Chapter 6202: Mishan big head

"Oh?" The evil brow of Dongxie was wrinkled.
"Boss, his righteous father loves him very much, so he cares about him. He has an accident here. Then his righteous father will definitely go to Wu Lao Gui. When Wu Lao Ghost will sell us, so he The righteous father will also know that we are doing it. When it is time, we will find the door, and we may also engage in some small movements." The guardian explained.
Dongxie pondered for a moment, then asked: "Do you know the level and strength of Mishan Cave?"
"It's all fragments. He doesn't know much. He is now a Mishan hole now, but he doesn't know much. He can join the Mishan Cave. On the one hand, he is very strong, and on the other hand, because of him. The righteous father, his righteous father helped him to join him. He has not been to the Mishan Cave yet, and he knows very little about the Mishan Cave. He only knows that he will become stronger after entering the Mishan Cave. Even in the future, the identity will be more honorable, and there is nothing to want." That law has indeed revealed a lot of news.
But these messages are not useful for the time being.
Summer nodded slightly: "It seems a bit interesting."
"Do you find anything?" The wind crane looked at the summer.
"Well, I found a few points. First, the Mt. Cave is not only mysterious, but also powerful. Even they have the ability to make masters. How many masters have they built over the years? No one knows that they are accumulating power once it breaks out. When it comes out, it is very horrible, and that person said that once he joined the Mishan Cave, he would have the status and esteem according to what he might want in the future. This proves the ambition of the other party. In general, the Mishan Cave is temporarily exposed. The strength is much stronger than the holy gate and the ghosts," said the summer.
"Oh, this kind of thing is the most wasteful of my brain. I am too lazy to think." Feng Zhonghe said that since he has been with the summer, he has been asking the summer directly for anything. He is too lazy to think about those problems.
The only time I thought about the problem was that the seal of the last Ziyun man was broken, and I still didn’t figure out anything.
"Mr. Xia's analysis is very reasonable. Mishan Cave is really not simple, but this person is a scourge, killing is also a scourge." Dongxie said very depressed, if he kills this malt now, it will inevitably Suffering from the mad revenge of the other father, but if he does not kill the other party, then the other father will come to save people, and it is also a grudge.
In any case, the final situation is not good for him.
"I don't need to worry, I will wait here for the arrival of the other party. Since this malt knows less, we can only catch a person who knows more. His righteous father is so powerful. The position in Mishan Cave is certainly not low. We arrested him, caught him, and dealt with it well. As long as he spoke, everything would be easy to do. It would be impossible to keep secrets in the dense cave." Summer gave the East evil a reassuring look.
He knows what Dongdong is worried about.
"Thank you Mr. Xia."
"What kind of politeness, the other party must be delivered to the door, and of course we have to go on." Summer smiled, since it is already known that this Mt. Cave is not simple, then he naturally can not let go of the Mt.
"Boss, Mr. Xia, we heard that the kid's clothes are called big heads, it seems to be a nickname, but he also knows this name. He usually calls the other father." The guardian explained.
Big head!
When they heard this title, they had a black line in the summer.
How to say, that person should be considered a character, and the result actually has such a name.
At this moment, a message carrier fell into the hands of the East evil: "It is a reply from Genting."
"Oh?" Summer looked at the message.
"The person on the top of the cloud said that he is nearby, is coming over, and let you not go, he has something to discuss with you." Dongxie looked at the contents of the message.
"Well!" Nodded in the summer.
Genting is a good person. He has been working hard for the harmony of the Ziyun Mountains. Of course, the summer has always been very grateful to Yunding. After all, he really helped the green grass door last time.
"Boss, what about that person?" asked the guardian.
"First leave him a life, but you must strictly guard it. You must not make mistakes. In addition, let the people in the power spread out to me. Don't get together. If there is a big battle, give me the way to break the other side. "East evil commanded the road.
"The subordinates know how to do it." The guardian went down.
They are waiting for the summer and the East.
the next day.
Genting people will arrive.
"You are here." Dongxie said respectfully.
"Well, don't talk too much about nonsense. The person you caught is indeed a person from the Mt. Cave. My people will have to stare at him some time ago, but he is very embarrassed. He ran away, so I was caught by you. I have seen the news you gave me. This person is a breakthrough. Although I have not found this Mishan Cave before, I have never had the exact information of the Mishan Cave. So the enemy is dark, we are Ming, it is very unfavorable to us, but if we can catch the righteous father behind that person, then we have the opportunity to find the Mishan Cave. At that time, I will unite with other great supremes, and then summon all the masters, secretly secretly The cave is over." Yunding’s people obviously know that the situation is very urgent.
"Not very easy." Dongxie's brow wrinkled.
"Of course it is not easy, we are very likely to race against time, and the people who are looking for must be guaranteed. The masters in the Ziyun Mountain Range must have the other person's traitors, so when you want to start, you must be careful. And it must be fast, the speed of inspecting the traitors should be fast, in one go, otherwise it will be a time when the Mishan Cave appears, it must be a violent storm, and it is not necessary to kill many people at that time." The most feared by Yunding is that A disaster has occurred.
The calm of the Ziyun Mountains, he wants to guard.
"Let the superiors send." Dongxie said.
"In the summer, you and Mr. Feng are very strong. When you need to take care of you, and this time you must deal with the big head, we must be decisive. When we join forces, we can't let him escape, and I can't let him. There is any means of communication, and it is even more difficult for him to commit suicide. It is very difficult for such a person to catch it. He must not leak the wind. He has personally saved his son, and he certainly did not report it. To him, Mishan Cave will not know." Genting people clenched their fists.
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