asked in the summer.
"Every time before the opening of the ancient city, seven people will die, and the death of these seven people is exactly the same. Seven people bleed, and no one sees the murderer at all. Some people even sit between the teams, and suddenly Death," the man explained.
"So God." Summer is also very mysterious.
"Of course, we call this a curse. Every time we come, everyone is very careful, but as long as we can hide tens of thousands of kilometers, there will be nothing, but tens of thousands of kilometers away, it is too late to enter the ancient city, so everyone is always Very careful." The man has always emphasized caution, although he does not know what it takes to be careful.
But he is careful, he does not want to die in this unclear.

Is this going to be lucky?
asked the summer.
"It looks like it is, and it seems that there is no law. Some people will have an accident when they are together. Some people will have an accident when they are together." The man said.
"Is it sure that seven people will die?" asked in the summer.
"Well, there will be seven people who will die. Every time, there will be no more, no less." The man said.
"Okay, thank you brothers, I wish you good luck." After the summer, I went back.
The white pigeon has a thumbs up and she really admire the character of the summer.

Isn’t that really people do it?
swallowed the incomprehensible look at the summer.
"I don't rule it out, but I don't believe it. I only believe what I saw, so I can see which six people are the worst. The two of you are no matter how active, don't exceed ten meters around me." Summer has begun to be thorough. Surveillance around, as long as there is any movement, he will respond in the first time.
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