Chapter 7110: Red eagle in hand

Although he was well-informed, this incident made him very puzzled. No matter what he thought, he couldn’t understand what it was all about. Why did summer show such a big skill?
This is totally impossible.
If it is speed, he believes that the fastest person in the world can't have the skill of summer.
But if you say a transmission matrix, there should be no transmission matrix in this place.
"Adult, I heard that some people have the ability to transmit," said one of his men.
"No, if it is the ability to transmit, it takes time, and every time it is transmitted, there will be a lot of space fluctuations around it, but when he just disappeared, it is almost gone, there must be something wrong. "Yu Ji's brow is wrinkled.
"Adult, I don't think we have to worry about death. We Yulin Wei, I have never been afraid of death. If a person is a summer man, then they will all die. We must not let them go. So, we are a few people. Go to support the surrounding team, take the opportunity to kill those people, and then you take people to block the summer." One of the masters said.
Inside this team, the people of the 18th grade are not only Yuji.
There are many real masters.
The 12-level emperor is nothing more than an ordinary warrior.
"Alright, but must be fast, don't forget our true purpose, our goal is summer, killing him is our purpose." Yu Ji reminded.
Just before the summer and the summer, there has been such a situation.
This made him feel the difference in summer.
But he will not go to the summer.
He also knows that summer is definitely not easy to provoke, otherwise it is impossible to send him to personally.
"Summer, very good, I have done more than 18,000 tasks in my life, and I have never failed. I hope that you can give me more challenges." Yu Ji’s face showed fierceness.
He is a real killer.
"Boss, good cow." Dilong said excitedly.
"This is just the beginning, right, remember for a while, be sure to escape quickly, other people will go to meet you, don't fight again, their reinforcements will come soon, then maybe There will be a super master, once you are entangled, you will die." Summer reminded.
He is very clear about the skills of these people.
Although Yu Linwei did not have much harm to him, he completely restrained Yu Linwei, but the others were not alone. If they were attacked by Yu Linwei, they could not hold back.
Moreover, the number of Yu Linwei is very large. Once he is dragged, even if he is a master, he is a high-star sinner, and he must not be able to hold it because their opponents are too strong.
"Boss, I understand." Dilong nodded.
The summer body moved and disappeared again.
He went to support the wooden ghost.
"Boss, you are finally here." Although the wooden ghost is a ghost of attack, obviously, his luck is not good. In the team he met, someone can just restrain his ability.
So at this time his situation is very poor.
Now he is already panting.
Summer red eagle in hand.
A sword killed a few people who were about to kill the wooden ghost.
Directly broken.
Those few people were killed by the second.
"Good!" The wooden ghost is now a real experience of the summer. Before he heard a lot about the strong summer, but now he is really seeing it.
When he personally played against these Yu Linwei, there was a summer array of assists and he really killed some.
But very soon.
He felt the pressure.
Yu Linwei really is not a name.
He is also a real insight into Yu Linwei's power.
But at this time.
When the summer arrives here, killing these Yu Linwei in the summer is like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.
"Help me." In the summer, I saw the sneaky gods, and I was hurriedly reminded.
The reason why he just killed Yu Linwei in an instant was because the location was very good, so he could succeed. Now the wooden ghost has forgotten the assistant, and the people around him have all killed.
Even if the summer is Yu Lingwei's nemesis, let him directly face so many Yu Linwei, he can not help.
The wooden ghost is also reacting.
Hurry to use your abilities and delay those who come around to support.
The red eagle is in hand, the momentum of the summer is very strong, these people are in front of him, nothing is counted.
It is simply a blow.
"Together, I want to kill the summer." Yu Linwei around shouted.
"Want to kill me, you also match?" Several rounds in the summer, directly killing the nearby Yulin Wei, and then glanced at the wooden ghost: "Run now, go to join them, don't look back."
"Yes, boss." Mu Gui is now also very admired for summer.
At the beginning, when the summer said that five people had to fight 10,000 Yu Linwei, he still thought it was impossible, but he still trusted the dragon, so the dragon agreed, and he agreed.
But seeing the performance of the summer just now, he really believes in the summer, and he really thinks that summer seems to be able to do it.
After the wooden ghosts got out, the summer disappeared again.
Evil knife.
Summer came to the location of the evil knife.
When he came here, the evil knife was already full of injuries.
"How do you fight so much." Summer killed a few people around the evil knife.
"I can kill people at first, but I feel that I am not too cool by the formation. I am suicidal. But these guys are really difficult. After they are killed, they can kill a few people at first, but gradually, they will I almost pushed me to the dead end." Evil knife sighed.
He is a very direct and violent person.
"I remember it next time, don't be impulsive, wait for me to come, let's go first, hand it over to me." In the summer, it is also relying on the Xuantian government, the red phoenix and the red eagle in his hand directly kill.
The evil knife saw a summer and remembered himself. At this time, he really felt that there was no harm without comparison.
He was almost killed by these people almost now.
Come over in the summer.
A sword can sometimes kill a few Yu Linwei.
This is the gap.
On the surface, the sinners in summer are not much higher than them, and there doesn't seem to be much difference, but when they really fight against the enemy, they know how much they are.
"Stupids, this time, I will kill you next time." After the summer, the body disappeared directly into the place.
He is going to spend the next time.
When he appeared in the better position, he suddenly saw a glimpse of his eyes, and he looked at the flowers in front of him: "How did you do it?"
(End of this chapter)
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