Chapter 6464: Summer performance

In the summer, he shouted in the inside: "Retreat, retreat to the place where you just hided. I have arranged a lot of formations there. Now I can use it. When you kill the snow deer first, kill one by one, don't worry."

I heard the summer.
Wan Zi’s body also began to burst directly, and in the assistant of his brother and sister, he directly rushed out.
The summer array is also helping the iron man and vigorously retreat.
Both of them are also quickly retreating at this time.
The previous hiding place.
They soon ran.
But when they ran here, Wan Zi instantly turned around and killed the fastest one.
If you want to kill the deer, you have to kill these snow deer first, otherwise there is no chance.
Several of their attacks were also directly hit.
At this moment, a lineup appeared, and all the snow deer except the first one were blocked behind, although it could not stop for too long, but it was enough for these people.
The summer's formation will be completely tied to the first snow deer.
The iron man and the vigorous body also hit the corner of the snow deer.
The brothers and sisters broke the defense of the snow deer in an instant.
Then Wan Zi's double-knife opened the defense of the snow deer.
Blood flies!
They have succeeded.
At this time, Wan Zi also recalled the time when he started teaming with the summer. At that time, he reminded him whether there was any arrangement in the summer. What he said in the summer was that he had the habit of arranging the array when he went there. Thousands did not find the array, but did not say anything.
However, I still thought that summer was not reliable, but now I can see the pattern left before the summer, and he understands it because the array here has not been discovered before.
This time their mage is really making him very emotional, although he is also a person who has seen the big scenes, and he has seen more senior mage masters.
But if the overall performance and various aspects of the play, he believes that summer is definitely the first.
"Second head, left!!" shouted in the summer.
Now is not a time to relax, his formation is also constantly stripping the snow deer, want to separate them, but the same direction can not be used for the second time, otherwise the snow deer will also find, so this time is the left.
A few of their attacks also hit the snow deer on the left in the first place.
Summer is still using the array to assist them.
Without the aid of the summer array, they probably didn't have the chance to kill the snow deer, but now they have the opportunity to come. Since they have prepared everything for them in the summer, they will not relax.
The second fight!
At this time, they also played back and forth, but fortunately they have begun to gain something, not like the beginning, they can only retreat.
The third day!
Fourth head!
They are constantly stifling in the summer.
The stag deer is also looking at the time and is constantly charging.
"Don't worry about the snow deer, the mad deer is mad, his attack is getting stronger, and now we can retreat, you can open the distance between him and other snow deer, it will be easy to deal with him." Purple shouted.
"No!" shouted in the summer: "We can't live for a long time, we don't have time."
When I heard thousands of times, Wan Zi also reacted. Just now his battle forgot thousands of things.
"What should I do?" Wan Zi has always been the commander of the team, but this time, he is also somewhat confused, because he does not know how to do it now.
"Do you believe in me?" asked in the summer.
"Let's talk." Wan Zi asked.
"Iron man and vigorously look at my gestures and rush straight over, grab the double horns of the stag, and then use force, don't care if your strength is not big enough, the two of the family, trouble you to attack my left front 30 meters Position, non-stop attack, how many attacks and how many attacks.
Then I looked at Wan Zi in the summer:
You use the strongest killing trick to take out ten seconds after the start of the action, it must be ten seconds, don’t be early, also Don't be late."
"Good!" Wan Zi nodded, although he didn't know what summer meant, but now he has no other choice, he can only choose to believe in summer, and now, the performance of summer is always very good. .
Summer is also a long breath.
In the summer, a gesture was made, and then the iron man and the strong man also rushed out.
The body of the deer ran over.
Just when the iron man and the strong man want to catch the double-angle of the deer, there was a long rattan in front of the deer, and the rattan was hung directly on the front of the deer, but the speed of the deer was fast. The strength is also enough, and the rattan is directly shattered.
They understand.
Summer is to want to stumble the deer.
But this is obviously impossible.
However, they suddenly found out that when the stag was broken in the rattan, his body actually lost balance, and at this time, the iron man and the strong also grasped the two corners of the deer, and then forced I smashed the past.
The brothers and sisters of the family have already been attacked, and they have not delayed for a second.
And they are playing the same point.
Ten seconds!
Wan Zi has already prepared his own big move, he is waiting for the tenth second.
In the tenth second, he also attacked his attack.
There is a big mouth directly on the body of the deer.
Then they started a crazy attack.
The snow deer next to it also ran to support, but in the summer there were illusions and defensive arrays arranged there, and dragging them for dozens of seconds is no problem.
"Fast attack, we don't have much time." shouted in the summer.
The powerful stag is thus killed by them.
Wan Zi did not hesitate any more and began to deal with the body of the deer, but this time he handled it very quickly and made a few things. Iron Man and Dali are also fighting for time.
"Retreat!" Wan Zi shouted.
Then they drove straight.
He also sent a signal to thousands of people, and then they began to run non-stop.
Two hours later.
They stopped.
call! call!
Everyone is breathing in the big mouth.
They also escaped when they completed the task.
"You really succeeded? When I ran out, I found that the snow deer chasing me had ten fewer heads. I wanted to inform you at the time, but the situation was too crisis, and I had no chance." Wan Qian obviously did not expect They really succeeded.
This seems to him to be quite difficult to accomplish at all.
But seeing everyone watching the summer eyes, he seems to understand what.
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