Chapter 6865: failure

With the summer, Tian Zhen’s body is directly soft and there, and this kind of thing is really very big for him.
He has sent away one brother after another.
just now.
They only have six living beings when they are eighteen kings.
"Oh, it seems that we still can't escape the fate, but fortunately you are alive." Tian Zhen sighed and looked at the front: "What about his body?"
"The body is inside, he said that the corpse is for you to do, I did not move." Shake his head in the summer.
"Let's go, let's go collect the corpse for him." Tian Zhen said and walked inside.
Although one arm was broken in the summer, he did not have an urgent need to repair it. It was all skin trauma. Wait for a while and let him take care of it.
Tian Zhen came to the body of the king of the North Kingdom; "Sure enough, the situation is exactly the same as those of the previous ones."
At this time, Tian Zhen was really sad, and even felt like tears.
"Ha ha ha ha, old guy, are you sad because I am dead, so cry out?"
Just then, a loud laugh appeared.
Tian Zhen suddenly took a look, then he looked at the summer.
At this time, the face of the summer also showed a smile: "Although we failed, I have preserved the spirit of the seniors of the North."
"You guys." Tian Zhen’s face showed a smile of sadness. Just now he almost always shed tears because it was really sad.
"Old guy, to be honest, did you really want to cry?" The voice of the king of the North Kingdom was once again transmitted. Normally, the soul cannot directly make a sound, and can only communicate with the soul.
But the summer knows the sea is special, so the northern king of God can also use his knowledge of the sea to create sound.
"Going to you really makes me sad." Tian Zhen was very upset, but when he saw the North Kingdom God, at least the soul was alive, which made him relieved: "What happened in the end?"
He understood that something must have happened just now, otherwise the king of the North could not abandon his body. Although he is still alive, his body has been ruined anyway.
If there is a choice, who wants his body to be destroyed.
"Old guy, although we have failed, we know why." Although the North Kingdom God is now only left with the soul, but obviously he did not have the slightest low, but it was a little excited.
Because he knows the secret.
"What do you mean?" asked Tian Zhen.
"Or let this kid say it, this kid can see clearly." said the king of the North.
"Well, the so-called day robbery is the thunder and robbery. The first is the thunder. In fact, there is no lethality. If you can get through a few roads, you can accept how many thunders you can receive. The nourishment can make the body become harder. The seniors of the North said that his physical strength at that time was not as good as that of Wang Lin, but it was almost the same." Summer explained.
"Is it similar to Wang Lin? I am going, is this the role of thunder? The meat of the North is notoriously weak, but after the baptism of the thunder, he can actually have the same physical strength as Wang Lin, then he Not invincible!!" Tian Zhen said in amazement.
The former North King of God was most famous for attacking. His attack was extremely powerful. Similarly, his defense was his weakness, and his defense was very weak.
However, after the thunderstorm, the defense of the northern king of the gods actually became stronger.
Then, after that, the king of the North Kingdom became an all-powerful master.
"Awesome, the second power of the robbery is empty robbery. To put it bluntly, it is the air attack. Although we have not passed the past, I can be sure that if you can resist the air attack, you will definitely get the corresponding reward. At that time, the strength will increase, but we do not know, after the past, what is the strengthening," said the summer.
"Air attack!!" Tian Zhenyi.
"Yes, it is the air attack. There are a total of nine attacks. The first eight attacks are external attacks. We all passed away, but the ninth is an internal attack. It is an attack from the inside of the of the North Kingdom. Because of this, the North China predecessors failed to resist the final attack, but the final stage of the North China predecessors, the soul escaped, and entered my knowledge of the sea, it can be considered a life." Summer said the situation at the time come out.
The situation at the time was very urgent.
Every air attack doesn't know when it's specific, but every time it appears, the speed is incredible.
"Yes, the situation was too urgent. When I found out that the air appeared from the inside, I ran out of the soul for the first time, otherwise my soul was crushed by the air." said the king of the North.
"Nine roads robbery, nine roads robbery, is this the real day robbery?" Tian Zhen said faintly.
"Yes, old guy, although I failed, but I know the truth, you have to pass this news to other brothers, let them not go my way, as long as they are ready, smashed Air attack, then maybe it will be able to successfully rob, on the mainland, there have not been people who can successfully rob, our 18 brothers, now you are left six, this kid is not Simple, if you six can help him together in the future, maybe we can really..." The words of the northern king of the king said that when they came later, they disappeared again.
This is the vow they have ever sent.
"Well, we have mastered the first secret on the mainland of Heaven. No one has ever been able to successfully rob. If we can really succeed, if they let other masters know, they will be crazy. Tian Zhen understands that this big secret is unknown to anyone, because everyone who knows is dead.
This time because of the summer, they know this biggest secret.
A big secret that makes all the top players in the world scream.
This secret can even change the pattern of the entire Tianzheng continent.
"On the mainland of the sky, there are so many masters who can be robbed?" asked in the summer.
The masters who can rob the robbers, each of them must be at least the master of the 20-level emperor.
"Kid, don't underestimate the mainland, for so many years, there are quite a few people who have cultivated to the old monster level. Your strength is not enough now. Although you have a trouble with the Lan family, you are far from the real day. The mainland is still far away," Tian Zhen said.
"Old man, my strength is not enough, where can I improve my strength?" asked directly in the summer.
After the Battle of Lanjia, he was more eager for strength.
"There is a place to be, and that is a very interesting place, maybe your father is there too!!"
(End of this chapter)
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