Chapter 5977: Fierce competition

When he was sitting here, the momentum was very strong. For a moment, his gas field suppressed the people on the scene. Many people on the table even left, and there was no meaning to fight.
Because he knows better than anyone else, if you want to compete with this, then if you win, I am afraid there will be trouble.
Besides, this is just wine, not a big treasure, so there is absolutely no need to offend such a person for these wines.
The people on the scene are very quiet.
Everyone is sneaking too intentionally or unintentionally.
Too much is sitting there without saying a word, very mysterious.
Drinking in the summer, he feels that these wines are really good. There are five kinds of wines, there are five kinds of flavors, and they also represent five meanings. If you taste them carefully, there is something to be tasted inside.
There is even a kind of life in it.
"Small two!" In the summer, waved to Xiao Er.
"Adult, what are you told?" asked Xiaoji.
"The five kinds of wines, the same one hundred pots, take away." Summer smiled slightly, this wine is much better than the previous wine, so it also reached the grade he carried.
Now he also has five hundred pots directly.
When I heard five hundred pots, the second child was obviously a glimpse. One pot had two thousand black knives.
Five hundred pots, that is 10 million black knives.
With so much money, Xiao Er is also very surprised.
"What? No?" asked the summer.
"Yes, of course, but, adults, can you pay the money first?" Xiao Er asked apologetically.
"No problem, let's go." Summer smiled.
"Please!" Xiao Er’s voice has been very small, and his attitude is also very good. This is also to avoid disturbing other tables around him. At this time, Xiao Er is also walking towards the back with summer.
Other people may not hear the summer, but the woman heard it. At that time, the woman was surprised. "I rely on it, so rich."
She really didn't see it, the summer was so stingy, but it was so rich.
after awhile!
Summer came out. When he came out, the wine and wine had already started to be auctioned, and it was very fierce. The scene was even sparked. Although it was not played, but the momentum was very full, they were mutual Do not give up.
"Hey, 200,000 black knives, don't blame if you don't have money. This is buying wine, not selling art." One of them snorted and talked very rudely.
"Thirty thousand black knives, then the money is also a good idea to brag? Here is the city of Niuhuang, the world of rich people, don't underestimate others." Another person is not allowed.
"Thirty thousand black knives!"
"Three hundred and twenty thousand!"
"Thirty-three thousand!"
One after another, the voices appeared, and these people are all incompatible with each other. They are all very violently auctioned, and at this time they are all very powerful.
They simply don't care about who is going to auction around, no matter who their face is, don't give it, just auction it directly.
"Fifty thousand, what are you going to shut up, one by one, can you not install 13, this money is also called money? Laozi's business, you can earn 100,000 black knives a day, that is, who is rich, who is If you don't accept it, just fight with Laozi." A fat local tyrant shouted directly, he was really very rude, and he was jeweled.
When I saw him open, many people chose not to talk because they really couldn't beat this fat man.
This fat man is not bragging, he is really rich, and no matter who fights with him, he will definitely not fight him. After all, he is so rich.
"Six hundred thousand!"
Just when everyone was silent, suddenly a voice broke the silence.
He hasn't spoken all the time, but now he talks, and he adds 100,000 directly to his opening.
"Hey!" The fat local tyrant also saw it too. At this time, his face was all very casual, and he said, "A play."
It means performance, obviously he has also seen too much fighting.
So a little look down too.
"Pay attention to your mouth, I will kill people." Said too coldly.
He is also directly threatened, the fat man is obviously a glimpse, but he is also a person who is not afraid of the day, not afraid of people, like the rich people like him, the guards around him must be indispensable, then again, here is In Niuhuangcheng, he simply did not believe that someone could kill him: "One million black knives, Lao Tzu is more money, how? If you are not convinced, you will take the money if you are not convinced."
This kind of price increase is also to let more people choose to quit.
This fare increase is too fast, and the price is clearly beyond the value of this wine.
However, there are still some people who like this wine very much, and then increase the price.
Of course, it’s all 10 million.
"One hundred and one hundred thousand!" said the fat man.
Too smashed the table in front of him, then stood up and said: "Are you deliberate?"
"How? Don't you have money to buy? Right, you broke the table, don't forget to lose money, otherwise the City Guard will not let you go." The fat man said directly.
The battle on the scene is very intense.
It can be said that the dragon is fighting.
Every one is very nervous, and those people are all afraid of breathing in the atmosphere, so they look at it quietly.
"One hundred and fifty thousand!" There was a sudden sound coming upstairs. It was the sound that came down from the third floor, and the voice was very clear. I didn't hear it. It was obviously the first price.
The first call price was directly added to 400,000, which is really not something that ordinary people can make.
For a time, everyone's eyes are all looking upstairs, but the third floor is elegant, all have curtains.
"One hundred and six hundred thousand!" The fat man raised the price again!
"One hundred and eighty thousand!" said too.
The fat man shook his head: "Forget it, give it to you."
He did not continue to increase the price, although he is also very rich, but a bottle of wine at such a high price, he really feels a little worthless, but also offended so many people.
"One hundred and nine hundred thousand!" Just then, the voice of someone upstairs passed.
"Two million!" said too again.
"Three million!" The person upstairs said again.
"What's special, you deliberately find you? If you have the ability, you will be singled out, don't be sneaky on it." Shouted in anger.
The fat man is also full of smiles on his face: "Interesting, it seems that I still have to insert a hand, anyway, I don't care about this money."
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