Chapter 6738: Counting the number of people [thirteenth]

This summer is very simple.
He just followed the other team's team, and when the other person's person was on the road at full speed, he directly shot the people behind the team, silently killing them one by one.
This kind of skill is very difficult.
And it was ready before the summer. Every once in a while, there was a place to explode, to attract the attention of these people. When these people move forward at full speed, he will kill the people who are at the end of the team. .
"You are dead!" The summer hand instantly blasted a man's Dantian, and directly wiped out all his movements, and quickly took his body into the Solo, even his spirits were in the same Time is in the middle of the sea.
Kill directly!
It is also very fearful that the remnant soul sees the means of killing other people's souls in the summer. What he fears most is that he is in a bad mood in the summer, and then he does it, but he actually thinks more.
Since he promised him in summer, he will not hurt him, and he will never hurt him. Even if he kills him in summer, it is simpler than moving his fingers, but he will never do it in summer.
In the summer, the hands of the hands are vigorous and vigorous.
Those people simply did not expect that some people dared to kill them quietly in the team, and even more unexpectedly, someone could kill people invisible.
Gradually, more than a dozen people were killed in the summer. He did not continue to move, but quietly retired from the team, and then used the space goldfish to go directly to another team.
It killed more than a dozen people and left in the summer.
This night, it seems so simple, summer seems to have no courage to kill them, as if it is just destroying.
"What?" When the poison boy gathered everyone, he just started to hear that he didn't get hooked in the summer, and then he heard it. Summer didn't seem to be hands-on: "Impossible."
"No, boss, the number seems wrong." One of his men said in a hurry.
"The number is wrong? Report!" The poison boy said in a hurry.
Then the teams began to report.
Then the two people who led the team were a glimpse: "Boss, we have 18 people missing here."
"We have fifteen fewer here!"
When I heard the two of them, everyone on the scene was a glimpse. The people inside the team actually disappeared silently. Is it because they are afraid of running away?
Do not!
It shouldn't, because there is no such thing as people before summer, they simply don't believe that summer can kill them in so many people, so they should not be afraid, nor will they die.
The poison boy has already understood.
His own people were quietly killed by the summer: "What happened? Are your two teams fighting with him?"
"Boss, we don't have it. We have been tracking each other all the time. Unfortunately, there are no traces at all. I didn't even touch him, let alone fight."
"Yeah, boss, we have been following the sound."
The two apparently did not know what was going on.
"How did the man disappear? Now you are looking for me. If the person is missing, there should be a body. Please get the body back to me as soon as possible. Don’t let the outside people know if the outside person asks. You said that there are not many people. If anyone finds out, they say that they are going out to do things, or they are timid to escape. Don’t say that they were killed by Tianxia quietly.
The poison boy thinks that this is very It’s shameful and has a big impact on morale.
So he didn't want to spread this out.
Its daybreak.
Everything was fine.
"Boss, not good!"
"What is flustered?" asked the poison boy.
"Boss, those who are missing are hanging at our gates."
"What?" The poison boy hurriedly stood up, then rushed out with a physical movement. When he got to the door, he also saw the few people hanging at the door. These people were too familiar with him. Those men, those who are missing.
He just announced to the outside that the few of his own men were going out to do things and ran away, and the result was hung here. It was just playing their own face.
He said that in addition to destroying some buildings in the summer, he did not have any harm to his people. He was already poor.
People outside the original are also guessing, is there really no way to deal with poisonous children in the summer?
But now the situation has arisen.
All of his missing men were hung on his door, but many people saw it, so the news spread quickly.
The poison boy's men are not dead, but they are already dead. Even he does not know how his own man died.
Summer really gave the poison boy a hot critical strike.
"Damn, mad at me, hateful, he dared to humiliate me, I must kill him." The poison boy shouted angrily, no one dared to do such a thing to him.
Actually humiliated him.
And his men are now a bit disheartened.
Who is not afraid of death?
When they didn't die at their level before, they probably didn't care, but just last night, their comrades around them began to die, and they died silently.
They don't want to die like that.
And their boss's poisonous boy seems to have no way to take the other side, which makes more people start to be disappointed, and they are now starting to leave the drug boy one by one.
"Come, come all my family and friends to my house." The poison boy made a decision at this time.
He has heard that several people ran with their family members.
Morale is low, the more people run, the lower they will be. In the end, even everyone will choose to escape.
So he simply did not do it, and he kept threatening them directly with his family, so they would not dare to run.
"Ha ha ha ha!" When he saw the news in the summer, he just wanted to laugh: "It’s an idiot. In this case, he completely loses the heart. He was originally a person who gained power through power. Now power is useless, and people collapsing is normal, he is not thinking about remedies, actually also caught his hands family, it seems that this time I was to let his team shattered. "
Other great respect when they heard the news, one is kept shaking his head.
Great respect for those who poison children's men heard the news, their heart is full of resentment, but they did not dare to say, their lives and their families lives are now in the hands of the big statue of poison children ah.
"Originally I thought it need more time to spend a few days, it seems, no access to, ah."
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