Chapter 6785: Memory spar

In the summer, the storage equipment in Gary night was very neat and the things inside were very complete. This storage equipment is also the best in all the storage equipment he has seen.
He placed all the things apart, and there was a partition between each item.
Although I didn't see how many holy jade there in the summer, I can be sure that the number of holy jade in it is absolutely broken. This is the wealth accumulated in the past few years of Gary.
Before he fled, he also quietly sold his family, because he felt that Howard might come to the door sooner or later, so he had long thought of running away.
And he is very selfish.
There are 72 wives in his family, more than 300 children, but when he runs, none of them are in charge, and all his family members have been killed.
He only cares about his own life and death.
"He put the precious things here, these are the demon, there are a total of twelve, these demon can also sell a good price." In the heart of the summer secret.
He was still guilty of money, but now he found that after he grabbed the storage equipment of Gary night, he instantly became a local tyrant. It can be said that he suddenly became very rich.
The summer is constantly breathing, and he feels that he is really developed this time.
"What is this here?" picked up a stone in the summer.
"This is the fire dragon crystal, precious refining materials, can sell millions of holy jade, and there is no price," Howard explained.
"What about this?" asked in the summer.
"This is jade crystal. If a newborn child wears a piece, the cultivation speed will be ten times faster than that of an ordinary child, and the foundation will be more stable. It is a rare material, worth about 700,000 yuan." Howard is well-informed. Although he doesn't fight in these years, he has been studying various things.
"Valued at 500,000!"
"Three hundred thousand!"
"Two million!!"
One after another, the summer's face is full of excitement.

What are these two?
In the summer, I saw a square of ultra-thin crystals with a bead next to it.
"This is called memory spar. It is used to memorize very important things. If there is nothing in this spar, you can sell five million holy jade, but generally this kind of thing records very important. Something, but there are hundreds of complicated passwords in this kind of thing. If there is no password, it is impossible to open the inside. If you try it many times, the things inside will enter the hidden mode, that is, two. Layer password, the more errors you enter, the more hidden passwords you enter into it. As for the beads, I really don't know," Howard said.
"Well, it seems that I have to go to the old man, but the old man is drinking too much now, then I can just play with the feathers." Summer is now rich, and the mood is very good.
His body began to move quickly.
"Damn, give me a pass, send all the masters of the feathers to me, search for this person all the time, and, give me an investigation, who is he, since it is a sinner, then there is a reward, this person I must die. If I investigate all the people who are related to him, I will arrest them all. I want them to die all the time." The manager of the feather family shouted in anger.
He is the most embarrassing person in the three major affairs of the Yu family. When doing things, he does whatever he can.
All along, only he is cheap, if he does not take advantage of it, then he will begin to destroy.
It can be said that his character, coupled with the identity of his family, is that other families are not willing to dispute with him, because this person has no bottom line in doing things.
So he has been overbearing for so long, but now, he obviously met his opponent, he met a person who is more overbearing than him, that is summer.
If the two tigers fight, there must be a wound.
And this injury must be him.
He fights with the summer, no matter how he fights, he will lose because there is only one person in the summer, and he has a whole family.
When he kills him alone in the summer, he loses a little.
Moreover, there are too many real estates in the feather family. Usually, when others see the brand of the feather family, no one dares to move, but the summer is different. Now, he is simply the nemesis of the family.
No matter what kind of family, as long as you meet him, it will not end well.
The first day comes down.
The thing that is done in the summer is very simple. That is, the shop that sees the hanging feather brand will carry those people to the past. Those people are all jealous of five million holy jade. When they are rushing, they are powerful.
So those shops have also been destroyed.
Once you see the feathers' own shop, the summer will directly rush in, destroy all the inside, and then let the things inside fly around. For a time, Skyfire City is chaotic.
Other families and families received this news in the first place. At first they were a little nervous, but soon they also eased because they found that this new mysterious man only shot the feathers. The industries underneath their family have not been destroyed at all, and the shops that hang their family brands are not damaged at all.
For a time, many small families and small shops that followed the feather family began to rely on other families. They also had to pay the money anyway, and they gave it to everyone. They didn’t want to be victims of the feather family.
Other families and families are also taking the opportunity to expand their own power, and all the shops with the feather brand are included in their own.
"Oh, is it that I haven't done it for too long? These people have forgotten my horror. Now they all jumped out and even dared to rob them." The manager of the feather family said with anger.
"Management adults, the other two things to invite you to go back to the matter, is an emergency summons." One of the men said respectfully.
"It’s really troublesome," he also understood, and the two guys had to train him again this time.
At this time, the summer has already been destroyed. He also returned to the pub, but now he is also switching to the summer, so even if the feathers are found, he will definitely not recognize him.
"Old man, can you see if this memory spar can be opened, and what is this round bead." Summer knows that Tian Zhen is well-informed, although Howard is also a supervised scene, but compared with Tian Zhen, It’s a lot worse.
"Oh? Actually it is a memory spar. It seems that there is very important news in it." Tian Zhen is also a bright spot.
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