Chapter 717: I do not go

The two policemen were surprised enough to see that his handcuffs were actually untied.
But the next thing became even more amazed. In the summer, I used both hands to take it directly to the boiling water bottle. Then I drank in front of the two people and saw the scene. Both of them were shocked. .
This is too horrible.
That is a Baidu's boiling water, but he actually drank himself.
The outside King Kong and his son also looked dumbfounded.
"Ah! Really quench your thirst." Summer said cheerfully.
"How is this possible?" The policeman looked directly at the water glass, and he found that there was really no drop left in the cup.
"You want water? Sorry, that's for you." The sound of the summer just fell, and a hot water was sprayed from his mouth.
Hot water sprayed directly on the policeman's face.
A scream called out from the mouth of the policeman, hot, at this time he could only feel hot, his face seemed to be burnt.
"Hurry up to save people!" King Kong hurriedly shouted. Two more policemen rushed in. One policeman helped the injured policeman out and the other policeman took over.
"Hey, this guy is a hard bone," said Jin Dagong.
"Hey, hard bones are here to give me honesty." King Kong did not believe that he could not subdue a hairy boy.
Inside the interrogation room.
"You dare to hurt in public!" The policeman took out his baton directly.
"I don't have it, it's the water he poured, I just gave it back to him." Summer said innocently.
"Hey, don't play tricks, and how is your handcuffs opened?" The policeman picked up the handcuffs on the floor.
"Oh, it was inconvenient to wear it when I was drinking water. I opened it." Summer said very casually.
When I heard the summer, the police suddenly watched the summer and could open the handcuffs in the summer. This is incredible.
"Take him two, I don't believe he can open it." Another policeman also took out a handcuff, and the two put the two hands of the summer on the stool, so that the summer could not move.
After the two men in the summer, their faces showed a sinister smile. One of them directly took a piece of cloth to block the surveillance. The other one directly opened the switch of the electric baton and went straight to the summer.
"Bad boy, don't you confess?" The man said to the summer.
"What do you think?" asked in the summer.
"You hurt people maliciously." The policeman explained.
"I don't have it," said the summer.
"It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine." The policeman took the electric baton in his right hand and went straight to the summer body!
The policeman suddenly trembled and the whole hair stood up, and then the body directly softened on the ground.
"What!!" Another policeman has been completely stunned.
Because the electric baton was in his hand in the summer, it was right, it was in his hand. In summer, his hands were free to move, and the handcuffs on his hands disappeared. After a closer look, it was discovered that the original handcuffs were On the stool.
"This. How is this possible?" The policeman's face was full of incredible!
In the summer, the electric baton in his hand was directly used as an dart on the head of the policeman. The policeman also fainted.
"The guy outside, change someone! Change people, these two people are too resistant to play." Summer shouted, at this time, the outside of the King Kong and the son and the two have no idea what to say.
"Damn, hateful! Get them out for me, and then the four of you will give me in." King Kong directly let the four people go in together, he does not believe that four people still can't make this guy.
"Bad boy, I just saw that you are very bullish, I don't know if you are afraid of bullets!" The policeman pointed the gun directly at the summer's head.
The gunshot rang and a gunshot came.
"I hate people pointing me at me." The cold said coldly in the summer.
My feet, my feet!
The man made a series of screams in his mouth, his feet were directly penetrated in the summer.
boom! boom! boom!
Then three shots were fired directly in the summer, and the feet of the three men were also directly penetrated in the summer.
Assault the police!
This is a police attack in the summer!
"Come, come over to me and bring me here. The person inside is a terrorist. If he dares to resist, he will shoot him." King Kong hurriedly shouted.
After King Kong rang the alarm, the police in the entire building gathered here.
"Hey, you four are not resistant to playing, hurry to change people!" shouted again in the summer, and he heard the sound of the alarm at this time.
The police rushed in and King Kong followed.
"Let the weapons in your hands, or I will let them shoot." King Kong said loudly.
"Oh!" The gun was thrown directly on the ground in the summer.
So simple is over?
Just now, Deputy Director Kim has sounded the alarm, but the other party did not even resist, so he surrendered directly.
"What are you doing? What are you doing?" At this moment, a majestic voice came from the door.
Hearing the voice of the Secretary, Deputy Director Jin immediately turned back: "Secretary, how come you are."
"Hey!" The secretary snorted and slammed the deputy director of Jin and then said to the police around him: "Is it all right? Is it right? Can you cancel this year's vacation?"
When they heard the Secretary, those people rushed out.
"Mr. Xia is right, I am here to pick you up!" the Secretary said in front of the summer.
"I don't go!" I refused directly in the summer.
Upon hearing the Secretary, the deputy director of Jin’s face suddenly became very young. He understood it. It turned out that this kid was really a big one. Even the director personally picked him up.
The Secretary was very dissatisfied when he heard the summer, but he remembered the above request and continued to say: "Mr. Xia, we have already investigated the matter just now. It is a misunderstanding. You are now free."
"You let me in, I will come in, let me go, I will leave? Then I am not very faceless!" said the summer to the director.
The secretary’s brow suddenly wrinkled, and he felt that the kid in front of him was a little shameless.
Just then his cell phone rang again.
This time, the mayor personally called.
"People must release it quickly."
"Mayor, I let him go, he doesn't leave."
"I don't care, I don't care what you do."
The mayor hangs up directly after speaking.
When he didn't wait for him to say something, his phone rang again. This time, he was called by the secretary of the provincial party committee. He saw the phone number of the provincial party secretary and he will pick it up.
"Put it right away, no matter what he asks, do it."
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