Chapter 6055: Fist talking

Hey! Hey!
The speed of the two of them is very fast, obviously wanting to attack the summer, but the summer has not turned back.
In their view, summer is just a strong attack and strong defense, so they intend to win by speed, and they think that speed, summer is definitely not their opponent.
The distance is enough.
The two hands were shot together.
Then a huge square appeared, covering everything around it.
When the square appeared, the two of them won.
At this moment, they suddenly found out that the summer in front of them suddenly disappeared and disappeared. They were still in front of them, but now they can't see anyone.
"Top!" someone shouted.
The two of them are also directly looking up.
When they looked up, the summer body descended from the top.
His feet stepped directly on the square.
The square and the bodies of the two people began to fall rapidly.
When the square was close to the ground, the summer feet slammed, and the square and the two were directly smashed under the ground.
The strength of these two people is very strong. Not enough of them is the only means of ghosts. As long as they can see through the two of them, the attack of the two of them is nothing.
call out! call out!
The two-handed scimitar flew up from below, and the summer body flashed directly.
At the same time, the summer body directly rushed over.
"Go to hell!" Another person also held two double knives in his hand and squatted directly!
The attack speed of the two of them was terrible. At this moment, the four-handed double-knife blocked all the retreats of the summer. The attacks of those people did not break the defense of the summer, but now.
Now their attack is a weapon.
And it is still a sharp sacred device.
At this moment, the right hand of the summer punched and punched directly into the air. After the punch went out, an invisible force spread toward both sides, and then the two knives flying over the four handles were directly flew. .
boom! boom!
In the summer, the two feet will be kicked directly.
This is summer, his attack has no features, but it is so simple and rude.
The strength is extraordinary.
Summer proved his strength to everyone.
"Damn!" The Western Region duo stood up. They wiped the blood from their mouths and looked at the summer with resentment. At this time, they really wanted to swallow the summer.
"The rule that the world does not change is that the fist speaks, and whose fist is big, who has the right to speak. Since your feather family does not intend to talk to me for a while, then I will hit it little by little. You are willing to talk about it." After the summer, the body appeared directly next to one of the Westerners.
not good!
The person's face changed, and at the same time, another person bit his finger.
The ground smashed and the summer punched the ground completely.
However, another person has just forced him to be rescued, otherwise he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.
A large mouthful of blood spouted from the mouth of that person.
Obviously he also paid a lot of money just now.
"Let me down, take me, you are very inconvenient, you can rest assured, they will not kill me, I am still useful to them." Rain glanced at the summer, because there is her reason, summer is not just The speed has been delayed a lot, and in many cases, the attack and defense are all inseparable.
A ray of light rose from the ground and shrouded the rain.
Array method!
"From now on, no matter who you are, no matter what power you are, as long as you dare to approach this battle, then I will not do anything next, just stare at you, and my other people can not kill. Just kill you." Summer threatened directly.
His sultry but everyone knows, and everyone knows that he is not joking.
If someone dares to go, he will definitely stare at each other.
Although there are many masters here, they still have some hearts.
And they also understand that if you don't kill the summer first, then what if you catch the rain? When the rain falls, it will definitely kill, and in the summer it will be angry, it will only be more crazy.
The Western Region duo stood up again, and the two of them are now completely out of the previous demeanor.
"These two are not his opponents." Said sinlessly with no expression.
Feather Fairy did not speak, she did not worry to sinless, because if these two people die, it is also a good thing for her.
"What are you doing with these guards? Together, you must not let an outsider scatter in the field of our feathers." The saint shouted, and she also saw the pressure of her own Western Division duo, so she It is also directly ordered.
Although she is not a feather fairy, she cannot order the people here.
But she is right.
With so many guards here, naturally it is impossible to let the summer fall.
Hey! Hey!
Those guards also all attacked the summer.
boom! boom!
These people are not the opponents of summer at all. In the summer, they can see the weaknesses in them. They directly come to a weak click. Although there are many people, their attack method can not give full advantage.
And there are too many people, they avoid accidental injuries, and when they start to work, they are all careful.
Thousands of people were directly settled in the summer.
Hey! Hey!
The Western Regions duo also saw the timing and directly attacked the summer.
"Wait for a long time." The corners of the summer were slightly slanted, and then both hands grabbed the shoulders of both of them directly, and they squatted together.
The bodies of both of them were thrown out directly in the summer.
Then the summer's pointed to their bodies.
The powerful destructive force directly smashed the two of them out and hit them in front. The two men have been abolished. Even if they are not dead, they will definitely be seriously injured. In summer, they did not pursue it. Instead, they looked at the feather fairy: Still planning how to play? I will be there."
The people around were all shocked.
Summer is too calm, facing so many masters, and are top players, he is still so calm.
Even proactively provocative.
But everyone has also seen his strength.
It is really too strong.
Even the Western Division duo was beaten so easily by him.
At this moment, the innocence that has been silent has finally come out.
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