Chapter 5888: Life decision

With a big drink in the summer, then the day of the robbery that had already fallen down was retired.
Everyone is clear!
They were still worried about the safety of the summer, but at this moment, they were all dumbfounded, and they all saw the most incredible scene.
They even forgot the bombardment of bombardment on the dead hole.
They don't even know what to say.
"This..." When the hurricane was watching from a distance, I didn't know what adjectives to use.
Life is looking at it all with no expression.
A person actually shouted at Tianlei, and then Tianlei ran away.
You must know that this kind of catastrophe is not a monster in the wilderness.
The bodies of the monsters in these wilderness areas have been attacked by panic all the year round. Their bodies are very strong, but even so, they can't help but attack.
They even fear the robbery.
But in the summer, a ‘roll’ word allowed the day to be directly withdrawn.
Come fast.
Running is also fast.
At that time, the head of the monster and the swallows finally know why he said that he is not afraid in the summer. This is not only not afraid, but also completely yells at each other. Who can have such a skill?
They have all been completely shocked now, I don't know how to describe what I have seen, and my current mood.
In the summer, I took a step forward and looked at the dead hole in front of me. I still didn’t say a word.
The robbing of one another and one after another.
A total of nine days of robbery, but those days of robbery all bypassed the summer, without any trace of the sky robbery dare to approach the summer, all hiding, and finally fell on the dry hole.
A powerful day robbery seems to want to devour everything.
But in the end, it still failed to destroy the dead hole.
This shows how strong the dead hole is.
"It's over." The summer raised his head. His eyes looked at the robbery clouds in the sky. This time, the robbery cloud disappeared completely and did not appear again.
Bright light shines on everyone.
All the monsters have come out of the dead hole. They look at the summer eyes are completely different, with some awe.
Although they have not hated the summer, but the summer has been necessary for them to protect, so they did not regard the summer as a thing before, but now it is different.
Seeing the scene of the thundering of the thunder in the summer, all the beasts completely changed their views on the summer.
In their hearts, summer is almost a god-like character.
"Summer, you just got a cow." The red tiger came forward.
"Nothing, everyone has their own different skills, this is one of my skills, so there is nothing to brag about." Summer believes that this is similar to the advantages of others.
In fact, it is not him who is afraid of the sky, but the small insects in his body.
From the beginning of the day robbery, a little summed up in the summer, as long as the people who cultivated against the sky, they will certainly encounter the catastrophe, and after the catastrophe, after success, the power will increase greatly, and after the failure, that It must die.
There is no suspense in this point.
Others are struggling with various means to resist the catastrophe. They may even squander their wealth for a lifetime.
However, every time I saw the robbery in the summer, it was not the power to rob the robbery, but the robbery cloud was directly blasted.
The reason why the summer is not to rob the power of robbery is because he simply does not see the power of lightning. If it is the power of top lightning, it has already been snatched away in the summer.
Can it still be fried there?
"See what is going on?" asked Peng Peng.
"I checked it, there are only two possibilities, but in the end I still can't figure it out." Shake his head in the summer.

What is it possible?
swallowed again.
"First, this mountain has cultivated spirituality, and he may be very perverted, so every time the breakthrough is suppressed by the robbery; second, there are special strongmen in the mountain or below. And this mountain is his weapon, used to resist the weapons of the robbery, but we walked through below, and did not find anyone, so this is where I can't figure out." Summer explained.
When I heard the summer, the head of the monster went up: "I can only say that you guessed it should be correct, because the order we received was to guard this place. As for why we guarded here, we don't know, and other monsters. The ethnic group has always wanted to get here. I think, I am afraid that they have also received orders from the top and want to compete for it. As for why they compete for it, I don’t even know."
"Well!" Nodded in the summer.
The dead hole hides a huge secret. As for what kind of secret it is, I really don’t know it in the summer.
He can't guess it either.
When the surrounding monsters walked past the summer, they all bowed their heads involuntarily. Now that the robbery has passed, they must also be dispersed.
"Right, how did you cultivate?" asked the head of the monster in the summer.
"The cultivation of our monsters is actually very simple. It absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, and then uses various strengths to quench the body, including the panic power here. Right, we are practicing near this place slightly faster than other places. A little faster, I found out before." The head of the monster explained.
"Well, it seems that it is really weird here." Summer nodded.
He can now be sure that there must be a huge secret here. As for the secret, he can't investigate even if he wants to investigate, because the king of the ethnic group seems to be staring.
"It seems that you have to be careful in the future, but don't because it is really dead here." Red Tiger reminded.
"You are also a monster, you should understand that our beast is loyal, and the mission above, we must complete it. The mission above is to let us guard our lives here. If we die, let Our descendants guard this place, and it is our glory to die here." The head of the monster explained.
The red tiger nodded. He was also a monster. He naturally understood the other's mood.
The beasts have their own glory.
"Summer, let's talk." Just then, a voice appeared in the summer forest, and the voice was loud.
It is the voice of life.
They are all familiar with the sound of life in the summer.
"Talk?" The brows of summer wrinkled.
"What are you talking about?" asked the Red Tiger.
"Go out and see what they are doing." Summer went straight to the outside.
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