Chapter 6682: Omniscient Tian Zhen

The identity of the red robe is really beyond his imagination. He envisions it even stronger, and he imagines it even more terrible.
I don’t know what to say in the summer.
"Kid, I think of it. The person who wanted you is the man of Jianzong, and can directly reward the ten stars. It is probably the person who needs him. It seems that there is a contradiction between you and him." Tian Zhen The old face reveals a mysterious smile.
"You seem to know everything!" Summer found that Tian Zhen really knows everything, although most of them seem to be guessed by him, but when he thinks carefully, he guessed it too accurately.
"Fortunately, I don't know everything, but if you get up with someone who doesn't understand anything, I should be omniscient." Tian Zhen said very casually.
He now thinks that summer is a pure white.
"Old man, since you know so much, do you know the specific way to upgrade the emperor?" asked Tian Zhen in the summer.
"Know!" said Tian Zhen.
"What is it?" asked in the summer.
"Of course it is the emperor crystal." Tian Zhen said.

Nothing else?
asked the summer.
"There are many ways to upgrade the emperor, but the best way is to emperor crystal. As long as you have enough emerald crystals, even if it is a waste saint, you can upgrade to the level of the emperor. Of course, I said It is enough of the crystal," Tian Zhen explained.
"How many crystals does it take to upgrade a best saint to the emperor?" asked again in the summer. He finally encountered a person who knew so many things. Naturally, he wanted to ask about it well. The more the better.
"General good sanctification, I am talking about the best saints of the best saints, I want ten crystals, but ordinary, that needs more, of course, the number I said is not an accurate number, because It is a crystal, not 100% can promote the holy device to the emperor, which also requires you to communicate with the soul in the holy device, so that he must resist the impact of the emperor, if he gives up, or can not help If it is enough, it can be upgraded. If it fails, it will lose 90% of its power. It is also said that if it has been failed, you need to collect ten times the number of crystals. Upgrade the top quality sacrament to the emperor."
Tian Zhen explained it very clearly, and even explained all the possibilities. When he heard these explanations in the summer, he nodded constantly. Although he didn't know what the old man was, he believed the other person very much. .
And he seems to know the difficulty of upgrading the device.
"Kid, don't think that the emperor is upgraded. I can tell you very much that this Tianyang City incident, you don't look so big, you may get tens of millions of people involved, and even cause a Huge hurricane and blood, but in the end there is only one emperor crystal." Tian Zhen said.
"One piece!" said in amazement in the summer.
"Of course, otherwise, the emperor is not running all over the street. Emperor Jing is very overbearing. It will be repelled with his companions, so if you put two pieces of emperor together, then there is one piece left. Either two pieces are smashed at the same time, so this kind of thing can not be put together together. When unearthed, there will never be two pieces." Tian Zhen explained.
"With such a big movement, so many people have been involved, only a piece of emperor!" Summer now finally knows why even Hong Feng said that upgrading the emperor is very difficult.
It seems that this is not a difficult problem at all. It is totally unimaginable.
"Summer, forget it, impossible." The voice of Hongfeng appeared in the summer of the sea.
"Old guy, do you think that if I go to grab the emperor, what chance is there?" The summer did not answer the red phoenix, but looked at Tian Zhen.
"How do you answer this question?" Tian Zhen asked.
"You are not omniscient? Then you talk about it, how many opportunities do I have?" asked in the summer.
"Normally speaking, if it is hard to fight hard, your chance is 0, but you guys, the chance is good, if you rely on fate, you should have a one percent chance." Tian Zhen said.
"Not low." He clenched his fist in the summer.
"Your boy is really going to grab it. Do you know that every time the emperor appears, how much blood and rain will be rolled up, how many people will die? I can tell you very responsibly, not to be a foreign person, say Tianyang City. The population will be reduced by at least one-tenth." Tian Zhen reminded.
"So much!" said in the summer.
"Of course, let's not say how dangerous it is in the end. It's just people's hearts. Don't try to figure it out. Many people think about taking the opportunity to make a fortune, and there are a lot of treasures in the place where the crystals are stored!" Tian Zhen said here. When I looked at the summer: "The most important thing is that even the Warcraft demon will come and snatch."
"Warcraft and demon?" Summer looked at Tian Zhen.
"The role of Di Jing is not only to enhance the emperor, if Warcraft takes it, immediately become a demon, if the demon takes it, immediately upgrade the level and strengthen the body." Tian Zhen explained.
"I don't want to have a melee at that time," he said in amazement in the summer.
"So I said that people who will die a lot, but fortunately, the location is not very close to Tianyang City, so Tianyang City should not be affected, but anyone who goes will be baptized by this cruel war. You don't want this thing to be simply a treasure, and when the crystal appears, it will evolve into a war." When Tian Zhen said it, look at the summer again: "Opportunity and risk are Coexisting, living people, will make a fortune, the price of medicinal herbs and weapons and hidden weapons will continue to soar these days, but after the end of the war, all kinds of materials, demon and treasure will be very much, as long as If you have money, you can take the opportunity to buy some valuable things, and then wait for the past few decades, or go to a farther city to sell, the money is definitely several times the profit."
"You are so economically minded, why can't you drink even the wine?" asked the summer.
"When you see it, I know, I am such a person, like alcohol, how can I wait for decades, if I have money, I will buy wine." Tian Zhen said.
Hearing this, the summer is completely speechless, and he has several second-level demon, but he has not used it yet.
"Right, old guy, in addition to being able to improve the strength of the demon, what role does it have?" asked in the summer.
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