Chapter 6964: Fairy

The reason why the Northern Kingdom God King chose the summer to choose here is that the people here are strong and have a lot of combat experience. On the other hand, there are often surprises.
Moreover, there are a lot of secrets hidden here.
This is the ancient battlefield, so there are always treasures, and for many years, it has not stopped, and new treasures will always appear.
The red robe is now going to the moonlight.
According to legend, there are also many secrets.
In fact, the gods of the North Kingdom have told the summer that there is a place where they have been there. The biggest opportunity has been obtained by them. It can be said that there are some small things, and it is impossible. Great treasures, and those who will find that they have studied for so long, and finally blank, they are equally depressed.
The main thing is that the of the North Kingdom means that there will be many crises there, so when you go there, not only will you not get anything, but you will send your life.
As for the land of wasteland, it is different here.
The land of waste soil is here.
Every year, outsiders come in, and there are often treasures.
As long as you are lucky in the summer, you may encounter any treasures.
"Heaven, do you find anything?" Yuan Xiaosan asked.
He now feels that this person in front of him is becoming more and more mysterious, and more and more makes him feel sacred.
At the beginning, he thought that in the summer, it was because Haishu introduced the disease. At that time, he did not believe this person very much. He just wanted to give Haiyan a face.
But as he became more and more in touch with the summer, he found more and more things.
But the more he found, the more he felt that he could not see the summer.
"No, I just feel the uneasiness in the air, maybe a new storm is coming," said the summer.
"What do you mean, the Rebels will come soon?" Yuan Xiaosan said with surprise.
"No, although the Rebels will not give up, but now the momentum of the coalition is still there. It is a very unwise decision to attack the land of wasteland at this time. The people of the Rebels are definitely not fools. It’s hard to get, if everyone is as stupid as a strong stone, then the army will not develop today.
Shake his head in the summer.
"Oh!" Yuan Xiao nodded at three o'clock.
"It’s really peaceful recently. Everyone doesn’t fight. I’m here too.
After the summer, he walked in. He did the same thing and tried to practice Dan.
For him now, the vertical bone alchemy really works, but he can only refine the bones to restore Dan, and the lowest level.
So the next step is to upgrade the level of the vertical bone alchemy.
"The next kind of remedy is to return to the lingering bones. After taking it, it will instantly restore a lot of heaven and earth aura in your body." When he saw the next kind of vertebral bone back in the summer, he was also very looking forward to it.
Although the restoration of the bones can restore some auras of heaven and earth, it only increases your own recovery speed, and it does not play much role at all.
However, if you use the vertical bones to return to the spirit, it should be no matter how much recovery speed you have, the vertical bones will make your body's aura a great recovery.
"Master, master, my remnant soul has recovered a lot, I suddenly thought of a big news." The voice of the remnant soul appeared in the sea of ​​summer, he sealed his previous memory in the remnant, so Every time he recovers some souls, he can think of some previous things.
"What?" asked in the summer.
"Scattered fairy, is a fairy, you give me the cultivation method, if you continue to cultivate, I will become a fairy." The remnant hurriedly said.
"Dissemination?" In the summer, I saw the remnant.
"The current level of cultivation in the Tianzheng mainland is the holy level, the emperor level (the infant), 20 products respectively. If you cultivate above 20 products, it should be a robbery, a successful robbery, that is the perfect stage, at any time. If you really become a fairy, and if the robbery fails, you will be transferred to the immortal. If you practice the cultivation to the end, you should be able to become a fairy." The remnant soul said very excitedly.

Is there really a fairy?
asked in the summer, according to his father’s stay, apparently he did not believe in the existence of immortals, and the immortals were only beautified.
And he is a terrestrial human being. The outer part of the earth is the vast universe, where the immortals come from and where they live.
"Master, I only unlocked some of the memory seals, so I only remember these, more, I have to think back, but the topic of immortals, no one can confirm, but your old friend, Tian Zhen, I definitely know some." The soul explained.
"Well, you continue to recover, maybe there are things, I still need you to explain it for me." Summer said. `
"Thank you for your master, you gave me the opportunity to be born again." The soul is very grateful for the summer.
"I just gave you a chance, but if I can hold it, I will see your own. I don't know how much difficulty you have to experience while practicing, but if you can't hold on to it at the end, then I can help. Can't you," said the summer.

Thank you for reminding me, I will continue to work hard. I hope to help my master in the future,
said the soul.
I nodded in the summer.
"Zilong, how are you?" In the summer, he began to ask Zilong. He had handed over the ancient dragon spirit of his seal in the sea to the purple dragon. The purple dragon swallowed the snake with the help of the small bug. Now, the overall strength of Zilong should have changed.
"Master, I feel that I am full of strength now, not only physically strong, but even the level has improved a lot. Now I should soon step into the ranks of the real dragons." Zilong said.
Many snakes, their ultimate dream is to become a dragon, some small dragons, the strength is very weak for them, but people born is the dragon, as long as they do not die, in the future will certainly grow to a very terrible realm.
However, they need to make innumerable efforts, and finally have the opportunity to evolve into dragons. If they can't evolve successfully, it will become a pain for their whole life, and cultivation will stop in a realm.
"Do you agree that you left behind the bug?" asked the summer.
"The boss did not restrain me, it should be that I can play for the master at any time." Zilong said.
When I heard the purple dragon, my face smiled in the summer. This time, the summer really stood up. With the mount of Zilong, what kind of master can still retain him?
(End of this chapter)
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