Chapter 6699: Fish Road

The second trick of the archery.
Heavenly girl scattered flowers!
In a flash, six cold awns flew out.
It is also six snow feather arrows. Counting the previous one, it is already seven.
The strength of those few people is not weak, they are also rushing to resist the summer attack, and at this time they are also constantly retreating, but the person who just took the lead has changed his face.
He suddenly found that the bow that attacked himself actually changed from one to two.
Just as he was dodging, his arm was pierced directly.
"No, no blood, his wounds are frozen, and the ice is spreading." The man suddenly looked at him, his face was full of panic, because he did not know what would happen next.
He hurriedly opened the summer attack and quickly retreated: "Retreat."
"Is this going to run away?" asked the summer.
"Bad boy, our Liangzi is down, and our Yulong Liuxian will never let you go." The man who led the head turned and left immediately after he finished speaking.
"Yulong Liuxian? Then provoke me, let you become a jade dragon six ghosts." Summer said lightly.
In order to avoid too much consumption, he did not die with the other party, otherwise he would have left the other party all the time. The fighting power of these six people is more than one hundred and one hundred thousand.
Everyone's ability is not weak.
But for him, the problem is still not big. If he really wants to kill these six people, he will definitely be able to kill, but the consumption will be a little bigger.
"Jade Dragon Six Immortals are still a little famous nearby. They are the kings of the mountains. They are thieves, but the mountains they occupy are a blessed land and rich in resources, so they created the Yulong Xianshan and then directly from a mountain. The thief turned into a big force, but these six people from the bones are still the characteristics of the thief, have the opportunity to rob, run at risk." Tian Zhen went on and said.
"There will be no next time," said the summer.
As I walked forward in the summer, one person walked forward at the same time, and the two of them were in the same instant.
"Koala Swordsman!" Summer eyes swept away and found that the same person as his own pace, actually the 20-star sinner, Koala Juggernaut, at this time the other side also glanced at the summer, then quickly Rushing forward.
"Interesting." The mouth of the summer was slightly slanted, then quickly walked forward.
If you don't know the natural arrays here, summer is really going to dig holes directly, so you always run, you don't know where to go.
The more you walk in the summer, the more you cross the road, but every time he walks down according to the traces.
"The front is playing, it seems that there are many people." Summer quickly walked forward.
He saw that thousands of Warcraft are in the battle of hundreds of people. Although the number of human beings is not many, the strength of these people is not weak, and the one headed by is obviously a big deity.
These thousands of Warcraft met a big team.
"They are robbing the herbs." Tian Zhen's fingers turned to the corner that looked like a stone grass.

What kind of herbal medicine is this?
I took a look at the summer.
"Stonewood is a very precious herb that is used to refine the good things that upgraded Dan." Tian Zhen explained.
"Forget it, don't rob them. Although things are good, it is not worthwhile to offend a big deity for this thing." Although he is not afraid of these great deities in summer, he believes that each of these great deities is not easy to provoke, if true. If the tricks provoke these great respects, then there will be a lot of troubles in the future.
He has already had a contradiction with Ming Yu, and if he sinned a big sage, it is not a good thing for himself.
Anyway, I had a three-month agreement with Mingyu and I have been in the past for more than half a month. There are still two and a half months. In the summer, I will go to the end.
Of course.
If the other side is going to fight here in the summer, the summer will never be recognized, he will definitely not be polite.
Summer wants to go from here.
"Hey, friend, can you help me? Five thousand holy jade." The big shout shouted.
When I heard five thousand holy jade in the summer, I stopped and walked there: "First give money."
"Good!" The big deity was directly thrown to the summer five thousand holy jade.
After picking up the money in the summer, I also took out the snowy bow directly.
"Well? You are the field!" When the great deity saw the bow of the snowy area, it was a sudden glimpse. Obviously he knew the bow of the summer.
"Have you heard of me?" After the summer, the snow feather arrows in the hands also shot.
"Recently, you are very famous in the seventh district. How could you not hear it? Even the guy in Mingyu didn't dare to move you directly. This proves that you are a bit of a skill. It seems that the value of my five thousand holy jade flowers. This big man just thought that the person who can pass by here at this time is definitely not an ordinary person, and he does not want to wear too much here, so he wants to spend five thousand holy jade for summer help.
The result actually chose a master.
"Since you took your money, you will naturally not lose money." The summer body moved.
The second trick of the archery.
Heavenly girl scattered flowers!
call out! call out! call out!
In an instant, all the ten snow feather arrows flew out. After these snow feather arrows flew out, there seemed to be countless colds. The snow feather arrows penetrated the body of Warcraft and did not stop, but continued to harvest. And when I passed, I also flew out with blood arrows.
puff! puff! puff!
For a moment.
Seven or eighty-headed monsters fell to the ground.
"Not bad!" said the great master.
"This big statue is called the Great Road, and the strength is not very strong, but he is good at it, but he is careful." Tian Zhen reminded him in the summer.
"Nothing, the smarter he is, the better." Summer said faintly, the smarter the other party, the less likely he would be to provoke him. As long as he is not a fool, he will not provoke a person like summer.
Especially after seeing the summer's ability.
After half an hour.
In the summer and the great road of the fish, all these Warcraft were killed.
"Get it, I am leaving." Summer walked forward.
"Wait, Mr. Tian, ​​how about going with me? It is also a kind of care." Fish Road said.
"Walk with you? Is there any benefit?" asked in the summer.

The fish road is awesome.
Normally, if the fish path is to let others go with him, that person must be very excited, the kind of death, and everyone knows that with the big dedication, the road is definitely easier to go.
But summer not only does not appreciate, but actually benefits.
"Forget it." After the summer, I will leave.
"Wait, what good are you going to do?"
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